
Latest version: v0.5.8

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[0.4.6]( (2023-08-03)


- Fixed an issue where history was not working because of `window.crypto.randomUUID` is not for HTTP environments;
- Fixed funix not importing in directory mode due to incorrect `yield`;
- Fixed an issue where the function tree could not support multi-level modules.

Bug Fixes

- replace `window.crypto.randomUUID` with `uuid` module (, yazawazi) <!-- 1691071077.0 -->
- wrong `yield` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1691071077.0 -->
- function tree render (, yazawazi) <!-- 1691071077.0 -->
- existing function disappears after `updateTree` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1691071077.0 -->


- auto build frontend (, workflow) <!-- 1691071343.0 -->


[0.4.5]( (2023-07-04)

*Quick fix for 0.4.4 misjudgment. Shame (sigh) 😔*

Bug Fixes

- wrong `__use_git` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1688484483.0 -->

Code Style

- use isort and black to format code (, yazawazi) <!-- 1688484589.0 -->


[0.4.4]( (2023-07-04)

*Just a quick fix for the kumo not deployable issue, no feature improvements/additions or fixes.*

- Deployment from remote git repositories is now available as an option.


[0.4.3]( (2023-07-03)


*Just because `kumo` requires the `get_flask_application` method, upload version 0.4.3.*

- Support pre-fill: the output of a function will be used as an input parameter to another function and bound to the session. You can read and try the `` instance in the examples folder;
- You can now export the Flask app for funix via `from funix import get_flask_application`, which is convenient for you to modify externally.

Bug Fixes

- pdfjs-dist webpack and import (, yazawazi) <!-- 1685177888.0 -->


- support `pre_fill` argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1685663505.0 -->
- support `get_flask_application` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1688361631.0 -->


[0.4.2]( (2023-05-27)


- Now we use paths instead of module names, please read the first note of breaking changes;
- In the past sheet was not available because of rollback, this time it is fixed, but there may be performance issues;
- Now there is no need to build the frontend manually, commit changes to the `frontend` folder in the main branch and workflow will automatically build the frontend and commit it. For PR, workflow will automatically run unit tests for changes to the backend;
- For plot support as an additional requirement, please use `pip install funix[plot]` to install the dependencies;
- Now that Funix supports session, variables can no longer be shared by all users! You can simply implement this with a global statement and `session_variables` configuration, and start funix with the `-t` flag (Uses AST, but still not enough, so if you find it doesn't work, try using the functions provided in `funix.session`, and read `` and `` in `examples`);
- The decorator provides a new parameter: `direction`, which supports `column`, `row`, `column-reverse` and `row-reverse` to indicate the input/output arrangement;
- The backend code was cleaned up, added comments and several unit tests.

Breaking Changes

- You now need to start funix using the path instead of the module name. In the past, starting it like `funix test` would cause funix to import `test` (in Python) instead of `` in the directory, now please start it with `funix`;
- The past YAML and JSON support (theme and decorator configuration) is no longer supported, and Python configuration for themes will be documented in the future.

Bug Fixes

- sheet unusable due to history rollback feature (68) (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683433197.0 -->
- wrong `mkstemp`, use `mkdtemp` instead (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- add `options.extras_require` in `pyproject.toml` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- wrong `matplotlib.use` and miss workflow push branches (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- remove `prep/` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684834790.0 -->


- no module name by default (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683381391.0 -->
- new theme system with FEP4 (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- add `build-and-push` workflow (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- add test for magic and fix type error (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- add workflow to run backend test (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- support session (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684834722.0 -->
- support `direction` argument in decorator (, yazawazi) <!-- 1685103161.0 -->


- Clean up the backend code (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->
- make the decorator looks better (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->


- update readme (, forrestbao) <!-- 1683406922.0 -->
- Update with embedded video (, forrestbao) <!-- 1683408067.0 -->
- Update with reorged examples (, forrestbao) <!-- 1683409310.0 -->

Code Style

- use isort and black to format code & PR review changing (, yazawazi) <!-- 1684561047.0 -->


- auto build frontend (, workflow) <!-- 1684562041.0 -->
- auto build frontend (, workflow) <!-- 1685103453.0 -->


[0.4.1]( (2023-05-05)


- Funix now has debug mode on by default to support hot reloading, but it may break Funix's logic for handling `BytesFile`, which you can turn off with `-D/--no-debug`;
- Added a history function stored in the browser's IndexedDB, with all the history of this function in the right sidebar of the function, and full history in the history dialog. You can roll back history by using the View button (in the history dialog) / clicking on the history item (in the sidebar);
- When the history cannot be saved, a snack bar will pop up alerting the user;
- Added a custom Markdown render to support MUI components and KaTeX.

Breaking Changes

- For frontend users, no more than 5 files can be uploaded, and no single file can exceed 15 MB; the Web API is not affected;
- Users of 0.4.0 should upgrade to 0.4.1, which fixes a vulnerability that could bypass `secret` authentication (Funix app launched with `-s`)

Bug Fixes

- treat title as markdown in appbar title and functions list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682288904.0 -->
- cli recursive and package opt (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682307690.0 -->
- `parsed_secret` is `None` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682417885.0 -->
- `treat_as` not in `json_schema_props` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682557272.0 -->
- infinite re-rendering due to incorrect `useEffect` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- alert box content rendering misalignment (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- *secret*: bypass secret auth for with `-s` funix app (important) (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- custom sheet widget roll back state (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- try to fix infinite re-rendering due to incorrect `jotai` using (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- out of memory (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->


- change footer slogan (, yazawazi) <!-- 1680946011.0 -->
- add `no_debug` argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1680975913.0 -->
- support history in frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1681522933.0 -->
- support side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1681860632.0 -->
- add the menu to the side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682050822.0 -->
- add `secret` argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682387694.0 -->
- do not show `untitled` in side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682418380.0 -->
- add custom markdown render to support MUI components (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682589804.0 -->
- major changes in history (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- support app secret setting in frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- pop-up snackbar when history cannot be saved (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- change the file size limit to 15 MB (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->


- do not generate source map in `funix:build` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682418962.0 -->

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