
Latest version: v0.5.9

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[0.4.1]( (2023-05-05)


- Funix now has debug mode on by default to support hot reloading, but it may break Funix's logic for handling `BytesFile`, which you can turn off with `-D/--no-debug`;
- Added a history function stored in the browser's IndexedDB, with all the history of this function in the right sidebar of the function, and full history in the history dialog. You can roll back history by using the View button (in the history dialog) / clicking on the history item (in the sidebar);
- When the history cannot be saved, a snack bar will pop up alerting the user;
- Added a custom Markdown render to support MUI components and KaTeX.

Breaking Changes

- For frontend users, no more than 5 files can be uploaded, and no single file can exceed 15 MB; the Web API is not affected;
- Users of 0.4.0 should upgrade to 0.4.1, which fixes a vulnerability that could bypass `secret` authentication (Funix app launched with `-s`)

Bug Fixes

- treat title as markdown in appbar title and functions list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682288904.0 -->
- cli recursive and package opt (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682307690.0 -->
- `parsed_secret` is `None` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682417885.0 -->
- `treat_as` not in `json_schema_props` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682557272.0 -->
- infinite re-rendering due to incorrect `useEffect` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- alert box content rendering misalignment (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- *secret*: bypass secret auth for with `-s` funix app (important) (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- custom sheet widget roll back state (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- try to fix infinite re-rendering due to incorrect `jotai` using (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- out of memory (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->


- change footer slogan (, yazawazi) <!-- 1680946011.0 -->
- add `no_debug` argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1680975913.0 -->
- support history in frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1681522933.0 -->
- support side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1681860632.0 -->
- add the menu to the side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682050822.0 -->
- add `secret` argument (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682387694.0 -->
- do not show `untitled` in side bar history list (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682418380.0 -->
- add custom markdown render to support MUI components (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682589804.0 -->
- major changes in history (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- support app secret setting in frontend (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- pop-up snackbar when history cannot be saved (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->
- change the file size limit to 15 MB (, yazawazi) <!-- 1683230108.0 -->


- do not generate source map in `funix:build` (, yazawazi) <!-- 1682418962.0 -->


Not secure
[0.4.0]( (2023-04-08)


- Support lazy mode, with the `-l` arguments, helps to add `funix` decorators to all functions in this script, and then export them directly;
- Support directory mode, with the `-d` arguments, funix will traverse all py files in the directory and export them. Similarly, package mode is supported too, with the argument: `-P`, to export all the modules in the package;
- The list of functions is now no longer a radio group, but a drawer list that opens by default on the left, and a tree-structured list display is supported in directory and /package modes;
- Support importing external git repo's with `-g [git repo link]`, like `funix -g -dl`;
- Now PDF files, in the upload component can be previewed, if the return is a URL link containing a PDF extension (need `File` type), then the same can be displayed in the output panel;
- In the input panel, press `Ctrl+Enter `or `Control+Enter` to call the function;
- All built-in components are available in `funix.hint`;
- Add the `secret` parameter in `funix` decorator, which you can use to generate a secret token if your function doesn't want to be called publicly.

Breaking Changes

It seems that there is no.

Bug Fixes

- delete tempdir in git mode ( <!-- 1680893274.0 -->
- no re-rendering when panel width is being adjusted ( <!-- 1680877876.0 -->
- `divider` in theme palette ( <!-- 1679689742.0 -->
- add `radio` in `__basic_widgets` ( <!-- 1679688397.0 -->


- add secret mode ( <!-- 1680944024.0 -->
- no ``, replace with `gunicorn` ( <!-- 1680887245.0 -->
- add `Toolbar` to `DataGrid` in the output panel ( <!-- 1680751168.0 -->
- add alias of built-in widget-types in `funix.hint` ( <!-- 1680750080.0 -->
- icon button now with text in file upload widget ( <!-- 1680749186.0 -->
- add `--repo-dir` argument ( <!-- 1680683752.0 -->
- add banner back and shortcut run ( <!-- 1680683752.0 -->
- add background color in tree viewer ( <!-- 1680683752.0 -->
- support import remote git repo ( <!-- 1680683752.0 -->
- add basic tree viewer in dir or package mode ( <!-- 1680683752.0 -->
- recursive fetch module ( <!-- 1680031080.0 -->
- support easy directory mode ( <!-- 1680030520.0 -->
- support pdf preview ( <!-- 1680010722.0 -->
- disable minimap in editor ( <!-- 1679950149.0 -->
- use `__base__` to get type ( <!-- 1679554537.0 -->
- support lazy mode ( <!-- 1679542600.0 -->


