* Warper: add sum resampling method (1437)
* Average resampling (warp and overview/translate): use weighted average for border source pixels
* GDALReprojectImage(): properly take into account source/target alpha bands
* GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(): do not emit error if reverse transformation fails, and fix crash when trying to use null reverse transformation
* Warper: fix GDAL 2.3 regression in a situation with source nodata value, multiple bands and nearest resampling where the logic to detect which source pixels are nodata was inverted (1656)
* GWKAverageOrModeThread(): reject invalid source pixels for average/q1/q3/mode/min/max resampling (2365)
* Multithreaded warper: make sure a transformer object is used by the thread which created it (1989). This workarounds a PROJ bug also fixed per
* Contour: fix SegmentMerger list iterator skipping and out of bounds error (1670)
* Contour: fix (over) precision issue when comparing pixel value to NoData on Float32 rasters (1987)
* Contour: add sanity checks for interval based contouring, in case the dataset contains extreme values regarding the settings, which would lead to a lot of memory allocations / too large computation time
* TPS warper: enhance precision without armadillo support (1809)
* RPC warper: fix issue when source image has a geotransform (2460)
* GDALRasterizeGeometries(): fix potential integer overflow / memory allocation failure, depending on GDAL_CACHEMAX and raster dimensions (2261)
* Rasterize: speed optimization for geometry collections (2369)
* GDALContourGenerate(): propagate raster acquisition error (2410)
* /vsitar/: support >100 character file names (1559)
* /vsitar/: accept space as end of field terminator
* /vsigz/: fix seeking within .gz/.tgz files larger than 2 GB (2315)
* /vsicurl (and derived filesystems): fix concurrency issue with multithreaded reads (1244)
* /vsicurl/: avoid downloading one extra block when the end offset is just at a chunk boundary
* /vsicurl/: fix CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS with query string (1614)
* /vsicurl/: allow 'Connection timed out' CURL errors as candidate for HTTP retry
* /vsicurl/: GetFileSize(): when HEAD request does not return Content-Length header, retry with GET
* /vsis3/: for a long living file handle, refresh credentials coming from EC2/AIM (1593)
* /vsis3/: invalidate cached non-existing file is AWS_ config options are changed in the meantime (2294)
* /vsis3/ /vsigs/ /vsiaz/: implement Rename() first doing a copy of the original file and then deleting it
* /vsis3/ and similar: add a NUM_THREADS option to Sync() for parallelized copy
* AWS: Fix error in loading ~/.aws/config file (2203)
* VSISync(): when copying from /vsis3/ to /vsis3/ (or /vsigs/->/vsigs/, /vsiaz/->/vsiaz/), use CopyObject() method to use server side copy
* VSISync(): make file copying from /vsis3/ actually use /vsis3_streaming/ to reduce number of GET requests
* VSISync(): add a CHUNK_SIZE option to Sync() to split large objects and get parallelization of their download and upload
* Add VSIUnlinkBatch() for batch deletion of files, and add optimized /vsis3/ implementation
* Add efficient VSIRmdirRecursive() implementation for /vsis3/
* Add VSIGetFileMetadata()/VSISetFileMetadata() and implement them to get/set HTTP headers, and AWS S3 object tagging
* /vsis3/ and other network filesystems: avoid useless network requests when we already got a directory listing (2429)
* /vsiswift/: V3 authentication method, handling auth token expiration
* /vsimem/: make Rename() error if destination file is not in /vsimem/
* /vsizip/ writing: in ZIP64 mode, also advertise 45 as the version in the central directory (avoids a warning from 'zip' utility)
* Add CPLCanRecode function and use it in MITAB, Shape and SXF drivers to decide when to advertise UTF-8 capability
* CPLConfigOptionSetter: only reset thread-locale value, not global one
* CPLJSONObject::GetType(): return Long when the value doesn't fit on a int32
* CPLJSON: distinguish Null type from Unknown/invalid type
* CPLEscapeString(): escape double-quote for CPLES_URL
* Add a CPLCondTimedWait()
* cpl_safemaths.hpp: safe + and * for GUInt64
* Add CPLJSonStreamingWriter class
* Add cpl_error_internal.h with logic with error accumulator
* Add VSIOverwriteFile()
* Add CPLLaunderForFilename()
* cpl_error.h: add a CPLDebugOnly() macro that expands to CPLDebug() only for DEBUG builds
* QuietDelete: support expliciting the drivers to use
* Block cache: fix corruption on multithreaded write on datasets (2011)
* GDALInvGeoTransform(): make it work with scale and rotation/skew coefficients of small absolute value (1615)
* GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): fix potential int overflows for big values of GDAL_SWATH_SIZE or GDAL_CACHEMAX
* PAMRasterBand: add presence flag for Offset and SetScale so that GetOffset()/GetScale() properly reports if they are defined in PAM
* GDALDefaultOverviews::BuildOverviews(): fix typo in detection of 1x1 overview (1730)
* Fix precision loss at GDALResampleChunkC32R with complex data
* Fix precision loss at GDALComputeBandStats with complex data
* Proxy pool: Load band block sizes if not provided at creation. Fixes floating point exception on copy overviews from PRF dataset to destination dataset.
