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Next Generation SWIG Wrappers (GDAL and OGR):
- Python, Perl and Ruby bindings considered to be ready to use.
- C, Java, PHP are at best initial prototypes.
- Added configure options for most NG options.

PCRaster Driver:
- libcsf is now included as part of GDAL.
- PCRaster enabled by default on win32.
- --with-pcraster=internal option now supported on unix (but not yet default)

VSI Virtualization:
- The "large file API" (VSI*L) has been re-engineered to allow installing
additional file handlers at runtime.
- Added "in memory" VSI handler so that now any driver using VSI*L
functions for data access can operate on in-memory files.
- PNG, JPEG and GeoTIFF drivers upgraded to work with in-memory support.

Raster Attribute Tables:
- Implemented new Raster Attribute Tables support. See the
GDALRasterAttributeTable class for more information.

Erdas Imagine Overviews:
- Erdas Imagine driver upgraded to support building internal overviews.
- Generic overview handler updated to support overviews in Erdas Imagine
format for any file format. Set USE_RRD config option to YES to enable.

- Added proper support for "unified source nodata", so the -srcnodata
switch works well.

RIK Driver:
- New Swedish format driver implemented by Daniel Wallner.

JPEG Driver:
- Substantial improvements to EXIF support.

MrSID Driver:
- Updated with proper JPEG2000 support as JP2MRSID driver, including
encoding with ESDK.
- Updated to support MrSID Version 5.x SDKs.

PNG Driver:
- Fixed serious bugs with 16bit file support.
- Added NODATA_VALUES to identify RGB sets that indicate a nodata pixel.

OGR 1.3.1 - Overview of Changes

Reference Counting:
- OGRSpatialReference and OGRFeatureDefn now honour reference counting
- Note that, especially for the OGRFeatureDefn, it is now critical that
all drivers be careful with reference counting. Any OGR drivers not in
the core distribution will likely crash if not updated.

ESRI Personal Geodatabase Driver:
- New driver implemented for ESRI Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) files.
- Uses ODBC, enabled by default on win32.

ODBC Driver:
- Updated to support binary fields.
- Updated to support WKB geometry fields.
- Updated to support DSN-less connections.

S57 Driver:
- Added support for Inland Waterways, and Additional Military Layers profiles


- Lots of work done to implement support for multiple threads reading
from distinct GDALDataset objects at the same time.

GDALRasterBand / Persistent Auxiliary Metadata (PAM):
- Support for preserving a variety of metadata in a supporting XML file.
- GDALRasterBand now supports "remembering" histograms, and has a concept
of the default histogram.
- GDALRasterBand now supports remembering image statistics.
- Disabled by default (set GDAL_PAM_ENABLED=YES to turn on).
- Supported by *most* drivers with some caveats.

- This function is a low level work horse for copying and converting pixel
data in GDAL. It has been substantially optimized by Steve Soule (Vexcel).

Next Generation Bindings:
- Kevin Ruland and Howard Butler are working on reworked support for
SWIG to generate Python, PHP, Java, C and other language bindings for GDAL
and OGR.

VB6 Bindings:
- Now substantially complete, see VB6 directory.

HDF5 Driver:
- New HDF5 driver implemented by Denis Nadeau.

RMF Driver:
- New driver for Raster Matrix Format by Andrey Kislev.

MSGN (Meteosat Second Generation Native) Driver:
- New driver implemented by Frans van der Bergh.

VRT Driver:
- Fixed whopper of a memory leak in warped raster case.

NetCDF Driver:
- Preliminary CF conventions support by Denis Nadeau.

NITF Driver:
- NITF files between 2 and 4 GB in size can now be read and written.

JPEG Driver:
- Added support for reading EXIF as metadata by Denis Nadeau.

DODS Driver:
- Fixed up libdap 3.5.x compatibility.

JP2ECW (JPEG2000 ECW SDK) Driver:
- Implemented support for new GML-in-JPEG2000 specification.
- Implemented support for old MSI "worldfile" box.

JP2KAK (JPEG2000 Kakadu) Driver:
- Implemented support for new GML-in-JPEG2000 specification.
- Implemented support for old MSI "worldfile" box.

PCIDSK Driver:
- tiled files now supported for reading.
- overviews now supported for reading.

HFA (Imagine) Driver:
- Supports creating internal overviews in very large files.
- Support reading class names.
- Support creating compressed files.

