
Latest version: v3.4.1

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* INFENG-7682 Bump frugal version in dependent libraries to frugal 3.1.1
* [x] 1094 Java: Point to artifactory pro

* [x] 1095 jnats 2.4.2

Notes created on Monday, March 25 05:16 PM UTC


* [x] 1089 java: Improve logging of response buffer overflow

* [x] 1090 don't use setter method to set dart default values in the constructor

* [x] 1091 java: Suppress Generated by default

Notes created on Wednesday, March 20 02:28 PM UTC


* [x] 1084 Infeng-7520: Update jnats to latest version 2.4.1 in frugal
* INFENG-7520 Update jnats to latest version 2.4.1 in frugal

Notes created on Friday, March 08 09:46 PM UTC


* [x] 1085 Revert

* [x] 1086 Tornado correct exceptions

Notes created on Thursday, February 28 05:42 PM UTC


* [x] 1079 bump nats core pool size

Notes created on Monday, February 11 01:36 PM UTC


* [x] 1047 Infeng-6366: amazon mq frugal transport
* INFENG-6366 go activemq frugal transport
* [x] 1071 ActiveMQ transports for go, java and python asyncio

* [x] 1048 Java jms transport

* [x] 1055 INFENG-6369: python asyncio activemq frugal transport
* INFENG-6369 python asyncio activemq frugal transport
* [x] 1065 Infeng-6845: Add Frugal examples/skynet tests for activemq (stomp) transport
* INFENG-6845 Add Frugal examples/skynet tests for activemq (stomp) transport

Notes created on Friday, February 01 07:41 PM UTC

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