
Latest version: v2.1.2

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- HTTPError: include code and reason in exception. [jone]
- Docs: Fix wrong expect_http_error argument names. [jone]



- Docs: swith to RTD, update URLs. [jone]
- Docs: Switch to RTD Sphinx theme. [lgraf]



- Forbid setting of "x-zope-handle-errors" header. [jone]
- Add an option ``browser.exception_bubbling``, disabled by default. [jone]
- Mechanize: no longer disable "x-zope-handle-errors". [jone]
- Introduce ``browser.expect_http_error()`` context manager. [jone]
- Add an option ``browser.raise_http_errors``, enabled by default. [jone]
- Raise ``HTTPClientError`` and ``HTTPServerError`` by default. [jone]
- Introduce ``browser.status_reason``. [jone]
- Introduce ``browser.status_code``. [jone]



- Make ``zope.globalrequest`` support optional. [jone]
- Add testing layers for setting the default driver. [jone]
- Add ``default_driver`` option to the driver. [jone]
- Refactoring: introduce request drivers. [jone]



- Add Support for Button tag. [tschanzt]
- No longer test with Archetypes, test only with dexterity. [jone]
- Support latest Plone 4.3.x release. [mathias.leimgruber]



- Declare some previously missing test requirements.

- Declare previously missing dependency on zope.globalrequest (introduced in 35).

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