* GTiff and PAM: allow serializing WKT2 for SRS using non-WKT1 compatible projections such as Vertical Perspective (1856)
* RasterIO(): fix non-neareset resampling over nodata blocks (1941)
* Overview dataset (-oo OVERVIEW_LEVEL): expose mask if the source dataset has a mask with overviews
* GDALUnrolledCopy<GByte,2,1>: fix SSE2-only implementation (when SSSE3 is not available, on older AMD CPUs)
* PAM: support reading GCPs from ESRI GeodataXform in .aux.xml files
* Make it possible to call BuildOverviews() on a dataset returned by GDALBuildVRT()
* GDALDataset::SetProjection(): re-allow the use of PROJ4 strings (2034)
* GDALInfo(): fix axis order issue in long,lat corner coordinates, in particular when reading from a .aux.xml with a ProjectedCRS (2195)
* gdal_translate: Make 'gdal_translate foo.tif foo.tif.ovr -outsize 50% 50% -of GTiff' work
* gdal_translate: clamp/round source nodata value when not compatible of the target data type. Was already done when using -a_nodata, but not with implicit copy (2105)
* gdalwarp: accept output drivers with only CreateCopy() capabilities
* gdalwarp: adjust nodata values, passed with -srcnodata/-dstnodata, and close to FLT_MAX to exactly it (1724)
* gdalwarp: fix wrong axis order when using source/target CRS being a geographic3D CRS such as EPSG:4979, and with vertical shift grid application (1561, GDAL 3.0 regression)
* gdal_contour: remove explicit width/precision=12/3 of the elev field (1487)
* gdal_contour: turn on quiet mode if output dataset is standard output (refs 2057)
* gdaldem: avoid potential integer overflow in color-relief mode (2354)
* fixed NaN-streaking in output images when the --allBands option is given to tiled images
* fix outputting to geojson without explicit -f switch (1533)
* take into account mask bands
* add resume option (1703)
* gdallocationinfo: emit verbose error when dataset cannot be opened (1684)
* gdallocationinfo and gdaltransform: print a hint when values are expected from the command line and stdin is an interactive terminal (refs 1684)
* Python utilities: fix GetOutputDriverFor() when multiple drivers found (1719)
* add remaining resample methods
* add option for setting the tile size (2097)
* add --xyz option to generate tiles in the OSM Slippy Map standard (2098)
* show warning when running against non-Byte input (1956)
* update cache calculation (2020)
* check that min zoom <= max zoom (2161)
* ignore nodata values that are not in the range of the band data type
* fix hang when --s_srs specified but image lacks georeferencing
* gdal_translate / gdalwarp / ogrct: allow dealing with non-WKT1 representable SRS (1856)
* add a -units switch
* add -a_ulurll switch
* fix crash when smooth_iterations is used, and with some progress functions such as the one used by Python (1184)
* Python scripts and samples: use python3 for shebang (2168)
Sample scripts
* Add sample script to generate the extent of each raster tile in a overview as a vector layer
* Add script
GDAL drivers
Multiple drivers:
* GTiff, GPKG, MBTiles, PostgisRaster drivers: share lock of overview dataset with parent dataset (1488)
* HDF5 and netCDF: fix crash when reading attributes of type string of variable length with NULL values
* CTable2/LOSLAS/NTv1/NTv2: document in metadata that positive longitude shift values are towards west
* Revise raster drivers GDAL_DMD_HELPTOPIC
* JP2KAK and JP2OPENJPEG: fix to read images whose origin is not (0,0)
* Strip TOWGS84 when datum is known, in GTiff, Spatialite and GPKG drivers
BAG driver:
* modify way georeferencing is read (particularly pixel sizes and origin) (1728)
* Backward compatibility for metadata reading for BAG < 1.5 (2428)
BSB driver:
* Report PLY coordinates as a WKT POLYGON in a BSB_CUTLINE metadata item
BYN driver:
* fix nodata value for Int32 encoded products
DAAS driver:
* accept 4-band RGBA PNG response even when a single band is requested
DIMAP driver:
* don't look inside Dataset_Components if Raster_Data is present
* avoid reparsing xml if already a product dimap
* ignore missing strip xml file
DDS driver:
* add read support
DTED driver:
* Add DTED_APPLY_PIXEL_IS_POINT environment switch (2384)
* emit a CE_Failure instead of a CE_Warning in case of checksum verification failure (2410)
