
Latest version: v1.6.0

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- Fixed typo in translation.
[Julian Infanger]

- Fix redirect to login form when hitting invitations anonymously.



- Added class for button in participants tab.
[Julian Infanger]



- Use fieldsets for a better ui experience.

- Some german translations.



- Fixed javascript to select and deselect all checkboxes.
[Julian Infanger]

- Added default classes to buttons in invitations view, so they are styled in theme.
[Julian Infanger]

- Extend invitation send message by email addresses.

- Accept view: add optional argument for disabling the redirect.
This is necessary when the view is called in another process, such as registration.

- Fix redirection loop: redirect to root when there are no invitations.



* Fixed unicode-error in email header.



* Fix setters roles method, for old invitations without roles attr.

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