* /vsizip/: add read support for Deflate64 (7013)
* Add read-only /vsi7z/ and /vsirar/ virtual file systems (depends on libarchive)
* Make it possible to specify all HTTP related configuration options as
path-specific options with VSISetPathSpecificOption()
* VSIGSFSHandler::UnlinkBatch(): avoid potential nullptr deref
* /vsiaz/: implement UnlinkBatch()
* /vsis3/: add CPL_VSIS3_CREATE_DIR_OBJECT configuration option
* /vsigs/ allow GDAL_HTTP_HEADERS config option to be used as authentication method if contains at least a line starting with "Authorization:"
* /vsihdfs/: fix ReadDir() and EOF flag (7632)
* add a robust CPLParseKeyValueJson() function (6753)
* HTTP: set default User-Agent header to GDAL/x.y.z and add a
CPLHTTPSetDefaultUserAgent() function (6376)
* HTTP: CUSTOMREQUEST option overrides POST while send form
* /vsicurl/ / CPLHTTPFetch(): add a GDAL_HTTP_NETRC_FILE config option
* /vsicurl/ / CPLHTTPFetch(): add options to support SSL client certificates
* VSICurlHandle::ReadMultiRange(): avoid potential infinite loop
* Add VSIVirtualHandle::AdviseRead() virtual method and implement it in /vsicurl
* Add VSICopyFile()
* CPLCopyFile(): remap onto VSICopyFile()
* Implement CopyFile() for VSIZipFilesystemHandler
* Implement GetFileMetadata() for /vsizip/
* CPLDefaultFindFile: Warn if file not found and GDAL_DATA not defined
* Add VSIDuplicateFileSystemHandler() (for remote stores identifcal to popular
ones, but with different settings).
* Make C type VSILFILE an alias of C++ VSIVirtualHandle (and make it a struct
for that purpose) (6643)
* Add a CPLGetErrorHandler() function
* Add VSIVirtualHandleUniquePtr type, unique pointer of VSIVirtualHandle that
calls the Close() method
* ComputeRasterMinMax(), ComputeStatistics(), GetHistogram(): take into account
mask band (and not only nodata value)
* Modify GDALFlushCache() and GDALDataset::FlushCache() to return CPLErr
instead of void
* Add GDALDataset::Close() virtual method, call it from GDALClose() and make
GDALClose() return a CPLErr
* GDALDataset:: add a SetBand() method that takes a GDALRasterBand unique_ptr
* RawRasterBand: cache GDAL_ONE_BIG_READ value for RasterIO (6726)
* RawRasterBand: add IsValid() and Create() methods that return a unique_ptr
* RawDataset::RasterIO(): add optimization when reading from a BIP dataset to
a BIP buffer (6819)
* RAW: fix performance issue when reading files with very small width (1140)
* Raw drivers: check RawRasterBand validity
* LoadPythonAPI(): take into account Python 3.12
* NASAKeywordHandler: add a Parse() method and change Ingest() return type to be bool
* Add GDALMDArray::GetGridded() / GDALMDArrayGetGridded()
* Add GDALMDArray::Resize() / GDALMDArrayResize(). Implement it in MEM, netCDF
and Zarr drivers
* Support blocks > 2GB in GDALAllValidMaskBand and GDALNoDataValuesMaskBand
* Add CPLSubscribeToSetConfigOption() to subscribe to config option settings
* GoogleMapsCompatible tiling scheme: Increase max zoom level from 24 to 30
* JP2 structure dump: fix interpretation of METH field in COLR JP2 box
* Enable SSE2/AVX2 optims on 32bit MSVC builds if /arch:AVX2 is defined (7625)
* Polygonizer: switch implementation to Two-Arm Chains EdgeTracing Algorithm,
which is much faster in some cases (7344)
* Prefix ParseAlgorithmAndOptions() public symbol with GDALGrid for proper
namespacing, and add define alias for API compat (but ABI breakage)
* Pansharpening: require geotransform on panchromatic and multispectral bands.