* support E96 as well as MSL for COMPD_CS (2422)
EEDA driver:
* fix startTime / endTime comparisons that were incomplete in 1506
FITS driver:
* fix memory leaks
ENVI driver:
* add read support for reading GCPs (1528), and fix off-by-one offset on line,pixel on reading GCP
* fix potential use of invalid pointer on some unusual std::string implementations (1527)
* preserve 'byte order' on update (1796)
GPKG driver:
* support opening subdataset of /vsicurl/ files (2153)
GTiff driver:
* improve performance of internal overview creation (1442)
* in COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES, interleave mask with imagery, and add leader/trailer to strile
* optimize read of cloud-optimized geotiffs
* do not generate a TIFFTAG_GDAL_METADATA with color interpretation information for JPEG YCbCr compression
* make -co NUM_THREADS produce reproducible output
* make overview blocksize defaults to same as full-resolution
* move deferred tile/strip offset/bytecount loading to libtiff
* make WEBP_LEVEL to be honored in Create() mode (fixes 1594)
* PushMetadataToPam(): early exit when PAM is disabled, to avoid error messages
* remove support for libtiff 3.X
* set a LAYOUT=COG metadata item in the IMAGE_STRUCTURE metadata domain of the dataset when the hidden feature declarations typical of a COG file are found
* fix memory leak with -co APPEND_SUBDATASET=YES
* fix error message for NBITS != 16 and Float32
* add explicit error message when trying to create a too big tiled TIFF file (refs 1786)
* ensure GDAL PROJ context is used for all libgeotiff functions (requires internal libgeotiff / libgeotiff 1.6)
* make sure that GetMetadataDomainList() doesn't return EXIF when there's no EXIF metadata
* GTIFGetOGISDefn: avoid querying UOM length info when it is KvUserDefined to avoid an error to be emitted
* on CRS reading, avoid unsetting of EPSG code when ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey = Linear_Foot_US_Survey and the CRS also uses that unit (2290)
* do not write in GeoTIFF keys non-standard projections
* do not write TOWGS84 that come from EPSG codes, unless GTIFF_WRITE_TOWGS84=YES is explicitly set
* GTiff writing: workaround PROJ 6.3.0 bug when writing a EPSG:4937 ETRS89 Geog3D CRS
* GTiff writing: do not write by default EPSG:3857/WebMercator as a ESRI PE string. Fixes 3.0 regression
* avoid crash on single-component file with Whitepoint and PrimaryChromaticities tags
* libtiff: BigTIFF creation: write TileByteCounts/StripByteCounts tag with SHORT or LONG when possible
* Internal libgeotiff: set UOMLength from GeogLinearUnits (for geocentric CRS) (1596)
* Internal libgeotiff: upgrade to libgeotiff 1.6.0dev to support OGC GeoTIFF 1.1
* Internal libtiff: resync with internal libtiff (post 4.1.0)
GRIB driver:
* do not do erroneous K->C unit conversion for derived forecasts whose content is not a temperature, but a derived quantity, such as spread
* avoid erroneous K->C conversion for Dew point depression
* update GRIB tables to degrib 2.24
* add missing entries in MeteoAtmoChem table
* add more values from Table 4.5 in Surface type table
* add support for template 4.48 Optical Properties of Aerosol
* add support for rotated lat-lon grids
* avoid quadratic performance on GRIB2 datasets using subgrids within a single GRIB message (2288)
GXF driver:
* avoid closing the file pointer before being sure this is a GXF driver, otherwise this can prevent the opening of some raw format files (1521)
HDF4 driver:
* fix retrieval of non-string swath and grid attributes
* fix GR support for non-Byte rasters
* remove broken attribute reading
* fixes related to color table
HDF5 driver:
* avoid error report of the HDF5 library when _FillValue attribute is missing
* Make GH5_FetchAttribute(CPLString) more robust and able to cope with variable-length string
* type detection: only detect complex data type if the component names start with r/R and i/I (refinement of 359)
* add a way to open datasets split over several files using the 'family' driver
* fix reading single dimension dataset (2180)
HFA driver:
* fix writing of compressed file when a RLE run count is in the [0x4000,0x8000[ range or [0x400000, 0x800000[ (2150)
IGNFHeightASCIIGrid driver:
* fix to read RASPM2018.mnt grid
IRIS driver:
