
Latest version: v1.22.0

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- Plone 4.3 compatibility: fix imports.

- Fix "linked" helper, pass href as attribute.

- Fix javascript order in ExtJS profile (this time for real).
Not only does ftwtable.extjs.js need to be loaded after jquery.ftwtable.js,
but also jquery.ftwtable.js after ExtJS (collective.js.extjs-resources/js/ext-all.js).

- Fix javascript order in ExtJS profile.

- Support for "hidden" key in column definitions (dict).

- Support for "sortable" key in column definitions (dict).

- Modify link helper - show icon only.



- Fixed base url getter, when the url doesn't ends with a slash.



- Adjust javscripts: Use $ instead of deprecated jq.

- Increase extjs timeout from 0.5 to 2 minutes.

- Use the base tag instead of the `kss-base-url` rel tag to get the base url.



- Fixed decoding errors in the readable_author helper.

- Added zcml condition for extjs profile.
[Julian Infanger]

- Improve the dummy-column hack for improving the resize handle size of the
last column.

- Ext JS: remove forceFit support (stretching column width) because we are now
able to define the column width in the definition, which is a more accurate

- Support for defining column widths in dict-style columns using keyword "width".



- Add a link() helper for creating a configured helper on the fly.



- Javascript: optimize reload table so that it does not make unecessary requests.

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