
Latest version: v1.8.0

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- Update French translations.



- Fix getting related tasks on for task latex listing.



- Fix PDF rendering of meeting item's related items.
Remove manually footnotes with \url and use standard <a> tag converter.



- Rewrite meeting latex view tests (No mocking anymore).

- Plone 4.3 compatibility (imports and jQuery).

- BugFix: meetingitem listing use getURL instead of absolute_url.
ContentRelatedItems returns brains.

- BugFix: also apply the prev. fix for the meetingitem.

- BugFix: meeting latex shows id instead of fullname.



- Implement Products.DataGridField 1.9 compatibility.
(use label instead of title -> https://github.com/collective/Products.DataGridField/blob/1.9.0/Products/DataGridField/SelectColumn.py#L26)



- Fix generate meeting from poodle js.
- Replace jq with $.

- Add div-element arount ics export for better css selectors

- ContentRelatedItems was deprecated in Plone 4.0.10 and removed aprox. in 4.2
Use the method defined the related content viewlet.

- Add permissionmapping for ftw.lawgiver

- Fix JS toggling of meeting content.

- Avoid exception with PDF generation if 'head_of_meeting'
(or another field that uses a vocabulary) is empty.

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