* make identification more restrictive to avoid false-positive identification of raw binary formats such as ENVI (1961)
ISIS3 driver:
* extract band name from BandBin group, and wavelength/bandwidth (1853)
* preserve label in PAM .aux.xml when copying to other formats (1854)
* add support for PointPerspective projection (1856)
* add support for Oblique Cylindrical projection (1856)
JP2ECW driver:
* add support for ECWJP2 SDK 5.5
JP2OpenJPEG driver:
* Fix multi-threading race condition (1847)
* fix reading overviews, when tiled API is used, and the dimensions of the full resolution image are not a multiple of 2^numresolutions (1860)
* fix to return the proper number of bytes read when we read more than 2 GB at once (fixes
JP2KAK driver:
* fix issue with multi-threaded reads
* NMAKE: Allow users to tweak/append extras to KAKINC (1584)
JPEG driver:
* fix further calls to RasterIO after reading full image at full resolution (1947)
* tune sanity check for multiple-scan (QGIS 35957)
* in case of multiscan image and implicit overviews, limit memory consumption
KEA driver:
* return error when deleting metadata item rather than crashing (1681)
* Backport thread safety fixes and nullptr tests from standalone driver (2372)
LOSLAS driver:
* add support for .geo geoid models
MEM driver:
* Set access mode to the one required in Open()
MRF driver:
* fix relative file name detection
* relax TIFF tile format rules on read
* Accept any known projection encoding
* use PNG library for swapping
* fixes caching MRF issue
MrSID driver:
* add MRSID_PLATFORM to frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt
netCDF driver:
* improve performance when reading chunked netCDF 4 bottom-up files (read-only)
* correctly parse grid_mapping attribute in expanded form
* allow "radian" value for the X/Y axis units
* very partial workaround for an issue in libnetcdf 4.6.3 and 4.7.0 with unlimited dimensions (refs
* NCDFIsUserDefinedType(): make it work for types in subgroups
* Disregard valid range if min > max (1811)
* for byte (signed/unsigned) variables, do not report a nodata value if there's no explicit _FillValue/missing_value as recommended by the netCDF specs. And for other data types use nc_inq_var_fill() to get the default value
* do not report nodata if NOFILL is set
* fix bottom-up identification with negative scale_factor for y axis (1383)
* fix issue when opening /vsicurl/http[s]:// filenames (2412)
* Fix support of WKT1_GDAL with netCDF rotated pole formulation
NGW driver:
* Add support for additional raster types and QGIS styles.
* Add more server side attribute filters.
NITF driver:
* skip bad UDID data (1578)
NTv2 driver:
* add support for the Canadian NAD83(CRSR)v7 / NAD83v70VG.gvb velocity grid
OZI driver:
* fix axis order issue with georeferencing (3.0 regression)
PDF driver:
* update to use newer versions of pdfium
PDS3 driver:
* report the label in a json:PDS metadata domain
* fix support of Oblique Cylindrical (1856)
* ix opening of datasets with BSQ organization (or single band), where one band is larger than 2 GB (2.3 regression)
* nasakeywordhandler: fixes to be able to read some labels with metadata items whose value is a list on several lines
* add a GDAL_TRY_PDS3_WITH_VICAR configuration option that can be set to YES so that PDS3 datasets that contain a VICAR label are opened by the VICAR driver
PDS4 driver:
* update CART schema to 1D00_1933 and PDS to 1C00 (1851)
* fix reading side of Mercator and Orthographic
* add a CREATE_LABEL_ONLY=YES creation option, and create a <Header> element (1832)
* add write support for LAEA projection
PNG driver:
* Update internal libpng to 1.6.37
PNM driver:
* emit warning if creating file with non-standard extension
RasterLite2 driver:
* fix build against latest librasterlite2, and require it
RMF driver:
* Add support for PZ-90.11 and GSK-2011 coordinate systems
* Read vertical datum info
* Add translation vertical CS ID to dataset's spatial reference
RS2 driver:
* add half-pixel shift to reported GCP line and column numbers (1666)
Sentinel2 driver:
* Add support for exposing Level-2A AOT, WVP, SCL, CLD, SNW data in SAFE_COMPACT format (2404)
TileDB driver:
* add capability to define co-registered attributes per band
* set row-major reads and removed adviseread (1479)
* added support for raster band metadata