Remove undocumented and somewhat broken MSShiftX and MSShiftY options
* Warper: fix issue with insufficiently large source window, visible with RPC
DEM warping (7491)
* gdalwarp: add -srcband (aliased to -b) and -dstband options
* gdalwarp: preserve source resolution by default when no reprojection is
involved (behavior change), and add '-tr square' to use previous behavior
* gdalwarp: better error message when not providing enough values after a switch
* gdal_rasterize: support filename for -sql option (7232)
* gdal_rasterize: add -oo switch for open options (7329)
* gdal_grid: add -oo switch for open options (7329)
* gdal_polygonize.py: use transactions to speed-up writing
* gdal_polygonize.py: add a -lco option, and fix -o (7374)
* gdalbuildvrt: implement numerically stable averaging of resolution (7502)
* gdal2tiles: use logging module instead of print() for verbose output (4894)
* gdal2tiles: update doctype to html format (7631)
* gdal2tiles: uses GDALTermProgress() for progress bar
* gdal_calc: uses GDALTermProgress() for progress bar (7549)
* gdal_fillnodata: fix parsing of -co option
* validate_gpkg.py: make it work better on examples from ngageoint repositories
* gdal_cp.py: use gdal.CopyFile()
* C/C++ command line utilities: take into account GDALClose() error code
Raster drivers
ARG driver:
* add support for int64/uint64
COG driver:
* relax a bit the tolerance when computing tile number
* propagate NUM_THREADS to warping (7479)
* add NBITS creation option (7361)
ERS driver:
* support GDA2020
GeoPackage driver:
* load/save band statistics in GPKG metadata tables or PAM .aux.xml
GRIB driver:
* update tables to wmo-im/GRIB2v30
* g2clib: allow negative longitudes in grid templates Lon/Lat, Rotated,
Stretched, Stretched & Rotated, LAEA (7456) and Mercator
* fix GetNoDataValue() on band > 1 when there's a bitmap section (7649)
GTiff driver:
* add a JXL_ALPHA_DISTANCE creation option, e.g. to have lossless alpha and
lossy RGB.
* call VSIVirtualHandle::AdviseRead() in multithreaded read implementation
* implement GetCompressionFormats() and ReadCompressedData()
* add minimum support for reading CRS from ESRI's .xml side car file (7187)
* use libtiff >= 4.5 reentrant error handlers (when available) (6659)
* make sure that band description in PAM overrides the one coming from
* Internal libtiff: resync with upstream
HFA driver:
* add a DISABLEPESTRING=YES creation option to disable use of ArcGIS PE String
HDF5 driver:
* add generic support for HDF-EOS5 grids and swaths (7117)
JP2OpenJPEG driver:
* add workaround for dop10 orthophotos wrong colorspace
JPEG driver:
* add a APPLY_ORIENTATION=YES open option to take into account EXIF_Orientation
* advertise JPEG_QUALITY metadata item in IMAGE_STRUCTURE domain
* use ReadCompressedData(), implement lossless copy from JPEGXL that has
JPEG reconstruction box
* add a LOSSLESS_COPY creation option
* add support for reading lossless 8-bit JPEG if using libjpeg-turbo >= 2.2
* change behavior to return an error and not just a warning with reading a
truncated file
* Internal libjpeg: decompressor: initialize Huffman tables to avoid issues
with some FileGDB raster
JPEGXL driver:
* add a ALPHA_DISTANCE creation option, e.g. to have lossless alpha and
lossy RGB.
* add a APPLY_ORIENTATION=YES open option to take into account EXIF_Orientation
* advertise COMPRESSION_REVERSIBILITY=LOSSY when there is a JPEG reconstruction
* add a LOSSLESS_COPY creation option
* implement creation from JPEGXL content
* fix lossless copy of JPEG with zlib compressed mask band
* implement GetCompressionFormats() and ReadCompressedData()
MEM driver:
* implement GetCoordinateVariables() from coordinates attribute
* Adds 'SPATIALREFERENCE' element to the DSN format (7272)
MRF driver:
* make it use PNG driver for decompression of 8-bit images
netCDF driver:
* add a ASSUME_LONGLAT open option (6195)
* add heuristics to detect invalid validity range when scale_factor is
present (7167)
* report geolocation array for NASA L2 ocean colour products (7605)
NITF driver:
* nitf_spec.xml: add definition for subheader of CSATTB, CEEPHB and CSSFAB DES
* add capability of decoding DES data part as XML fields and add descriptors
* fix bug that prevents adding subsequent TREs after a HEX TRE (6827)
OGCAPI driver:
* define raster/vector scope of open options
* Passed uri to TileMatrixSet::parse
* Updated uris of well-known tile matrix sets
PCIDSK driver:
* support Web Mercator projection (7647)
PDF driver:
* skip JP2ECW driver if ECW_ENCODE_KEY required but not found
PNG driver:
* 1.7-2.0x speed-up in whole image decompression with libdeflate on Intel/AMD CPUs
RMF driver:
* Add scale, name, frame support.
* Add vert CS write support.
