
Latest version: v0.13.1

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- General
- Fix the bug in writing only modified symbols.
- Return summary dataframe for all synchronous backends.
- Fix the bug in using set, alias attributes in conditions.
- Documentation
- Re-run notebooks to reflect the changes in solve summary.
- Testing
- Add tests for the returned summary dataframe from solve.
- Add tests for solve with trace options.



- General
- Fix missing atttributes of Alias such as .first, .last etc.
- Fix global option bug
- Display summary on Jupyter Notebook.
- Testing
- Add tests for Alias attributes.



- General
- Generate expression representation as soon as it is created to avoid tall recursions.
- Find variables in equations by iteratively traversing instead of doing recursion.
- Add NEOS Server as a backend to solve models.
- Fix domain for the equations that were specified in the constructor of the equation.
- Check if the container of domain symbols of a symbol match with the symbol's container.
- Check if the container is valid before running the model.
- Documentation
- Add documentation for NEOS backend.
- Testing
- Add NEOS Server as a backend to solve models.
- Add tests for NEOS backend.
- Add tests for equations that were defined in the constructor.
- Add tests for checking the containers of domain symbols.



- General
- Fix the issue of not setting options that are set to 0 (bug fix)
- Testing
- Remove duplicated equations in models for MCP models.



- General
- Fix not equals overload of Ord and Card operations (bug fix)
- Refactor generation of GAMS string
- Documentation
- Move doc dependencies to pyproject.toml



- General
- Allow creating log file in working directory.
- Forbid extra arguments for pydantic models (Options, EngineCofig)
- Documentation
- Update model options table
- Update jupyter notebook examples
- Testing
- Adapt tests to new Options class instead of using dictionary.


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