* TILEDB_LIBS added for windows build
* partial updates to existing arrays
* support reading tiles in update mode (2185)
* use array metadata to store xml (2103)
* redirect vsis3 calls to tiledb s3 direct calls
* Flush cache in block order for global writes (2391)
TSX driver:
* add PAZ support
USGSDEM driver:
* fix reading FEMA generated Lidar datasets whose header is 918 bytes large
VICAR driver:
* Support big-endian order for integer & floating point values
* Support VAX floating-point order
* Support BIP and BIL organizations
* Ignore binary label records (NBL), and properly skip binary prefixes (NBB)
* fix reading of EOL labels with non BSQ organizations, and possible confusion with LBLSIZE of EOL overwriting the main one
* improvements in label reading, and report label in a json:VICAR metadata domain
* read binary prefixes as OGR layer
* add read support for BASIC and BASIC2 compression methods
* add write support
* remove obsolete END-OF-DATASET_LABEL, CONVERSION_DETAILS and PIXEL-SHIFT-BUG metadata items that dates back to 1.X era
VRT driver:
* add 'vrt://{gdal_dataset}?bands=num1,...,numN' syntax as a convenient way of creating a on-the-fly VRT with a subset of bands
* VRT warp: do not fail if a block has no corresponding source pixels (1985)
* VRT Python: also probe (1660)
* VRT Python: add Python 3.8 compatibility
* avoid erroneous pixel request do be done with KernelFilteredSource
* VRTRawRasterBand: add GetVirtualMemAuto interface to enable mmap io
* fix requesting a downsampling version of the mask band of a source that has masks and overviews
* VRT pansharpening: fix crash when NoData is set and input multispectral bands are separate files (2328)
* fix IGetDataCoverageStatus() that can cause issue for the use case of
* gdalvrt.xsd: add 'dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping' attribute for GCPList element (2378)
WCS driver:
* pass user-supplied progress function to curl HTTP request when using DirectRasterIO
WMS driver:
* IReadBlock(): limit number of tiles downloaded at once
* Use curl_multi_wait instead of socket API (1789)
* AGS: Remove unused parameters from url
OGR 3.1.0 - Overview of Changes
* Support API-level precision/round for geometry WKT (1797)
* OGR SQL: make LIKE behave in a case sensitive way from now
* OGR SQL: support constructs 'A OR B OR C ... OR N' with many successive OR
* SQL SQLite: do not propagate 'IS / IS NOT value' constructs to OGR SQL
* SQL SQLite: add support for ST_MakeValid() using OGRGeometry::MakeValid() if not exposed by Spatialite already
* Rename swq.h->ogr_swq.h and install it, mark SQL query parse API with
CPL_UNSTABLE_API macro (1925)
* SQLite dialect: fix issue when using JOIN on a layer without fast filter count capability
* OGRSimpleCurve::getPoints() with XYZM: fix wrong stride used for M array
* OGRSimpleCurve: fix reversePoints() and addSubLineString() to take into account M dimension
* Add OGR_G_CreateGeometryFromEsriJson() and map it to SWIG
* OGRLinearRing::isPointOnRingBoundary(): fix incomplete test that could falsely return true if the point was aligned with a segment, but not between the nodes. Impact correct reconstruction of holes in shapefile driver
* OGRGeometryFactory::ForceTo(): fix crash when forcing a MultiPolygon Z/M/ZM to a CompoundCurve (2120)
* OGRGeometryFactory::forceToMultiLineString(): fix for a GeometryCollection of LineStringZ/M/ZM (1873)
* OGRGeometryRebuildCurves(): only try to reconstruct curved geometry if one of the input geometries has really a non-linear portion
* curveFromLineString(): make sure to exactly close the compound curve if the input curve is itself closed
* GDALDataset::CopyLayer(): fix crash when using DST_SRSWKT option. And also set SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER)
* Add OGR_G_RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms()
* Revise how SRS methods deal with TOWGS84. Add OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_IMPORT_FROM_EPSG, OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_EXPORT_TO_PROJ4 and OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_EXPORT_TO_WKT1 configuration options. See for details
* SetFromUserInput(): add capability to import PROJJSON
* add ExportToPROJJSON() (PROJ >= 6.2)
