
Latest version: v5.22.6

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[5.4.1]( (2021-05-17)

Bug Fixes

* Added warning for unshallow without --reset ([01abc56](
* Handle command execution failures ([dcdb15d](
* Remove PY2 compatibility code ([54d48f6](
* Revert print compatibility import ([753e36d](
* Show step titles while running operations ([096c2cf](
* Unshallow clone if update without --reset ([4cadf2c](

Performance Improvements

* Faster bench remove-app ([ebc3ceb](


[5.4.0]( (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

* add declarative config support for bench ([186ba28](
* change TEST_PYPI to PYPI ([4211f5d](
* create bench folder in user directory ([5c5d2b5](
* Don't break update if no sites exist on patching sites stage ([778fe6c](
* fail2ban help message ([fec8921](
* Invoke pip via python ([b0ccb6e](
* nginx proxy buffer ([7f9bed4](
* only fetch current branch ([895c403](
* only fetch what is necessary, simplify & improve grepability ([82173c1](
* only get the specific branch for version check ([0ff8ddd](
* Remove set-default-site from CLI ([ed3f2d2](
* Return repo_name if app_name doesn't exist ([aa1a1b9](
* serious bug capable of deleting apps path ([a1db48b](
* Update documentation for user directory ([294b399](
* Upgrade pip first ([1120]( ([17ef5da](
* use correct path for compiling py files ([b3a0757](


* Keep repos shallow if --reset is specified and shallow_clone is set ([66240e1](
* skip redis config during supervisor setup ([5cf1363](

Performance Improvements

* Remove ast from the import tree ([104efd3](
* Remove bench.config.common_site_config from the import tree ([c5d2fb9](
* Remove bench.config.letsencrypt from the import tree ([cab2d44](
* Remove bench.config.nginx from the import tree ([36e48c7](
* Remove crontab from the import tree ([e12717d](
* Remove crontab from the import tree ([2a4377a](
* Remove git from the import tree ([df773d4](
* Remove Jinja and PackageLoader from the import tree ([ad90d94](
* Remove multiprocessing from the import tree ([8527b10](
* Remove multiprocessing from the import tree ([ad37665](
* Remove requests from the import tree ([cc92584](
* Remove semantic_version from the import tree ([2df0bf7](
* Remove shutil from the import tree ([07ecaa1](
* Remove six.moves.reload_module from the import tree ([5d90346](
* Remove six.moves.urllib from the import tree ([6706b23](
* Remove six.moves.urllib from the import tree ([5525548](
* Remove siz.moves.configparser from the import tree ([6c0e1a3](


[5.3.0]( (2021-02-04)

Bug Fixes

* Run compileall in bench after update ([54e6bcf](
* wrong flag description ([e9c046d](
* **install:** Allow override of frappe_branch and erpnext_branch ([6a207ca](
* **install:** Helpful logging ([2c4659a](
* **playbooks:** Support wkhtmltox arm64 architecture ([d6d1b91](
* Allow bench src as root ([9d1f7a7](
* force renew on monthly bases ([7dcd5f9](
* Handle no args passed in CLI ([31e4aee](
* Install wheel during ansible setup ([61567be](
* Log in ~/bench.log if not running inside bench directory ([28302f6](
* removed force renewal as it would extend by 3 months every month, now the job runs daily ([408676c](
* removed patch ([87edc4e](
* Use NullHandler for commands executed outside a bench dir ([31f2999](
* utf8mb4_general_ci ([f2e7702](
* **install:** Install dev packages for Arm 64-bit ([df0562d](
* **install:** Obey --without-site ([608b28c](
* Add bench.cli namespace ([2f0b508](
* Remove src test ([b8ed4f6](
* Unpin setuptools, six and virtualenv ([03576d1](
* update letsencrypt renew cron frequency ([7a7b0fe](
* Update package lists and setup prereqs before setting up script ([550f55d](
* Updated command help and verbosity while setting crontab ([c9abac2](
* Use 'develop' bench if not specified! ([0ad4421](
* warning on pip reinstall ([d979751](


* better flag description ([9de383a](
* patch for older setups with wrong cron format ([1e97cdf](
* patch for older setups with wrong cron format ([097879e](
* pitch erpnext support to VM users ([137a78a](


Change Log
- fix: Show correct src of bench source (1055)
- fix: supervisor command does not require sudo (1054)


Change Log:

- fix: Update supervisord conf "better" ([1022](
- fix( Check if Py3.5+ before installing distro ([1049](
- fix: use remote_addr instead of user-defined header ip ([1024](
- fix: don't show warning message in developer mode ([1032](
- fix: run backups every 6 hours, rather than every minute per 6 hours ([1030](
- fix(playbooks): Use libssl1.1 for ubuntu >=18.04 ([1018](
- fix: ubuntu 20.04 easy install hang half way ([1048](
- fix: updated URL for MacOS guide ([1037](
- travis: Separate builds for setup, install script and tests ([1036](
- fix: Bump Nodejs v8 => v12 ([1043](
- fix(install): Show Debian 10 is supported, update MariaDB defaults ([1046](
- fix: maintain worker and worker.error logfile in dev mode ([1008](
- fix: trailing slash deleting apps folder ([1021](
- fix: populate bench.log via bench.utils.log ([1023](
- docs: re-link installation docs ([1009](
- feat: bench start --no-prefix ([1040](
- feat(playbooks): wkthmltox for Ubuntu 20 ([1019](


Our default branch, `develop` has had a few changes since v5.0. We've decided to push only bug fixes to `master` and all other updates will continue to be pushed to `develop` and branch `v5.x` will be maintained as **bench version 5 [stable]**

Major Updates:
* bench removed from frappe_sudoers

now `sudo bench` commands will require passwords. The current frappe_sudoers file will only contain `NOPASSWD` setup for Nginx related commands.

* supervisor runs as `frappe_user` by default

Here, `frappe_user` refers to the user under which the current Frappe environment is setup.

Change Log:

* chore(tests): drop PY2 testing for frappe > v12 ([992](
* chore: changed bench.utils.log API prefix ([964](
* chore: drop dead code ([998](
* chore: renamed project to match with PyPI ([961](
* chore: set apps to None by default ([973](
* chore: skip restart on bench setup requirements ([975](
* docs: fix readme docker section ([990](
* docs: fixed typo on running update ([968](
* feat(bench update): allow pull-only update on specified apps ([921](
* feat: check for newer versions on PyPI ([960](
* feat: faster bench ([967](
* fix(backups): setup backups for bench sites ([972](
* fix(get-app): allow ssh urls ([995](
* fix(get-app): update node requirements ([983](
* fix(logging): cleaner bench logs ([999](
* fix(playbooks): pre v5.1 compatibility for playbooks folder ([988](
* fix(playbooks): wkhtmltopdf checksum string for debian 9 ([969](
* fix: IUS release repo ([1004](
* fix: Message per app when installing node deps ([959](
* fix: add playbooks in the python package ([980](
* fix: don't run yarn install while setting up py requirements ([1001](
* fix: exit with appropriate return code ([1006](
* fix: install node modules only if package.json exists ([985](
* fix: remove bench and supervisor from sudoers ([955](
* fix: restart supervisord process after change in conf ([991](
* fix: show warning if bench is not installed via PYPI ([934](
* refactor: bench readme and rename license file ([958](

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