- New browser.base_url property, respecting the <base> tag.
- New browser.debug method, opening the current page in your real browser.
- New browser.on method, a lazy variant of browser.open.
- New browser.reload method, reloading the current page.
- Improve requests library support:
- Support choosing requests library, make Zope app setup optional.
When no Zope app is set up, the ``requests`` library is set as default,
otherwise ``mechanize``.
- Support form submitting with requests library.
- Improve login and header support for equests library requests.
- Add browser.cookies support for requests library requests.
- Use requests library sessions, so that cookies and headers persist.
- Automatically use "POST" when data is submitted.
- Login improvements:
- Support passing member objects to browser.login().
The users / members are still expected to hav TEST_USER_PASSWORD as password.
- Refactor login to use the new request header methods.
- Add request header methods for managing permanent request headers:
- browser.append_request_header
- browser.replace_request_header
- browser.clear_request_header
- Refactor Form: eliminate class methods and do not use the global browser.
This improves form support when running multiple browser instances concurrently.
- Form.field_labels (class method) is now a instance property and public API.
- Form.find_widget_in_form (class method) is removed and replaced with
Form.find_widget (instance method).
- Form.find_field_in_form (class method) is removed and replaced
Form.get_field (instance method).
- Form.find_form_element_by_label_or_name (class method) is removed and replaced
with browser.find_form_by_field.
- Form.find_form_by_labels_or_names (class method) is removed and replaced with
- New Form.action_url property with the full qualified action URL.
- Fix form action URL bug when using relative paths in combination with
document-style base url.
- Fix wrapping input.label - this did only work for a part of field types.
- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in node string representation.