* GetAxis(): make it work with a compound CRS (1604)
* Coordinate transformation: fix invalid output with some input coordinates in EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 transformation (3.0 regression)
* Coordinate transformation: Coordinate transformation: add a OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION=PROJ/BEST_ACCURACY/FIRST_MATCHING config option. Defaults to PROJ for PROJ >= 6.3
* importFromWkt(): emit a CPLError() in case of import failure (1623)
* Add OSRGetAxesCount() to C API and SWIG bindings
* Add OSRPromoteTo3D() and map it to SWIG (PROJ >= 7) (1852)
* importFromESRI(): acept COMPD_CS (1881)
* add an internal cache for importFromEPSG() and importFromWkt(). Helps performance for MapServer PROJ6 migration
* Add support for Vertical Perspective projection (1856)
* Add a OSRGetPROJSearchPaths() function and a SWIG osr.GetPROJVersionMicro()
* Fix use-after-free issue when destroying a OGRSpatialReference object in a thread when another thread has created it but has been destroy in-between
* Coordinate transformation: make it work with hacky WKT1 rotated pole from netCDF driver
* Add OGR_GeomTransformer_XXXX API that wraps OGRGeometryFactory::transformWithOptions() and expose it to SWIG (fixes 1911)
* Fix PROJ usage across fork() calls (2221)
* OGRCoordinateTransformation: correctly deal when transforming CRS that includes +lon_wrap= or similar qualifiers
* Add OSRIsDerivedGeographic()
* EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting(): fix it to properly deal with Polar projected CRS with northing,easting order
* ogrinfo: add a -nogeomtype switch
* ogrinfo: fix to output WKT2 SRS by default. Was done correctly for several geometry column, but not single one
* ogr2ogr: emit better error message when using -f VRT
* ogr2ogr: improve performance of -explodecollections on collections with big number of parts
* ogr2ogr: avoid non-relevant warning 'Input datasource uses random layer reading, but output datasource does not support random layer writing' when converting one single layer
* ogr2ogr: allow to combine -nlt CONVERT_TO_LINEAR and -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI (2338)
* ogr2ogr: add a -makevalid switch (requires GEOS 3.8 or later) and expose it in Python as makeValid=True options of gdal.VectorTranslate()
OGR drivers
Multiple drivers:
* GML/WFS: add support for Date, Time and DateTime fields
* GeoJSONSeq & TopoJSON: avoid false positive detection and errors on unrelated http[s]:// filenames
AmigoCloud driver:
* Modify amigocloud URL endpoint.
AVCE00 driver:
* fix alternance from sequential to per-FID reading
CAD driver:
* Fix read ellipse and arc (1886)
DXF driver:
* Re-add some header and trailer elements that caused compatibility issues with recent Autocad versions (1213)
* Generate correct HATCH boundary elliptical arc segments for certain start/end angles
* Skip "Embedded Object" sections in 2018 version DXFs
* Specify maximum gap between interpolated curve points, configurable with OGR_ARC_MAX_GAP
* do not error out if trying to create a OGR_STYLE field
* fix handling of SPLINE whose first knot is at a very very close to zero negative (1969)
* do not discard Z value when reading a HATCH (2349)
* write (100, AcDbEntity) before (8, layer_name) (2348)
* Correct handling of "off" and "frozen" layers in blocks (1028)
DWG driver:
* add support for ODA 2021.2 (Windows builds)
ElasticSearch driver:
* rename driver to Elasticsearch (s lowercase for search)
* update geometry type name for Points
* Enable support for Elasticsearch 7 (1246)
* Set 'application/json' in RunRequest() with POST (1628)
* GeoJSON type field should be mapped as text in ES>=5
* add FORWARD_HTTP_HEADERS_FROM_ENV open option to pass HTTP headers down to the ES server
* translate constructs like CAST(field_name AS CHARACTER[(size)]) = 'foo' to ES query language
ESRIJson driver:
* attempt identification of SRS from database entries (2007)
* do not require a 'geometry' member to be present in a feature
GeoJSON driver:
* on writing, format OFTDate and OFTDateTime as ISO 8601 strings rather than OGR traditional formatting
* add a DATE_AS_STRING open option that can be set to YES to disable autodetection of date/time/datetime
* Advertise UTF-8 encoding of strings (2151).
