
Latest version: v3.4.1

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* [x] 1116 Consume jnats 2.4.6

* [x] 1117 Initialize ephemeralProperties in NewFContext

Notes created on Thursday, May 16 06:24 PM UTC


* [x] 1081 go/java server event handlers

Notes created on Monday, May 13 02:37 PM UTC


* [x] 1111 INFENG-8001 Fix build
* INFENG-8001 Fix frugal build

Notes created on Tuesday, April 30 01:16 PM UTC


* [x] 1109 dart: Fix constant set type parameter

Notes created on Monday, April 22 06:06 PM UTC


* [x] 1105 dart: Use const for simple constants

* [x] 1107 java: Explicitly handle NoHttpResponseException

Notes created on Tuesday, April 16 06:10 PM UTC


* [x] 1097 Allow setting the stop timeout for stopping a FNatsServer

* [x] 1098 Wait for unsubscribes to finish before shutting down executor service.

* [x] 1100 Update jnats to 2.4.3

Notes created on Wednesday, April 10 03:36 PM UTC

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