* Implement GetSuggestedBlockAccessPattern
VRT driver:
* add 'a_offset', 'a_scale', 'a_srs', 'a_ullr', 'expand', 'exponent', 'gcp',
'if', 'ot', 'outsize', 'ovr', 'scale' options for vrt:// connection string
* add BLOCKXSIZE and BLOCKYSIZE creation options
* Fix excessive RAM usage when reading a VRT made of single-tiled JPEG2000
files read with the JP2OpenJPEG driver
* implement GetCompressionFormats() and ReadCompressedData()
* derived band: add a <SkipNonContributingSources>true optional element
to discard non contributing sources (7223)
* VRTPansharpened: avoid issue when querying overviews when PAN and MS bands
have significant different spatial extent
* serialize NODATA/NoDataValue elements with double precision (7486)
* fix warning regarding with OpenShared with vrt://http://example.com/test.jp2
with the JP2OpenJPEG driver
WEBP driver:
* implement GetCompressionFormats() and ReadCompressedData()
OGR 3.7.0 - Overview of Changes
* Add OGRLayer::UpdateFeature() and OGR_L_UpdateFeature() (RFC 93).
Implement it in Memory, GPKG, MongoDBv3, PG
* OGRFeatureDefn: add GetFields() and GetGeomFields() for easier C++ iteration
* OGRFieldDefn: add GetComment() / SetComment() methods
* OGRFeature/OGRGeometry: add a DumpReadable method that outputs to a string
* Add GDAL_DMD_ILLEGAL_FIELD_NAMES, and feel it for OpenFileGDB, FileGDB,
* Add GDAL_DMD_RELATIONSHIP_RELATED_TABLE_TYPES: list of standard related table
types recognized by the driver, and feel it for OpenFileGDB, FileGDB and GPKG
* Add ALTER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_FLAG for use changing a field's alternative name
when calling OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn
* Add ALTER_COMMENT_FLAG for altering field comments via OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn
* Add OGRLayer::GetSupportedSRSList() and SetActiveSRS()
* OGRToOGCGeomType(): add options to control output
* GenSQL: fix SetAttributeFilter() when dialect=OGRSQL and not forwarding the
initial where clause to the source layer (7087)
* OGR SQL: do not emit error message when comparing a NULL datetime
* OGRFeature::SetField(string argument): for bool, recognize 0/false/off/no as
false and 1/true/on/yes as true
* Add OGRFeature::GetFieldAsISO8601DateTime() (7555)
* Geometry WKT import: accept nan as a value, for parity with PostGIS and GEOS
* GDALDataset::CopyLayer(): copy source layer metadata, unless the COPY_MD=NO
option is specified
* Add OGRGeometry::UnaryUnion() / OGR_G_UnaryUnion()
* SQL SQLite parser: correctly take into account statements like
'SELECT ... FROM json_each(...)' (7464)
* Make OGRGeometry::getSpatialReference() return a const OGRSpatialReference*
* Make OGRGeomFieldDefn::GetSpatialRef() return a const OGRSpatialReference*
* importFromWkt(): take into account COORDINATEMETADATA[] (PROJ >= 9.2)
* update hard-coded definition of OGC:CRS84 to include the ID
* OSR_Panorama: Add some spatial references (GSK 2011, etc.)
* OSR_Panorama: Fix TM zone for projections with negative central meridian
* OSR_Panorama: Fix import from invalid data
* SetFromUserInput(): skip leading white space (7170)
* Make OGRCoordinateTransformation::GetSourceCS() and GetTargetCS() return a
const OGRSpatialReference* (7377)
* OSRImportFromEPSG(): emit warning message about deprecated CRS substitution
* Allow CPLSetConfigOption('PROJ_DATA', ...) to work by making it call
* ogrinfo: make it accessible through a new GDALVectorInfo() C API call
* ogrinfo: add a -json switch
* ogrinfo: output CRS supported list
* ogrinfo: output relationships
* ogr2ogr: use SetActiveSRS() when possible when -t_srs is used
* ogr2ogr: make conversion from GML2 to GPKG work without explicit -lco
* ogr2ogr: add a -dateTimeTo option to convert datetime between timezones (5256)
* ogr2ogr: Improve performance of -clipsrc and -clipdst (7197)
* ogr2ogr: LoadGeometry(): use UnaryUnion()
* ogrmerge.py: add optimization for GPKG -> GPKG non-single layer case (up to
10x faster)
Vector drivers
Arrow driver:
* add support for getting/setting field alternative name and comment in
gdal:schema extension
CSV driver:
* recognize pipe separator and .psv extension for read (6811)
* fix GetFeatureCount() to work correctly with spatial and attribute filters
* allow reading single column file (7595)
CSW driver:
* Add 'title' as query-able property
FileGDB driver:
* do not set Length/Precision from OGR width/precision for floating-point data
types (7283)
* correct ObjectID field to have a Length of 4.