GeoTIFF Driver:
- Support reading files with odd bit depths (i.e. 3, 12, etc).
- Support 16/24bit floating point TIFFs (per Technote 3) (Andrey).
- Support 12bit jpeg compressed imagery using libjpeg "MK1" library.

HDF4 Driver:
- Added support for ASTER Level 1A, 1B and 2 products (Andrey).

OGR 1.3.0 - Overview of Changes

- WKT (and GML) encoding now attempts to preserve pretty much full double
- geometries are now "coordinate dimension preserving" rather than dynamically
figuring out dimension depending on whether Z is set. So a geometry can
now be 3D even if all z values are zero.
- Fixed up proper EMPTY geometry support per standard.

GRASS Driver:
- New driver for GRASS 6 vector data written by Radim Blazek.

Interlis Driver:
- New driver for Swiss Interlis format from Permin Kalberer (SourcePole).

Shape Driver:
- Fixed logic for degenerate polygons (Baumann Konstantin).

PostgreSQL/PostGIS Driver:
- Implemented fast GetExtent() method (Oleg Semykin).
- Implemented layer type from geometry_columns (Oleg Semykin).
- Handle PostGIS 1.0 requirements for coordinate dimension exactness.
- Handle EWKT type in PostGIS 1.0.
- Generally PostGIS 0.x and 1.0 should now be supported fairly gracefully.
- Added PostGIS "binary cursor" mode for faster geometry access.

VRT Driver:
- Pass through attribute queries to underlying driver.
- Pass through spatial queries as attribute filters on the underlying layer.

S57 Driver:
- Added concept of supporting different profiles.
- Added prototype AML profile support.

MySQL Driver:
- Fixed for FID recognition (eg. mediumint).

GML Driver:
- Various fixes for generated GML correctness (Tom Kralidis).

TIGER/Line Driver:
- Added Tiger 2004 support.

Oracle Driver:
- Use VARCHAR2 for fixed size string fields.
- Use OCI_FID config variable when creating layers, and reading select results


- Added -sds switch to copy all subdatasets.

- Added Thin Plate Spline support (-tps switch).

- Now uses two level block cache allowing efficient access to files
with a very large number of tiles.
- Added support for YCbCr color space for raster band color interpretations.
- Added AdviseRead() method - currently only used by ECW driver and OGDI

ILWIS Driver:
- New driver for the raster format of the ILWIS software.

ECW Driver:
- Updated to use ECW SDK 3.1 (older ECW SDK no longer supported!)

ECWJP2 Driver:
- Added JPEG2000 support driver based on ECW/JPEG2000 SDK with a variety
of features.

NITF Driver:
- Added support for reading *and* writing JPEG2000 compressed NITF files
using the ECW/JPEG2000 SDK.
- Added ICHIPB support.

HDF Driver:
- Add support for georeferencing from some additional metadata formats.
- Fixed bug with multi-band HDF-EOS datasets.

MrSID Driver:
- Driver can now be built as a plugin on win32.
- Split out MrSID 3.x SDK support - not readily buildable now.
- Implemented accelerated IO cases for MrSID 4.x SDK.
- Support for writing MrSID files added (improved?)

Imagine Driver:
- Fixed bug reading some large multiband Imagine files.
- Added support for writing compressed files.

Win32 Builds:
- Added versioning information to GDAL DLL.

L1B Driver:
- Only return a reduced grid of control points.

IDA (WinDisp4) Driver:
- New read/write driver for the Image Display and Analysis raster format
used by WinDisp 4.

NDF (NLAPS) Driver:
- Added NDF/NLAPS read driver for version 1 and 2.

MSG Driver:
- Added support for the Metosat Second Generation raw file format.

GTiff Driver:
- Added support for offset/scale being saved and loaded (special metadata).
- Added Cylindrical Equal Area.
- Added PROFILE creation option to limit extra tags.

PNG Driver:
- Updated internal code for libpng to libpng 1.2.8.

OGR 1.2.6 - Overview of Changes

- Added support for autoloading plugin drivers from ogr_<driver>.so.
- Geometry, and Feature now take care of their own reference counting and
will delete themselves when unreferenced. Care must still be taken to
unreference all features before destroying the corresponding
- ogr.Feature fields can now be fetched and set directly as attributes.
- Geometry constructor can now take various formats (wkt, gml, and wkb).
- Added docstrings.
- Added better __str__ methods on several objects.
- Various other improvements.

