What's Changed
* fix: support single required app by barredterra in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1287
* feat: Resolve and install by Aradhya-Tripathi in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1257
* fix: Check for unauthorised status code in response by ChillarAnand in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1291
* fix: fixed org, branch for apps mounted on disk by Aradhya-Tripathi in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1293
* chore: remove VM links by ankush in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1300
* fix: Misc fixes by phot0n in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1294
* Get-app from port specific ssh git server by Zawala in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1299
* fix: case-insensitive matching by barredterra in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1305
* fix: removed unnecessary requests while removing apps by Aradhya-Tripathi in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1304
* fix: allow bench init with git tags by revant in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1306
* feat(remove-app): --no-backup, --force by gavindsouza in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1309
* fix: replace certbot-auto with certbot by dj12djdjs in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1303
* fix: Remove virtualenv dependency by gavindsouza in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1314
* feat(config): Add IPv6 listener to nginx site configuration by deajan in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1312
New Contributors
* ChillarAnand made their first contribution in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1291
* Zawala made their first contribution in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1299
* dj12djdjs made their first contribution in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1303
* deajan made their first contribution in https://github.com/frappe/bench/pull/1312
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/frappe/bench/compare/v5.8.1...v5.9.0