- Add ftw.labels filtering support to catalog source. [jone]
- Removed left over closing multiline comment from 33 in ftwtable.extjs.js. [lgraf]
- Implement uninstall profile. [deif]
- Replace multiline JS comments with single line ones to prevent minification issues. [lgraf]
- BugFix: Prevent scroll on row selection. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Fix readable_date_text helper, if there is no valid date like the init value of a Archetype DateTimeField (EffectiveDate returns 1000/01/01). [mathias.leimgruber]
- Add English translations. [jone]
- Cleanup tests. Remove all mocktests and replace them with integration tests [elioschmutz]
- Update readable_author method. It now links the readable author just:
1. if a the author really exists 2. if a user is logged in 3. as an anonymous users if the allowAnonymousViewAbout-property is true
- Fixes IE9 bug where content grows when hovering over dynamically generated content. See http://blog.brianrichards.net/post/6721471926/ie9-hover-bug-workaround for details [Julian Infanger]