* report 3D layer geometry types (1495)
* fix recognizing some documents with members sorted alphabetically (1537)
* avoid SetFeature() to repeat first feature when looping over features (1687)
* use VSIOverwriteFile() to fix update of file on Windows (fixes
* Transform MAX_OBJECT_SIZE to runtime environment option - OGR_GEOJSON_MAX_OBJ_SIZE
* on reading of a file that use = urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84, report EPSG:4326 as we used to do in GDAL 2 (2035)
* in writing mode, implement GetExtent() (2269)
* Add ID_GENERATE option for generating missing feature ids (2406)
GeoJSONSeq driver:
* make Open() return successfully only if at least one feature is detected
GML driver:
* support reading standalone geometry (2386)
* fix axis order issue when decoding AIXM ElevationPoint (2356)
* fix axis order issue with gml:CircleByCenterPoint and gml:ArcByCenterPoint ( 2356)
* fix handling of angles with ArcByCenterPoint and urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326, and compound curves made of a sequence of straight lines and ArcByCenterPoint in a <segments> (2356)
GPKG driver:
* change default value of OGR_GPKG_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECK to NO, so as to avoid issues in downstream software
* insert more accurate spatial extent in gpkg_contents
* on layer creation, check if the SRS is consistent with its advertise AUTHORITY/ID, and if not do not use official EPSG entries (1857)
* allow parsing datetime serialized as OGR strings, and emit warnings when unrecognized content is found (2183)
* when writing a layer of geometry wkbUnknown, make sure to set gpkg_geometry_columns.z/m to 2 when there are geometries with Z/M values (2360)
KML driver:
* set OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER for SRS returned on returned layers
LIBKML driver:
* make it accept /vsigzip/foo.kml.gz files (1743)
MITAB driver:
* Add friendly layer name (description) support.
* Fix creation of long field names in local encoding (1617)
* don't left truncate numeric values in the .dat when the field formatting is incompatible, but error out (1636)
* Add custom datum/spheroid parameters export
* Update WindowsLatin2 definition (1571)
* identify correctly GDA2020 datum
* do not set (by default) TOWGS84 when reading a known Datum
* cleanup management of update flag (2170)
MSSQLSpatial driver:
* Fix handling empty geometries (1674)
* Fix handling mixed geometries (1678)
* avoid GetExtent() to mess with GetNextFeature() statement, so that ogrinfo -al works properly
MVT driver:
* make CONF option accept a filename as well
* reduce memory usage when processing big geometries (1673)
MySQL driver:
* Add SRID to geometry when creating layer table (1015)
NAS driver:
* disable generation of .gfs file in read-only file systems (or intended to be), similarly to GML driver
netCDF driver:
* add read/write support for CF-1.8 Encoded Geometries
* add support for vector products Sentinel3 SRAL MWR Level 2
NGW driver:
* Fix dataset access mode
* Add support for layers geometry types with Z
OAPIF driver (previously WFS3):
* updated to OGC API - Features 1.0 core spec (1878)
* correctly handle user query string parameters in connection URL (1710)
* add persistent curl session for better performance
* add capability to use a XML Schema to build the layer field definition and geometry type
* add capability to use JSON schema
* add support for rel=queryables and cql-text
* add a IGNORE_SCHEMA=YES/NO open option
* implement filter-lang=json-filter-expr
* avoid issues with double slash when building a /collections URL
OSM driver:
* make error message hopefully clearer and more complete (2100)
PDF driver:
* fix reading polygon with holes and Bezier curves (1932)
* add a GDAL_PDF_LAUNDER_LAYER_NAMES configuration option
* fix reading strings with escape sequences
PostgreSQL driver:
* add support for PostgreSQL 12 (1692)
* add support for PG:service=xxx syntax and SERVICE open option (2373)
* support PostGIS schema installed in non-public schema (2400)
* do not attempt to create VARCHAR(n) columns with n >= 10485760 (1508)
* be more restrictive when deducing non-nullability of columns in SQL result layers (1734)
Shape driver:
* add read/creation/update support for .shz and
* identify a EPSG code if the confidence is >= 90 (
* better deal with empty .shp+.shx and SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX (1525)
* launder layer name to get Windows compatible filename
* try to better deal with polygons with parts touching on an edge (which is illegal simple features) (1787)
* fix crash when creating a layer with a wkbNone geometry type but a SRS (3.0 regression)
