* /vsicurl: add ANYSAFE & BEARER to auth methods (8683)
* /vsicurl/: re-emit HTTP error code next times we try opening a resource that
failed the first time (8922)
* /vsicurl/: add a VSICURL_PC_URL_SIGNING path-specific option to enable
Planetary Computer URL signing only on some URLs
* /vsicurl/: Read(): emit error message when receiving HTTP 416 Range Not
Satisfiable error
* Add VSIVirtualHandle::GetAdviseReadTotalBytesLimit()
* cpl_http: retry "Connection reset by peer"
* Add a VSICURLMultiCleanup() that runs with SIGPIPE ignored (9677)
* /vsiaz/: fix RmdirRecursive() on an empty directory with just the
.gdal_marker_for_dir special marker file
* /vsis3/: include region to build s3.{region}.amazonaws.com host name (9449)
* /vsigs/: fix RmdirRecursive() on an empty directory
* /vsigs/ UnlinkBatch(): make sure that path config options are checked for the
deleted files and not '/vsigs/batch/
* /vsiaz/ UnlinkBatch(): make sure that path config options are checked for the deleted files
* Add VSIVirtualHandle::Printf()
* Add VSIRemovePluginHandler() to enable removal of virtual filesystems (8772)
* No longer alias CPLMutex, CPLCond and CPLJoinableThread to void in non-DEBUG
builds (ABI change)
* Win32 extended filenames (starting with "\\?\"): various fixes; add support
for network UNC paths
* Add VSIGetDirectorySeparator() to return the directory separator for the
specified path
* Add CPLXMLNodeGetRAMUsageEstimate()
* CPLCreateOrAcquireMutexEx(): fix warning about lock-order inversion (1108)
* Win32 Stat(VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG): improve performance (3139)
* Add CPLDebugProgress() to display a debugging message indicating a progression
* CSLConstList/CPLStringList: add iterating facilities and better
``std::vector<std::string>`` operability
* Add CPLStringList::front(), back() and clear()
* Add CPLStrtodM()
* CPLStrtod(): set errno=0 when no value has been parsed to conform to POSIX
* VSICACHE: avoid EOF read (9669)
* GDALRATValuesIOAsString(): fix wrong type for papszStrList argument
* Add GDALDataset::DropCache() (8938)
* Add GDALDataset::UnMarkSuppressOnClose() and IsMarkSuppressOnClose() (8980)
* Add GDALGetOutputDriversForDatasetName()
* Modify the logic of selection of overviews for non-nearest resampling; add a
* GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset(): make it possible to use overviews
* GDALOpen(): change error message when a dataset isn't recognized (9009)
* GDALDeserializeGCPListFromXML(): validate value of GCP Pixel,Line,X,Y,Z
* PAM: only unset GPF_DIRTY flag
* GDALGetCacheMax64(): fix warning about lock-order inversion (1837)
* Add gdal::GCP class
* QuietDeleteForCreateCopy(): forward source dataset open options (9422)
Multidimensional API
* Add GDALCreateRasterAttributeTableFromMDArrays() to return a virtual Raster
Attribute Table from several GDALMDArray's
* fix wrong DataAxisToSRSAxisMapping
* GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset(): make it possible to use overviews
* Implement basic Line-of-sight algorithm (9506, 9050)
* Warper: fix artifacts when reprojecting from long/lat to ortho (9056)
* GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2(): ortho->long/lat: limit extent to
[lon_0-90,lon_0+90] even when poles are included
* Warper: limit artifacts when doing ortho->long/lat (provided that srcNodata is
* GDALSuggestWarpOutput(): make it return original potential non-square pixel
shape for a south-up oriented dataset (9336)
* Warper: add a EXCLUDED_VALUES warping option to specify pixel values to be
ignored as contributing source pixels during average resampling. And
similarly, add a NODATA_VALUES_PCT_THRESHOLD warping option for nodata/
transparent pixels.
