
Latest version: v1.8.0

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- Render the related items of meeting objects.



- BugFix: Show "related_items" instead of "relatedItems" in meeting item listing.

- Also export references of meeting item on zip export on a meeting.



- Fix save_as_pdf view. _parent seems to be an existing method with security declaration.

- Add special preview View for ftw.workspace preview.

- Don't allow file upload.



- 1.4.10 was meant to be a feature release, since it has some features included.
So this is the new feature release.

- Ignore removed users in PDF.

- Fix ftw.zipexport integration: make it optional on ZCML level.



- Add zipexport for meetings

- Add functionality to save meeting as pdf without downloading it.



- Increase height of meeting item fields.

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