
Latest version: v0.13.1

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- General
- Allow assigning VariableType enum or EquationType enum as an attribute after object creation for Equation and Variable.
- Fix running twice on symbol declaration with records
- Return better error messages for incorrectly provided solver, options, and output arguments.
- Fix missing uels_on_axes argument in setRecords.
- Start using pylint to improve code quality.
- Testing
- Add tests for assigning type to Variable and Equation after creation.
- Add models information at the top of each model's docstring.
- Add tests for setRecords with uels on axes.
- Documentation
- Add docs for translating GAMS Macros to GAMSPy.



- General
- Implement GAMS MIRO integration.
- Allow variable/equation attribute assignment without any index.
- Run GAMS on symbol declaration and setRecords.
- Add debugging_level argument to Container.
- Performance improvements (~25-30%).
- Testing
- Add tests for GAMS MIRO.
- Test scalar variable/equation assignment without any index.
- Test uel order.
- Documentation
- Add documentation of GAMS MIRO integration.
- Document assigning to scalar variable/equation.
- Update documentation of frozen solve (model instance in GAMS).
- Add documentation for debugging levels.



- General
- Support slices for indexing.
- Fix unary operator for expressions
- Fixes SpecialValues bug in expressions.
- Fix the bug for nonbinding equations.
- Fix discovery of variables in math operations.
- Fix literal while checking for domain validation.
- Testing
- Add tests for slicing and ellipsis.
- Add tests for unary operator applied to expressions.
- Add tests to verify the correctness of SpecialValues in expressions.
- Add more tests for nonbinding equations.
- Documentation
- Document indexing with slices and ellipsis.



- General
- Verify dimensionality of the symbol and the given indices to provide better error messages.
- Allow Model object to also accept tuple of equations.
- List available and installed solvers in alphabetically sorted order.
- Fix adding autogenerated equations twice.
- Generate unique names for the autogenerated variables and equations.
- Add __str__ and __repr__ to Model.
- Allow literals in sameAs operation.
- Make Number operable.
- Add more data validation functions.
- Clear autogenerated symbols from the container if there is an exception.
- Fix Alias bug while preparing modified symbols list.
- Testing
- Add tests to check if incompatible dimensionality throws exception.
- Test validation errors.
- Allow providing system directory for the tests via environment variable.
- Documentation
- Add documentation for `matches` argument of Model.



- General
- Expose GTP special values via gp.SpecialValues
- Fix NEOS bug when the previous workfile comes from another backend.
- Optimize read function of Container by assigning the symbols' attributes directly while casting.
- Remove autogenerated variable and equation from Container after each solve.
- Recover dirty and modified states if the write is invoked by the user.
- Do not expose cast_to_gamspy to user.
- Abstract backends to allow easier extension.
- Add compress, mode, eps_to_zero arguments to write
- Add load_records, mode, and encoding arguments to read
- Documentation
- Fix Variable attribute assignments in user guide.
- Add more examples in docstrings.
- Add docs for collecting the results of non-blocking NEOS Server solves.
- Testing
- Test the special value usage in assignments for Parameter, ImplicitParameter and Operation (Sum, Smax, Smin, Product).
- Add hansmpsge model to the model library.
- Add tests for the new arguments of write
- Add tests for the new arguments of read



- General
- Fix setRecords bug
- Run after an equation is defined
- Testing
- Fix incorrect order of setRecords in gapmin model
- Fix domain violation in the unit tests revealed by the execution of
equation definitions in immediate mode.
- Use gams_math.sqr instead of custom sqr function in tests.


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