
Latest version: v3.4.1

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* [x] 1075 fix null check

Notes created on Wednesday, January 16 07:16 PM UTC


* [x] 1040 PLC-9 Dart: remove extra _isset_X fields
* PLC-9 Reduce size of frugal generated output
* [x] 1066 Update to messaging-docker-images 0.0.29

* [x] 1068 fix pr to master should fail

* [x] 1069 Update to messaging-docker-images 0.0.30

* [x] 1070 dart: Use timeoutThreshold to set http timeout

* [x] 1072 INFENG-6986 update docker image and use nobody user in dockerfile
* INFENG-6986 Update messaging docker image in frugal

Notes created on Thursday, January 10 05:41 PM UTC


* [x] 1057 Dart: Allow dart 2, generate dart 2 compatible code

Notes created on Monday, December 10 10:06 PM UTC


* [x] 1060 Improve performance of _transfer method in FByteBuffer

Notes created on Friday, December 07 09:48 PM UTC


* [x] 1050 INFENG-6690: GopherJS Compile Target
* INFENG-6690 GopherJS Compile Target

Notes created on Thursday, December 06 05:13 PM UTC


* [x] 1035 Infeng-6076: Upgrade java-nats client in frugal
* INFENG-6076 Upgrade java-nats client in frugal and messaging-sdk
* [x] 1037 use correct name to check for new prefix

* [x] 1038 Dart: fix warnings in dart compilation

* [x] 1041 Cleanup old build files

* [x] 1043 add back branch env vars in docketfile

* [x] 1044 Revert "Infeng-6076: Upgrade java-nats client in frugal"
* INFENG-6076 Upgrade java-nats client in frugal and messaging-sdk
* [x] 1045 Updates PR Template

* [x] 1046 Read Me: added example of deprecate syntax

* [x] 1049 INFENG-6661 java: log exceptions from users callbacks in nats subscriber transport
* INFENG-6661 java fnats transport should log callback errors
* [x] 1054 Python: Use file logger for processor exceptions

Notes created on Wednesday, November 28 03:53 PM UTC

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