
Latest version: v0.13.1

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- General
- Set log and listing file option relative to os.cwd instead of workspace.working_directory.
- Simplify expression generation and fix incorrect expression data.
- Add logoption=4.
- Add show_raw option to the generateGamsString function.
- Testing
- Test relative path for listing file and log file creation options.
- Update log option tests.
- Add new tests for generateGamString.
- Documentation
- Remove the remnants of .definition and .assignment syntax from documentation.
- Fix the example in gamspy for gams users.
- Add notes about the equivalent operation in GAMS to .where syntax in GAMSPy.
- Update the documentation for debugging with generateGamsString.


- General
- Add infeasibility_tolerance as a model attribute.
- Make urllib3 a true dependency instead of an optional one.
- Do not suppress compiler listing by default.
- Improve the performance of model attribute loading.
- Load miro input symbols once.
- Fix license path for model instance.
- Documentation
- Add documentation about solver specific infeasibility options.


- General
- Fix dataframe column names of GAMS MIRO input tables.
- Catch solve status errors and throw necessary exceptions.
- __pow__ returns sqrt instead of rPower if the exponent is 0.5.
- Deprecate delayed_execution mode.
- Replace pylint, flake8 and black with ruff.
- Implement /api/auth -> post, /api/auth/login -> post and /api/auth/logout -> post for GAMS Engine.
- Allow dumping log file to arbitrary path.
- Allow dumping listing file to arbitrary path.
- Allow dumping gdx file to arbitrary path.
- Disallow equation definitions without any equality sign.
- Add calculate_infeasibilities function for variables, equations and models.
- Add 'gamspy show license', and 'gamspy show base' commands.
- Replace __del__ with atexit.register function.
- Testing
- Replace cta PandasExcelReader and PandasExcelWriter with new ExcelReader and ExcelWriter from GAMS Connect correspondingly.
- Add a new model (Nurses) to the model library and the Notebook examples.
- Add an AC optimal power flow (ACOPF) model to the model library.
- Add a test to verify the generated string for power where the exponent is 0.5.
- Add tests for /api/auth.
- Add a test for creating log file with arbitrary name.
- Add a test for creating lst file with arbitrary name.
- Add a test for creating gdx file with arbitrary name.
- Add tests for infeasibility calculations.
- Documentation
- Remove FAQ about Google Colab (it is resolved) and add FAQ about Windows Defender.
- Remove documentation for delayed execution mode.
- Add an example for providing solver options.
- Document CLI for gamspy show commands.


- General
- Implement GAMS MIRO integration.
- Update minimum gamsapi and gamspy_base version to 46.1.0.
- Testing
- Add tests for GAMS MIRO.
- Documentation
- Add documentation of GAMS MIRO integration.


- General
- Adapt debugging level to GAMS 46 debugging levels.
- Adapt getInstalledSolvers to renaming of SCENSOLVER
- Testing
- Add test for GAMS Engine extra model files with incorrect relative path.
- Update the results of model instance tests (CONOPT3 -> CONOPT4).


- General
- Fix relative path issue of GAMS Engine backend.
- Use $loadDC instead of $load to better catch domain violations.
- Bypass constructor while creating a Container copy.
- Do not execute_unload in case there is no dirty symbols to unload.
- Update the behavior of `gamspy install/uninstall license`.
- Implement GAMS Engine Client and consolidate NeosClient and EngineClient into one argument in solve.
- Fix finding variables to mark in power and sameAs operations.
- Testing
- Add test for GAMS Engine extra model files with incorrect relative path.
- Add tests for new GAMS Engine Client.
- Add a test to catch domain violation.
- Remove declaration of objective variables and functions and add the equations into Python variables.
- Add a new test to verify the license installation/uninstallation behavior.
- Add a test to find variables in power operation.
- Documentation
- Add a note in model documentation to warn about relative path requirement of GAMS Engine.
- Add documentation for solving models asynchronously with GAMS Engine.
- Modify model library table generation script to add more information and better table styling.


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