
Latest version: v0.5.9

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[0.5.9]( (2024-07-29)


- Funix now parses the `docstring` of your function as a description of the app and its arguments.
- Initial support for jupyter through a simple `iframe`.
- It is now possible to use the `List[Literal[...]] ` type to create dropdown menus.
- The `whitelist` and `example` can be dynamically updated by functions.

Bug Fixes

- disable close on select and check value for docstring (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- only legal widgets in the docstring will be processed (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- close pyplot (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- class function do not use new app (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- use inline code for stderr (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- multiple apps in `funix_class` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- keep dict order (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- resize in options (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- class menu and `push_counter` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- isolate data with Flask instances (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- handle `list` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- typing issues of funix() (, luochen1990) <!-- 1721007695.0 -->
- allow wrapped function (, yazawazi) <!-- 1722211066.0 -->
- remove `.env` file (, yazawazi) <!-- 1722211066.0 -->
- check dataframe argument in the request (, yazawazi) <!-- 1722211066.0 -->
- add `pagination` in `DataGrid` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1722211066.0 -->


- support docstring in runtime ast (, yazawazi) <!-- 1716012258.0 -->
- support iframe with jupyter (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- do not use `Autocomplete` for `TextField` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- support `List[Literal[...]]` for dropdown menu (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- support docstring for widgets (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- parse label in docstring (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- direct printing is supported for tuples (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- support ipywidgets Image, Video and Audio (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- add `encoding` and replace `stderr` for ws (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- remove pandera (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- remove pandera in `bioinformatics` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->
- add callable whitelist and example (, yazawazi) <!-- 1722211066.0 -->


- short function name (, yazawazi) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->


- update chatGPT examples (, forrestbao) <!-- 1721007546.0 -->


[0.5.8]( (2024-05-17)


This release brings some fixes and documentation changes:

- Important Fixes: Form Height, CORS Requests, Secret Authentication
- Now for dependencies, `matplotlib`, `mpld3`, `pandera` and `pandas` become mandatory.

Bug Fixes

- minHeight in datagrid (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- cors request (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- ai examples and path_difference (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- secret error (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->


- add install options (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- fix install and add cn (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- fix code block (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- add more build (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->


- make matplotlib and pandas in dependencies (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- build frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- make examples work (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->
- replace `funix.hint` with `IPython` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1715952704.0 -->


There are no feature updates or logic fixes compared to Funix 0.5.6. Only dependencies have been fixed.


[0.5.6]( (2024-04-21)


- You can now dynamically fetch variable as description from session, use `session_description` argument, fill your variable name in session
- Provide a new boolean parameter: `keep_last`, whose function is to keep the last inputs and outputs of the session in the function page when it is opened again
- Funix app that do not have a default function will now use one of the functions used in the list as the default function
- Outdated hints will now be displayed when previewing historical functions

Bug Fixes

- asynchronous optimization for `FunixFunction` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- if `log_level` is off, do not show (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- `call` module name (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- error websocket in https (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->


- support description from session (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- frontend history optimization (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- support keep last (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- remove `react-pdf` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- auto choose default function (first function in list) (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- support outdated alert (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->
- change webcam and microphone position (, yazawazi) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->


- update theme examples (, forrestbao) <!-- 1713689410.0 -->


[0.5.5]( (2024-02-28)


- Initial implementation of autorun allows the frontend to automatically re-run the function as parameters are changed, you can use `autorun=True` in the decorator to enable this feature
- Once again, any function or class will be decorated with `funix` or `funix_class` (default `lazy` is back again), which you can turn off with `funix(disable=True)`
- Now allowed to generate static images directly from the Figure type (if mpld3 doesn't work for you) by using `figure_to_image=True` in the parameter of the decorator
- `IPython.display.Javascript` is now supported
- You can now customize widgets with `widgets` and `props` in the widgets and theme
theme = {
"widgets": {
"widget": "WidgetComponent, e.g. 'mui/material/TextField'",
"props": {
props for the widget
"type": "password"

- The privacy message can now be updated with `` function

Bug Fixes

- use `getsourcefile` to check member (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- custom class error (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- privacy requests too much (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- backend check in privacy (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- theme custom component parser (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- do not change width in the frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- no wrap for grid (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- circular import (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- lists use wrong app and wrong value in `process_examples_and_whitelist` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- cell doesn't working (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- raw `draw_figure` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- tuple args parse (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- `IPython.display` check (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- `IPython.display` check in list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->


- support both sqlite and JSON Lines for telemetry (, Colerar) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support autorun (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- remove `lazy` again (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support figure to image (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- disable log by default (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support `IPython.display.Javascript` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support update privacy message (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- try to support custom components (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support custom components in `widgets` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- support custom components and props in `widgets` and `theme` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- user management example (, Colerar) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->


- clean up examples and README (, forrestbao) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- update README with new examples (, forrestbao) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->


- log and do not log (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- sort code and partial split of decorator logic (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->
- split decorator logic (, yazawazi) <!-- 1709118263.0 -->


[0.5.4]( (2023-12-23)


- Fixed issue where external scripts could not be loaded due to security checks in DOM updates
- For users using `funix_class`, the AST is now used to parse the source code
- docstring is now used as a function description
- HTML code now allows developers to embed JavaScript
- Improved error message when limiter limit is exceeded and class is not initialized
- Added `reactive` parameter to help update/calculate parameters in real time
- For parameters such as `label`, the `*`, glob or regex are now supported
- Camera (picture or video) and microphone inputs are supported on the front end

Bug Fixes

- remove `get_class_source_code`, use full ast analyse (, yazawazi) <!-- 1701301726.0 -->
- external scripts load (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- docstring bug (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- markdown list in toc (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- run script in HTML type (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- do not update when function has no reactive (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- improve class init error message (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- replace UTC with timezone (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->


- support docstring as description (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- support label in sheet (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- sort string in list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- support "*" syntax sugar (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- support "*" in label (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- support glob and regex as key (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- add wordle example (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- try to support reactive argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- better rate limit error display (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- add empty function list check (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- if Literal args less than 8 use radio (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- support camera and microphone input (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- add a simple privacy policy and disclaimer (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- backend telemetry (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- add SQLAlchemy (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- update gitignore (, Colerar) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->


- update GenAI example (, yazawazi) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- Update pandas DataFrame demo (, forrestbao) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->
- update openAI demos in compliance with new openAI API (, forrestbao) <!-- 1703296443.0 -->

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