
Latest version: v2.1.2

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- Fix error in z3cform choice collection widget when using paths.



- Add a z3cform choice collection widget.
This is used for z3cform List fields with Choice value_type.

- Add select field node wrapper with methods for getting available options.



- browser.open(data): support multiple values for the same data name.
The values can either be passed as a dict with lists as values or as
a sequence of two-element tuples.



- Fix browser.url regression when the previous request raised an exception.



- Make NoElementFound exception message more verbose.
When a `.first` on an empty result set raises a NoElementFound
exception, the exception message now includes the original query.



- Fix browser cloning regression in autocomplete widget "query".
The cloned browser did no longer have the same headers / cookies,
causing authenticated access to be no longer possible.

- New browser.clone method for creating browser clones.

- Update standard page objects to accept browser instace as keyword arguments.
This makes it possible to use the page objects with non-standard browsers.

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