
Latest version: v1.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Replace jq by $.

- Use local text formatting command \textbf instead of {\bf }.



- Use safe-html-transform for textfields (Secure audit).

- PDF: handle empty field value conversion.

- Workspace details PDF: do not show empty listings.

- Start date can not be set after end date anymore.
[Julian Infanger]


Not secure

- Improved meeting item css and markup.
[Julian Infanger]

- Fix translation (vcal -> ical).

- Move start/end date after title.

- Only auto-fill end_date if end_date is no set.


Not secure

- Disable setting default page for Meeting and MeetingItem.
Those types are not normal folders and setting the default page is therefore not common.

- Remove base_view from allowed Meeting views.



- Task PDF: increase width of status column.



- PDF: Fix newlines in task listing table.

- PDF: Support contacts or other objects as responsibility of tasks.

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