
Latest version: v1.22.0

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- Adjust comment in ITableSource inteface.

- Reduce duplicate request when using with tabbedview in non-extjs mode.



- Remove registerPackage directive.



- Improve spinner integration with tabbedview, use new helper functions.

- Fix extjs bug when switching between listing tabs and non-listing with tabbed view.



- Fixed helpers, so they works with solr flares.
[Julian Infanger]

- Get portal_url in helpers with getToolByName
[Julian Infanger]

- Icon helper should not return a image if no icon is defined for this type.
[Julian Infanger]



- Fixed stray single-quote in path_checkbox and path_radiobutton helpers

- Show contenttype class in linked-helper if there is no icon for this type.
[Julian Infanger]

- Add extjs reset_grid_state function.



- removed contenttype span tag for sprites.

- Adjust different helpers: Made sure the tag content, and tag titles are correctly escaped.

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