
Latest version: v1.6.0

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- Participants: fix table layout for read-only users.

- Participants: hide users without roles.
This can happen when inheriting the Owner, because inherited Owner
roles are removed.



- Fix some grammar mistakes in translations.

- Do not encode from address only name.



- Show inherited roles on participants tab.

- Make sure the participation-tab has no manipulation control elements
if IParticipationSupport is not active.

- The participants-tab now also works without IParticipationSupport (read only).



- When allow_multiple_roles is disabled, the Reader role should
not be added to the selected role as default role, since it
does not make sense to have multiple roles in this case.



- Add possibility to change the roles thru the participants view.



- Fix view-registrations if accessing e.g. on subsites.

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