* GDALFillNodata(): add a INTERPOLATION=NEAREST option
* GDALChecksumImage(): read by multiple of blocks for floating-point bands to
improve performance
* Add GDALArgumentParser class to extend p-ranav/argparse framework
* Use GDALArgumentParser for: gdaladdo, gdalinfo, gdal_translate, gdalwarp,
gdal_grid, gdal_viewshed, gdalbuildvrt, nearblack, ogrinfo, ogr2ogr, sozip
* Add support for ``--config <key>=<value>`` syntax
* gdaladdo: reuse previous resampling method (from GTiff RESAMPLING metadata
item) if not specifying -r and overview levels if not specifying them
* gdaladdo: make --partial-refresh-from-source-timestamp work on GTI datasets
* gdal_contour: fix lowest min value in polygonize mode (9710)
* gdalbuildvrt: add a -nodata_max_mask_threshold option
* gdal_create: copy GCPs present in the input file
* gdal_edit: add -a_coord_epoch option
* gdal_footprint: fix -split_polys and -convex_hull to not consume the argument
specified just after them
* gdal_footprint: write source dataset path in a 'location' field (8795)
* gdal_grid: error out on in invalid layer name, SQL statement or failed where
condition (9406)
* gdallocationinfo: make it output extra content at end of input line, and
add -E echo mode, and -field_sep option (9411)
* gdalmdimtranslate: add -arrayoptions
* gdalinfo: do not call GDALGetFileList() if -nofl is specified (9243)
* gdal_translate: add -dmo option, for domain-metadata items (8935)
* gdal_translate -expand rgb[a]: automatically select Byte output data type if
not specified and color table compatible of it (9402)
* gdaltransform: make it output extra content at end of input line, and add
-E echo mode, and -field_sep option (9411)
* gdalmanage: make --utility_version work
* gdal_polygonize.py: handle error if creation of destination fails
* gdal_viewshed: add support for south-up source datasets (9432)
* gdalwarp: progress bar tunings
* gdalwarp: emit error message when transformation isn't inversible (9149)
* gdalwarp: fix performance issue when warping to COG (9416)
* gdalwarp: make target resolution independent from source extent when -te is
specified (9573)
* allow passing a WKT geometry as -cutline value, and add -cutline_srs (7658)
* sozip: support generic command line options
* --formats option: append list of extensions (8958)
* Make gdaltindex a C callable function: GDALTileIndex()
* gdaltindex: add -overwrite, -vrtti_filename, -tr, -te, -ot, -bandcount,
-nodata, -colorinterp, -mask, -mo, -recursive, -filename_filter,
-min_pixel_size, -max_pixel_size, -fetch_md, -lco options
* gdal2tiles: added support for JPEG output
* gdal2tiles: Fix case where --exclude still writes fully transparent tiles
* gdal2tiles: add --excluded-values, --excluded-values-pct-threshold and
--nodata-values-pct-threshold options
* gdal2tiles: support an input dataset name not being a file (9808)
* gdal2xyz: Change -srcwin parameter type to integer.
