
Latest version: v1.6.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Encode Mailheaders correctly.



- Make participants view available for normal users.
The view removes the management UI (invite / remove participants) when
the user has not enough privileges.
The link to the participants view is still protected, a link can be placed
on integration level when needed.

- Add French and English translations.

- Update German translations.

- Add dexterity support.



- Owners cannot be removed with the participants view.



- Fix unicode decode error on participants view.



- Participants view: show the invitors fullname instead of his id.



- Add possibility to remove pending invitations on participants view.

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in participants listing.

- Set roles field on invitation form to required if multiple roles is disabled.

- Allow granting "Reader" role when single roles is configured.

- Possibility to configure if only one or multiple roles can be passed
on invite form.

- Remove unnecessary informations on participants view,
add better description

- Open invite form in a overlay.

- Show all participants and pending invitations on participants

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