Hi everyone,
We have **merged** bench `v2` into master. Things can break. So, if you want to continue without disruption, you can change the bench branch to `v1.x`.
> Troubleshooting help at: https://discuss.erpnext.com/t/important-bench-version-2-see-this-before-you-run-bench-update/11352
What's new?
1. `frappe-bench/config.json` deprecated and merged into `frappe-bench/sites/common_site_config.json`. This will be done automatically on `bench update`
2. Some keys in `site_config.json` / `common_site_config.json` have changed, which will be changed automatically on `bench update`.
- `celery_broker` --> `redis_queue` with default as `redis://localhost:6379`
- `async_redis_server` --> `redis_socketio` with default as `redis://localhost:12311`
- `cache_redis_server` --> `redis_cache` with default as `redis://localhost:11311`
3. File names in `frappe-bench/config` have changed. If you get any error about config, run:
bench setup redis
bench setup procfile
if production setup
bench setup supervisor
bench setup nginx
4. Multi-bench setup
- Assumes all benches are installed in parallel, i.e. `some-folder/frappe-bench-1`, `some-folder/frappe-bench-2`, etc.
- On `bench init`, loops through all benches' configuration and sets unique ports for `webserver`, `socketio` and various `redis-server`
- `bench setup production` creates symlinks of nginx and supervisor with the bench's name
5. Other improvements
- A new installer using ansible (WIP) - for now creates development setup
(production setup yet to be implemented)
- Test cases for bench and refactored code
- Nginx `https` config auto-redirects `http://` to `https://`