* Python sample scripts: add gdalbuildvrtofvrt.py (9451)
* Python utilities: do not display full traceback on OpenDS failures (9534)
* gdalinfo: suggest trying ogrinfo if appropriate, and vice-versa
* gdalinfo and ogrinfo -json: add newline character at end of JSON output
Raster drivers
Updates affecting multiple drivers:
* All drivers depending on external libraries that can be built as plugins
have been updated to implement RFC 96 deferred plugin loading
* Drivers that can now be built as plugins if using external libraries and
not vendored/internal libraries: GIF, JPEG, MRF, NITF, RAW drivers (as a
single plugin), PDS related drivers (as a single plugin)
* do not export GMLJP2 if the SRS isn't compatible (9223): JP2KAK, JP2ECW,
AAIGRID driver:
* fix reading file whose first value is nan (9666)
BAG driver:
* make sure to report a subdataset for the bathymetry coverage when we expose
one(s) for the georeferenced metadata
GeoPackage driver:
* support maximum level up to 29 or 30; add a ZOOM_LEVEL creation option
GTiff driver:
* Internal libtiff: resync with upstream
* Use (future) libtiff 4.6.1 TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc()
JXL_ALPHA_DISTANCE_OVERVIEW configuration options (8973)
* overviews: generalize saving resampling method in a RESAMPLING metadata item
* friendlier error message when attempting to create JXL compressed file with
unsupported type/bits_per_sample
* deal with issues with multi-band PlanarConfig=Contig, LERC and NaN values
* make BuildOverviews() in update mode work when there is an external .msk file
* no longer condition CreateInternalMaskOverviews() behavior to
GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK being unset or set to YES
* change default value of GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK config option to YES
* multi-threaded decoding: fix potential mutex deadlock
* MultiThreadedRead(): make it take into account AdviseRead() limit to reduce
the number of I/O requests (9682)
HDF5 driver:
* multidim: fix crash on reading compound data type with fixed-length strings
* multidim: implement GDALMDArray::GetBlockSize() and GetStructuralInfo()
* improve performance of band IRasterIO() on hyperspectral products
* support HDF5EOS metadata where the GROUP=GridStructure has an empty sub
GROUP=Dimension (like for AMSR-E/AMSR2 Unified L3 Daily 12.5 km)
* implement GetOffset() and GetScale() for netCDF metadata items add_offset
and scale_factor
JP2KAK driver:
* make result of RasterIO() consistent depending if it is called directly or
through VRT, with non-nearest upsampling (8911)
* refactor how overviews work
JP2OpenJPEG driver:
* CreateCopy(): limit number of resolutions taking into account minimum block
JPEG driver:
* ReadXMPMetadata(): only stop looking for XMP marker at Start Of Scan
* ReadFLIRMetadata(): stop on Start-Of-Scan marker (speeds up opening large
remote JPEG files)
* CreateCopy(): emit warning/error message before progress bar (9441)
MRF driver:
* BuildOverviews: bail out when no overviews are needed
* emit warning when attempting to clean internal overviews (9145)
* Use ZSTD streaming API for compression: faster and better compression (9230)
netCDF driver:
* use the SRS (its geographic part) if found in the file, instead of the
hardcoded WGS84 string, for the GEOLOCATION.SRS metadata item (9526)
* Add BAND_NAMES creation option
* fix writing of metadata items whose value has an equal sign ["9702)
NITF driver:
* in xml:DES metadata domain field, expand content of XML_DATA_CONTENT DES as
XML in a <xml_content> sub-node of >field name=DESDATA> instead as a Base64
* fix undefined behavior when using NITFGetField() several times in the same
OGCAPI driver:
* OGCAPI Maps: support image formats beyond PNG/JPG as well as enables content
negotiation. (9231, 9420)
PDF driver:
* correctly initialize PAM when opening a subdataset (specific page e.g.)
* PDFium backend: update to support (and require) PDFium/6309
* deal with the situation where a multipage PDF has layers with same name but
specific to some page(s)
* Fix build with Poppler 24.05
S102 driver:
* add support for spatial metadata of the QualityOfSurvey group
* read nodata value from dataset metadata
Sentinel2 driver:
* include 10m AOT and WVP bands in 10m subdataset (9066)
TileDB driver:
* Remove use of deprecated API, and bump minimum version to 2.15
* Added tiledb metadata fields to easily tag array type
* be able to read datasets converted with 'tiledb-cf netcdf-convert'
* make its identify() method more restrictive by not identifying /vsi file
systems it doesn't handle
* multidim: prevent infinite recursion when opening an array in a group where
there are 2 or more 2D+ arrays
* multidim: OpenMDArray(): fix opening an array, member of a group, which has
no explicit name
VRT driver:
* add a VRTProcessedDataset new mode to apply chained processing steps that
apply to several bands at the same time. Currently available algorithms:
LocalScaleOffset (for dehazing), BandAffineCombination, Trimming, LUT
* vrt:// connection: add a_nodata, sd_name, sd options
* add a NoDataFromMaskSource source: replaces the value of the source with
the value of the NODATA child element when the value of the mask band of
the source is less or equal to the MaskValueThreshold child element.