- Re-wrote generic spatial search support to be faster in case of rectangular
- Intersects() method now really uses GEOS. This also affects all OGR
layer spatial filtering (with non-rectangular filters).
- Added SetNextByIndex() method on OGRLayer.

- Automatically generate +towgs84 from EPSG tables when translating to
PROJ.4 if available and TOWGS84 not specified in source WKT.
- Updated GML CRS translation to follow OGC 05-011 more closely. Still
incomplete but operational for some projections.
- Added support for FIPSZONE State Plane processing for old ESRI .prjs.
- Added Goode Homolosine support.
- Added GEOS (Geostationary Satellite) support.

OCI (Oracle) Driver:
- Added GEOMETRY_NAME creation option to control the name of the field to
hold the geometry.

PostGIS Driver:
- Fixed some problems with truncation for integer and float list fields.

Shapefile Driver:
- Added support for MapServer style spatial index (.qix).

GML Driver:
- Improved support for 3L0 (GML 3 - Level 0 profile) reading and writing.
On read we can now use the .xsd instead of needing to build a .gfs file.


gdalwarp Utility:
- Added "proper" source and destination alpha support.

PCRaster Driver:
- added write support, now consider ready for regular use.

MrSID Driver:
- Initial support for writing to MrSID with encoding SDK.

GeoTIFF Driver:
- Updated internal copy of libtiff to fix overview building ... really!
- Fixed bug when writing south-up images.

OGR 1.2.5 - Overview of Changes

- Added Bonne projection.

- Added OGR C++ API Tutorial (reading and writing).

PostGIS Driver:
- Implemented SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() methods for in-place updates.

Oracle (OCI) Driver:
- Fixed support for writing into Oracle 10g.
- Fixed serious memory leak of geometries.
- Fixed bug with 3D multipolygons.
- Added support for selecting tables in the datasource name.


- Fixed some issues with only partially transformable regions.
- Added Alpha mask generation support (-dstalpha switch).

HFA/Imagine Driver:
- bug fix in histogram handling.
- improved support for large colormaps.

Envi Driver:
- Capture category names and colormaps when reading.

SAR CEOS Driver:
- Added support for PALSAR/ALOS Polarimetric Datasets.

RadarSat 2 Driver:
- New. Reads RadarSat 2 Polarimetric datasets with a "product.xml" and
imagery in TIFF files.

OGDI Driver:
- Important bug fix for downsampled access.

GeoTIFF Driver:
- Lots of libtiff upgrades, including some quite serious bug fixes.
- Added better support for 16bit colormaps.
- Write projection information even if we don't have a geotransform or GCPs.
- Improved alpha support.
- Generate graceful error message for BigTIFF files.

DODS Driver:
- Almost completely reimplemented. Uses chunk-by-chunk access. Supports
reading several bands from separate objects. Some new limitations too.

NetCDF Driver:
- Separated out a GMT NetCDF driver and a more generic but partially broken
NetCDF driver (Radim).

JP2KAK Driver:
- Added alpha support, including greyscale+alpha.

AirSAR Driver:
- New, reads AirSAR Polarimetric Radar format.

OGR 1.2.4 - Overview of Changes
- Added escaping rules when generating PostGIS output.
- Discard dangles and degenerate rings.

VRT Driver:
- Fixed serious error in handling cleanup of VRT datasources, was often
causing a crash.

SQLLite Driver:
- Fixed substantial memory leaks.

MySQL Driver:
- New readonly non-spatial MySQL driver implemented.

MITAB Driver:
- Updated from upstream, several fixes.

TIGER/Line Driver:
- Fixed serious bug with handling "full" records at end of .RT2 file.

OCI/Oracle Driver:
- Added OCI_FID environment support to control FID selection.

- Added Centroid() implementation (from GEOS?)


GeoTIFF Driver:
- Fixed many missing compression codecs when built with the internal
- Modified driver metadata to only list available compression types.

DODS Driver:
- Added support for OPeNDAP version after 3.4.x (use of opendap-config).

GRASS Driver:
- Fixed support for building with grass57.

MrSID Driver:
- Fixed support for MrSID Encoding SDK.

NITF Driver:
- Fixed serious bug with non-square output files.

OGR 1.2.3 - Overview of Changes

- Corrected memory leaks - OSRCleanup() cleans up temporary tables.
- Fixed build problem with ogrct.cpp on Solaris.

TIGER Driver:
- Improved generality of support for GDT files.

- Added getArea() method for rings, polygons and multipolygons.

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