- split the theme examples in `examples_better` to a separate file ( <!-- 1680031644.0 -->
- update AI and shipping examples ( <!-- 1679951741.0 -->
- add EasyPost example ( <!-- 1679891621.0 -->
- update ai and general examples ( <!-- 1679782420.0 -->
- update examples ( <!-- 1679782306.0 -->
- minor update on Readme and AI examples ( <!-- 1679782306.0 -->


- forrestbao
- Yazawazi


Not secure
[0.3.8]( (2023-03-20)


- Support a new widget `password`, now you can use this widget to create a password input box;
- Support type `range` in parameters, now you can use this type to create a int slider;
- Use tuple for widget configuration now, example here:

from funix import funix

widgets = {"box": ("code", {"langauge": "python"})}
def test(box: str) -> str:
return box

- Added some basic built-in types, import theme by `from funix.widget.builtin import *`, you can read examples for more information;
- You can use `new_funix_type` to define your own type now, no need to use `widgets` anymore;
- Support file and media uploads, and the backend receives bytes (Funix does not store files locally). Likewise, the backend can return bytes (your return type should be `Image` or something like that).

Breaking Changes

- Themes should now be defined using python script, instead of yaml;
- Widget configuration should now use tuple, instead of str;

Bug Fixes

- if `dump_frontend_config` cannot update the config, then use the user config ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- widgets with config do not work with `new_funix_type` ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- add hint type check in return result ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- `NSInternalInconsistencyException` in macOS ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- fix list return ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- add `__args__` check, fix `bool` default ( <!-- 1678363223.0 -->
- handle `List[range]`, fix invalid `widgets` config with `range` type ( <!-- 1678308801.0 -->
- `theme` example ( <!-- 1678147427.0 -->


- support media preview in page ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- support file upload ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- support code input box ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- add a simple example for custom types ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- support custom typing in theme ( <!-- 1679281750.0 -->
- add `new_funix_type` to define type and widget ( <!-- 1678834075.0 -->
- support build-in types ( <!-- 1678797527.0 -->
- use `update` to support default config ( <!-- 1678481683.0 -->
- widgets with parameters as tuples (59) ( <!-- 1678480684.0 -->
- add discord link ( <!-- 1678390193.0 -->
- support `range` type ( <!-- 1678301114.0 -->
- better port check, use `ipaddress` ( <!-- 1678184661.0 -->
- update examples and minor UI change ( <!-- 1678163180.0 -->
- add `password` widget ( <!-- 1678154182.0 -->


- improve frontend ( <!-- 1678372845.0 -->


- Replace welcoming GIF ( <!-- 1678811920.0 -->
- update Readme ( <!-- 1678341668.0 -->


- Merge branch 'main' of ( <!-- 1678184663.0 -->


Not secure
[0.3.7]( (2023-03-06)


- `funix` command is now available, no need to use `python -m funix`, just reinstall or upgrade from PyPi or GitHub to try it;
- Improve the backend code, at least a little better looking than in the past :);
- In `argument_config`, now supports tuple configuration;
- Adjust the layout of the frontend: remove the `<AppBar />`, use `<Fab />` instead, and adjust the `zIndex` of the `<Footer />` so that it does not overlap with other elements;
- Simply support all address like ``, so you can just use `funix [module]` to start the server;
- Allow to use `set_theme` in scripts to add `theme` using Python data, no need to provide theme file URI or path.

Breaking Changes

- For brevity, `show_source_code` is now renamed to `show_source`;
- `rename` is now unnecessary, and any functions that conflict with Funix have to be resolved by the developer; instead, `title` is used to change the function display name;
- For brevity and eliminating tautology, `argument_label` is renamed to `label` in `argument_config`;
- For semantic correction, `set_global_theme` is renamed to `set_default_theme` when exported;
- You can no longer pass the backend address via `http://funix_server/?backend={backend}`, if you need to customize the backend, please deploy the frontend by yourself and modify the backend address via settings.