* VRT serialization: emit a warning if RAM usage of XML serialization reaches
80% of RAM (9212)
* VRTWarpedDataset: add an optimized IRasterIO() implementation
WMS driver:
* change logic to set gdalwmscache directory to honor in particular
Zarr driver:
* Add capability to read CRS from CF1 conventions
ZMap driver:
* support reading variant of format where there is no newline character at
end of column
OGR 3.9.0 - Overview of Changes
* OGRSQL: add UTF-8 support for LIKE/ILIKE (for layers declaring
OLCStringsAsUTF8) (8835)
* Add OGRLayer::GetExtent3D() (8806)
* OGRLayer: Have CreateField/CreateGeomField take const OGRFieldDefn
/OGRGeomFieldDefn* argument (8741)
* OGRFeatureDefn, OGRFieldDefn, OGRGeomFieldDefn: add Seal() and Unseal()
* Fix swq_select::Unparse()
* ExecuteSQL(): add a warning if the dialect name isn't recognized (8843)
* ExecuteSQL() with OGRSQL and SQLITE dialects: get OLCStringsAsUTF8 from
underlying layer (9648)
* ExecuteSQL() OGRSQL and SQLITE dialects: error out if SetSpatialFilter() fails
* OGRGeometryFactory::forceTo(): make it honour dimensionality of eTargetType
(in particular fix POLYGON -> LINESTRING or POLYGON -> LINESTRINGZ) (9080)
* OGRGeometryCollection::importFromWkb(): fix reading corrupted wkb with mixed
2D and 3D geoms (9236)
* RFC99: Add C++ OGRGeomCoordinatePrecision class and corresponding C / SWIG API
* Change prototype of GDALDataset::ICreateLayer() to take a
``const OGRGeomCoordinatePrecision*``
* Add OGRGeometry::SetPrecision() / OGR_G_SetPrecision(), as wrapper of
* Add a OGRGeometry::roundCoordinates() method
* OGRFeature: add SerializeToBinary() / DeserializeFromBinary()
* OGRFeature::SetField(): add warnings when detecting some lossy conversions (9792)
* Add OGR_G_GeodesicArea() / OGRSurface::get_GeodesicArea()
* SQLite SQL dialect: implement ST_Area(geom, use_ellipsoid)
* Add OGR_L_GetDataset() and implement GetDataset() in all drivers with creation
* Arrow array: fix decoding of ``date32[days]`` values before Epoch
(Arrow->OGRFeature), and fix rounding when encoding such values
(OGRFeature->Arrow) (9636)
* OGRLayer::WriteArrowBatch(): add tolerance for field type mismatches if int32/int64/real;
Also add an option IF_FIELD_NOT_PRESERVED=ERROR to error out when lossy conversion occurs. (9792)
* OGRLayer::SetIgnoredFields(): make it take a CSLConstList argument instead of
const char*
* Add OGRSpatialReference::exportToCF1() and importFromCF1()
* Add OSRIsDerivedProjected() / OGRSpatialReference::IsDerivedProjected()
* OGRCoordinateTransformation::Transform(): change nCount parameter to size_t
(C++ API only for now) (9074)
* OGRProjCT::TransformWithErrorCodes(): Improve performance of axis swapping
* OSR_CT: fix ``SetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping([-2, 1]) on target SRS
* exportToXML(): error out on unsupported projection method (9223)
* Add OSRSetFromUserInputEx() and map it to SWIG (9358)
* Add std::string OGRSpatialReference::exportToWkt(
const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr) const
* OGR_CT: use PROJJSON internally rather than in WKT:2019 (9732)
* ogrinfo: add a -extent3D switch
* ogrinfo: output coordinate resolution in -json mode
* ogrinfo: add -limit option (3413)
* ogr2ogr: do not copy private layers (would for example break SQLite ->
* ogr2ogr: force -preserve_fid when doing GPX to GPKG (9225)
* ogr2ogr: propagate input coordinate precision
* ogr2ogr: add options -xyRes, -zRes, -mRes and -unsetCoordPrecision
* ogr2ogr: make -select tokenize only on comma (and not on space), and honour
double-quoting (9613)
* Remove ogr2ogr.py sample utilities (gdal.VectorTranslate() is a more powerful
Vector drivers
Updates affecting multiple drivers:
* Drivers updated for RFC 97 feature definition sealing: GPKG, Shape,
* Drivers updated for RFC99 geometry coordinate precision: GML, GeoJSON,
* All drivers depending on external libraries that can be built as plugins
have been updated to implement RFC 96 deferred plugin loading
* GetExtent3D() implemented in Shapefile, Arrow, Parquet, PostgreSQL, GeoJSON,
GeoPackage drivers
OGR SQLite/SQLite/GPKG: add UTF-8 support for case-insensitive LIKE (8835)
Arrow/Parquet drivers:
* GetArrowSchema(): potential fix when there are ignored fields and the FID
column is not the first one
* Read/write support for GeoArrow (struct-based) encoding
* silently ignore column of type null in GetArrowSchema/GetArrowArray
* fix crash when reading geometries from a geometry column with a
pyarrow-registered extension type
* handle fields with a pyarrow-registered extension type
* preliminary/in-advance read support for future JSON Canonical Extension
* OGRCloneArrowArray(): add missing support for 'tss:' Arrow type
CSV driver:
* parse header with line breaks (9172)
DGN (v7) driver:
* emit explicit error when attempting to open a DGNv8 file and the DGNv8
driver is not available (9004)
FileGDB/OpenFileGDB drivers:
* fix co-operation between the 2 drivers to make sure .cdf is opened with
FileGDB driver:
* remove warning 'Empty Spatial Reference'
FlatGeobuf driver:
* add support for reading and writing layer title, description and metadata
* CreateFeature(): error out if a string context is not valid UTF-8 (7458)
GeoJSON driver:
* OGRGeoJSONDriverIdentify: return -1 when unsure
creation options
* reader: accept a {"type": "Polygon","coordinates": []} as a representation
GeoPackage driver:
* fixes to make most operations compatible with PRAGMA foreign_keys=1 (9135)
* writer: set Z/M columns of gpkg_geometry_columns when there are Z/M
geometries in a 2D declared layer
* Read relationships defined using foreign key constraints
* CreateFeature(): allow creating a feature with FID=0 (9225)
* Add DISCARD_COORD_LSB layer creation option
* map Null CRS to a new srs_id=99999, and add a SRID layer creation option
* add a LAUNDER=YES/NO layer creation option (default: NO)
* fix random error in threaded RTree creation, particularly on Mac M1 ARM64
GeoRaster driver:
* Added GENSTATS options, security fixes, and prevent failing when password is
near expiration (9290)
GML driver:
* writer: honour geometry field name and isnullable passed to ICreateLayer()
GMLAS driver:
* faster retrieval of GML and ISO schemas by using zip archives
* use CPLHTTPFetch() instead of /vsicurl_streaming/ to allow alternate HTTP
downloader (for QGIS 3.36 enhanced WFS provider)
LIBKML driver:
* improve generation of internal ids for layer names starting with digits
netCDF driver:
* writer: make it more robust to empty geometries
OpenFileGDB driver:
* add support for Integer64, Date, Time and DateTimeWithOffset data types
added in ArcGIS Pro 3.2 (8862)
* writer: set xml shape type to "esriGeometryPolyline" for LineString/
MultiLineString (9033)
OSM driver:
* properly escape special characters with TAGS_FORMAT=JSON open option (9673)
Parquet driver:
* support reading and writing layer metadata
* Read/write support for covering.bbox struct columns for spatial
filtering, add SORT_BY_BBOX=YES/NO layer creation option (GeoParquet 1.1)
* Read/write support for GeoArrow (struct-based) encoding (GeoParquet 1.1)
* add more configuration options for Parquet dataset case, and default to using
custom I/O layer (9497)
* ogr2ogr/Parquet: add hack to avoid super lengthy processing when using -limit
with a Parquet dataset source (9497)
* make it recognize bbox field from Overture Maps 2024-01-17-alpha.0 and