* Documentation improvements: `1291`_; Pablo Castellano. `1321`_; ge-fa. `1309`_; jesusbagpuss. `1349`_; Perry Stole. `1352`_, Jordan Sissel. `1384`_; Justin Kolberg.
* Testing improvements: `1320`_; Rob Young. `1266`_; Ryan Parman. `1374`_; Thiago Figueiró.
* Fix bug so fpm can now copy symlinks correctly (`1348`_; ServiusHack)
* apk: Improve performance (`1358`_; Jan Delgado)
* cpan: Fix crash when CPAN query returns a version value that was a number and fpm was expecting a string. (`1344`_, `1343`_; liger1978)
* cpan: Fix MetaCPAN searches to use v1 of MetaCPAN's API. The v0 API is no longer provided by MetaCPAN. (`1341`_, `1339`_; Bob Bell)
* cpan: Have perl modules implicitly "provide" (`--provides`) capabilities. (`1340`_; Bob Bell. `1345`_; liger1978)
* cpan: Now transforms perl version values like "5.008001" to "5.8.1" (`1342`_; Bob Bell)
* cpan: Use `>=` ("this version or newer") for package dependencies instead of `=` ("exactly this version"). (`1338`_; Bob Bell)
* deb: Add `--deb-after-purge` flag for running a script after `apt-get purge` is run. (Alexander Weidinger)
* deb: fix bug when using `--deb-upstart` would use the wrong file name (`1325`_, `1287`_; vbakayev)
* deb: New flags `--deb-interest-noawait` and `--deb-activate-nowait`. (`1225`_, `1359`_; Philippe Poilbarbe)
* dir: Remove a debug statement that would put fpm into a debug prompt (`1293`_, `1259`_; Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* dir: When using `path mapping`_ (`a=b` syntax), and `a` is a symlink, use the path `b` as the symlink, not `b/a` (`1253`_, Nemanja Boric)
* gem: Can now make reproducible_builds_ when building a deb (`-s gem -t deb`). See the `Deterministic output`_ docs.
* gem: Add `--gem-embed-dependencies` flag to include in the output package all dependent gems of the target. For example, `fpm -s gem -t rpm --gem-embed-dependencies rails` will create a single `rails` rpm that includes active_support, active_record, etc.
* pleaserun: Add more flags (`--pleaserun-chdir`, `--pleaserun-user`, etc) to allow more customization of pleaserun services. (`1311`_; Paulo Sousa)
* python: Add `--python-setup-py-arguments` flag for passing arbitrary flags to `python setup.py install` (`1120`_, `1376`_; Ward Vandewege, Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* rpm: --config-files can now copy files from outside of the package source. This means you can do things like `fpm -s gem -t rpm --config-files etc/my/config` and have `etc/my/config` come from the local filesystem. (`860`_, `1379`_; jakerobinson, Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* tar: Only create `.scripts` directory if there are scripts to include (`1123`_, `1374`_; Thiago Figueiró)
* virtualenv: Add `--virtualenv-find-links` flag which appends `--find-links` to the `pip install` command.
* virtualenv: documentation improvements (Nick Griffiths)
* virtualenv: Make `--prefix` useful and deprecate `--virtualenv-install-location` (`1262`_; Nick Griffiths)
* zip: fix bug in output where the temporary directory would be included in the file listing (`1313`_, `1314`_; Bob Vincent)
* Other: Remove unused archive-tar-minitar as a dependency of fpm (`1355`_; Diego Martins)
* Other: Add stud as a runtime dependency (`1354`_; Elan Ruusamäe)
.. _reproducible_builds: https://reproducible-builds.org/
.. _path mapping: source/dir.htmlpath-mapping
.. _Deterministic output: source/gem.html