- 61
- 62

Bug Fixes

- multiple frontend optimizations ( <!-- 1678063897.0 -->
- frontend try backend, all addresses support ( <!-- 1678038943.0 -->
- correct handling `label` prop and support `tuple` in `argument_config` ( <!-- 1678032125.0 -->
- correct handling widget overwrite ( <!-- 1677979953.0 -->
- handle the case where `module_name` is none ( <!-- 1677973071.0 -->
- correct handling of cell results list ( <!-- 1677966507.0 -->
- various small bug fixes and UI improvments; updated examples ( <!-- 1677958176.0 -->
- use `\t` to split sheet (61) ( <!-- 1677832903.0 -->
- update examples and minor UI changes ( <!-- 1678000015.0 -->
- decorator widget parameters override theme widget configuration ( <!-- 1677751100.0 -->
- add `lineProps` to solve visual issue of code wrapping ( <!-- 1677712908.0 -->
- replace `raw_function_name` with `function_name` ( <!-- 1677711171.0 -->
- wrong path in `OutputFiles` ( <!-- 1677699968.0 -->
- wrong type casting in `dict` and `tuple` ( <!-- 1677699631.0 -->


- improve frontend and theme (important) ( <!-- 1678078892.0 -->
- add continous run button, currently disabled ( <!-- 1677976630.0 -->
- update command line messages ( <!-- 1677878025.0 -->
- remove `rename` and add `title` ( <!-- 1677691443.0 -->
- add command script ( <!-- 1677658696.0 -->


- refine code to improve readability ( <!-- 1677972557.0 -->
- rename `show_source_code` to `show_source` ( <!-- 1677691114.0 -->
- use `plac` to parse argv ( <!-- 1677688452.0 -->


- update examples and minor change to frontend ( <!-- 1677976704.0 -->
- clean up examples ( <!-- 1677885808.0 -->
- reorg example code ( <!-- 1677863886.0 -->
- minor example change ( <!-- 1678033770.0 -->
- update README, with Intro video GIF ( <!-- 1677740093.0 -->
- remove updated API design in PDF ( <!-- 1677737397.0 -->
- update theme example with more widgets; bugs pending ( <!-- 1677737178.0 -->
- update AI examples ( <!-- 1677736280.0 -->
- update AI examples ( <!-- 1677719456.0 -->
- update readme and example ( <!-- 1677692806.0 -->


- remove marks added during conflict resolving ( <!-- 1677976905.0 -->


- forrestbao
- Yazawazi


Not secure
[0.3.6]( (2023-03-01)


- If the function response is longer than 300ms, the submit button will be disabled until the response is complete;
- Add the `show_source_code` parameter, which allows developers to export their Python function code to the frontend for users to read (external imports, variables, etc. cannot be parsed);
- Add the `rename` parameter to modify the name of the function on the frontend, in order to solve the problem of conflict between the function export API and Funix, for special characters you also need to use the `path` parameter;
- A more beautiful error display, using alert instead of displaying the raw JSON directly;
- Add a draggable element in the middle of the input and input panels to adjust the width of the panel;
- Frontend and backend share the same port, but you can still access other people's backend services through your frontend.

Breaking Changes

- For the `Code` hint type, the `content` attribute name is modified to `code`;
- For types based on `BasicFileType` such as `Images`: e.g. single images use the `Image` type, multiple images should use the `typing.List[Image]` type;
- In `0.3.5` (Because of my laziness, there is no release information at `0.3.5`): Python 3.9 and below are no longer supported.

Bug Fixes

- add `TypeAlias` (
- remove 2d array conversion (
- allow elements to be reused in `if_then` (
- use `typing.List[Image]` instead of `Images` to support multiple images (


- change the default front-end port to `3000` (
- disable the submit button while waiting for response (
- change response timeout to 300ms (
- add `show_source_code` option (
- handle errors returned from backend (
- support optional argument (
- add footer (
- modify footer style, text and add icons (
- modify the source section to be collapsible (
- change width of input and output panels (
- adjust the width setting (
- use the same port for frontend and backend (60) (
- add `rename` parameter (


- change `content` to `code` (
- **decorator**: replace `__args__` with `getattr` (


- add doc link and video to readme (
- fix link & typo (
- add Github embed video to README (
- update README (
- fix syntax typo in README (
- Create FUNDING.yml (

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