* include fseek() optimization of
* expose .dbf and .cpg source encodings in the SHAPEFILE metadata domain
* correctly update layer extent when first feature is a point at (0,0) (2269)
S57 driver:
* s57objectclasses.csv: add missing TXTDSC attribute for DRYDOC class (1723)
* s57objectclasses.csv: add wtwdis and unlocd for distance marks from IENC (2123)
* s57objectclasses.csv: add PICREP attribute to LNDMRK object class
* Added handling of ISDT when using updates (895)
* Added creation of additional field "ATTF" when missing while updating (2249)
SOSI driver:
* Append values from duplicate fields when setting new appendFieldsMap open option (1794)
SQLITE driver:
* fix crash in loading sqlite extensions on iOS (1820)
* fix conversion of geometry collections (and derived types) in geometry collections as Spatialite geometries, by flattening the structure
* cleanup management of update flag (2162)
* GetSpatialiteGeometryHeader(): fix bug regarding detection of empty geometries
SXF driver:
* Add open options with RSC file name
* Use SXF_LAYER_FULLNAME from dataset open options
* Use SXF_SET_VERTCS from dataset open options
* Add OGRSXFLayer::CanRecode and check it for OLCStringsAsUTF8 capability
* Add driver identify function (1607)
VFK driver:
* use a faster implementation of VFKDataBlockSQLite::LoadGeometryPolygon()
VRT driver:
WaSP driver:
* on creation, make sure the layer geometry type set on the feature definition is wkbLineString25D
WFS driver:
* Support FlatGeobuf as WFS outputformat (2135)
* skip silently GeoServer EPSG:404000 dummy CRS
XLSX driver:
* add support for .xlsm extension
SWIG Language Bindings
* add osr.SetPROJSearchPath(path) that can be used since setting PROJ_LIB from C does no work (1647)
Python bindings:
* add 'add' option to gdal.Rasterize
* add hint&workaround for ImportError on Windows Python >= 3.8
* add compatibility with SWIG 4.0 (1702)
* build modules in parallel
* honour gdal.UseExceptions() in numpy related methods (gdalnumeric module) (1515)
* update to SWIG 3.0.12 to have better error message (1677)
* make the feature iterator on the layer call ResetReading()
* Removed calls to deprecated imp module (2264)
* Add numpy as extras_require dependency (2158)
* emit exception is osr.SpatialReference(wkt) fails, even if in non-UseExceptions() mode, to avoid later cryptic exception (2303)
* NUMPYDataset::Open() / gdal_array.OpenArray(): honour writable flag of the numpy array to decide update status of GDAL dataset
* fix invalid check for Dataset.ReadAsArray(buf_obj=some_array, interleave='pixel') scenario
GDAL/OGR 3.0.0 Release Notes
In a nutshell...
* Implement RFC 73: Integration of PROJ6 for WKT2, late binding capabilities, time-support and unified CRS database. PROJ >= 6 is now a build requirement
* New GDAL drivers:
- DAAS: read driver for Airbus DS Intelligence Data As A Service
- TileDB: read/write driver for (#1402)
* New OGR drivers:
- MongoDBv3: read/write driver using libmongocxx v3.4.0 client (for MongoDB >= 4.0)
* Improved drivers:
- FITS: read/write support for scale, offset and CRS
- netCDF: read support for groups
- PDF: add a COMPOSITION_FILE creation option to generate a complex document
- PDS4: subdataset creation support, read/write table/vector support
* Support for minimal builds on Unix (1250)
* Add a docker/ directory with Dockerfile for different configurations
* Continued code linting
New installed files
* Resource file: pdfcomposition.xsd
Removed installed files
* Removal of resource files related to EPSG and ESRI CRS databases: compdcs.csv, coordinate_axis.csv, datum_shift.csv, ellipsoid.csv, esri_epsg.wkt, esri_extra.wkt, esri_Wisconsin_extra.wkt, gcs.csv, gcs.override.csv, gdal_datum.csv, geoccs.csv, pcs.csv, pcs.override.csv, prime_meridian.csv, projop_wparm.csv, unit_of_measure.csv, vertcs.csv, vertcs.override.csv
Backward compatibility issues
GDAL/OGR 3.0.0 - General Changes
* Allow internal drivers to be disabled (1250)
* Fix build with OpenBSD which doesn't support RLIMIT_AS (1163)
* Fix MacOS build failures due to json-c
* Poppler: require pkg-config
* PostgreSQL: Switch from pg_config to pkg-config (1418)
* fix build --without-lerc (1224)
* fix netcdf_mem.h detection in netcdf 4.6.2 (1328)
* Fix build --with-curl --without-threads (1386)
* nmake.opt: remove unicode character at line starting with ' 4275' that apparently cause build issues with some MSVC versions (1169)
* PROJ >= 6.0 is a required external dependency
* libgeotiff >= 1.5 should be used for builds with external libgeotiff
* Poppler: drop support for Poppler older than 0.23.0
* Poppler: add support for 0.72.0, 0.73.0, 0.75.0, 0.76.0