FlatGeobuf driver:
* decrease memory usage when inserting lots of features
* speed-up writing of DateTime/Date values
* avoid crash when writing huge geometry
* Support reading/writing field comments in field description metadata (7598)
GML driver:
* Use geometry in boundedBy element if there are no geometry properties
* use srsDimension on top gml:Envelope as the default one (6986)
* GML geometry parsing: don't promote to 3D a 2D <gml:Box>
* deal with only <gml:null> in boundedBy element
* fix reading CityGML Lod2 with xlink:href in gml:Solid as found in German
datasets (qgis/QGIS51647)
* add support for getting/setting field comment
GMLAS driver:
* add BoundingShapeType as a known geometry type
GPKG driver:
* Implement relationship creation, deletion and update support
* add direct read and create support for .gpkg.zip files
* SQLite/GPKG: move PRELUDE_STATEMENTS evaluation just after database opening
* add a gdal_get_pixel_value() SQL function.
* add a SetSRID() SQL function
* speed-up writing of DateTime/Date values
* allow opening filenames >= 512 characters
* do not register non-spatial layers on creation if there are already
unregistered non-spatial layers (qgis/qgis51721)
* avoid potential int overflows / crash on huge geometries
* make SQL function ogr_layer_Extent() available (7443)
* Map field alternative name with "name" attribute from gpkg_data_columns table
* Map field comment with "description" attribute from gpkg_data_columns table
* hide implicit relationships from NGA GeoInt and Spatialite system tables
* add ST_EnvIntersects() for faster spatial filtering when there is no
spatial index
* minimum (read) support for non-standard multiple geometry columns per table
GPX driver:
* add capability to read & write content of <metadata> element (7190)
LVBAG driver:
* fix std::find() test
MITAB driver:
* add support for LargeInt (Integer64) data type (7162)
NAS driver:
* make it trigger only if NAS_GFS_TEMPLATE config option is set (7529)
MongoDBv3 driver:
* avoid get_utf8() deprecatation warning with mongocxx 3.7.0
netCDF driver:
* add support for getting/setting alternative name and comment
OAPIF driver:
* Add support for OGC API Features - Part 2 CRS extension (ie ability to work
with non WGS 84 CRS)
* Add CRS/PREFERRED_CRS open options to control the active CRS
* Implement GetSupportedSRSList() and SetActiveSRS()
OCI driver:
* improve round-tripping of EPSG CRS (7551)
OpenFileGDB driver:
* Optimise writing of large geometries
* allow CreateField() with OBJECTID as the column name (51435)
* make Delete() method to remove the directory (7216)
* remove traces of dealing with field precision (7283)
* correct ObjectID field to have a Length of 4.
* take into account SpatialReference.VCSWKID/LatestVCSWKID for compound CRS
* relax test to detect broken .spx
* add support for reading alternative name and comment from VRT XML
OSM driver:
* add a tags_format=json osmconf.ini setting and TAGS_FORMAT=JSON open option,
as an alternative for HSTORE for other_tags/all_tags fields (7533)
Parquet driver:
* add support for getting/setting field alternative name and comment in
gdal:schema extension
PG driver:
* Add WKBFromEWKB() for a slightly faster OGRGeometryFromEWKB()
* fix TEMPORARY layer creation option
* Add SKIP_VIEWS open option to replace PG_SKIP_VIEWS config option
* Remove PG_USE_TEXT config option
* use standard_conforming_strings=ON
* add support for getting/setting/altering field comments (7587)
* truncate table names larger than 63 characters (7628)
PGDump driver:
* fix TEMPORARY layer creation option
* add GEOM_COLUMN_POSITION layer creation option and allow empty FID= (7482)
* fix escaping of schema and table name (7497)
* add support for setting field comments
* truncate table names larger than 63 characters (7628)
Shapefile driver:
* writer: do no use SHPRewindObject() for [Multi]Polygon layers, but use the
input OGRGeometry structure to deduce the winding order (5315)
* writer: prevent potential overflows on 64-bit platforms on huge geometries
* writer: optimize MultiLineString writing
SQLite driver:
* Implement AddRelationship support
* add a gdal_get_pixel_value() SQL function
* allow opening filenames >= 512 characters
* make SQL function ogr_layer_Extent() available (7443)
* Spatialite: remove support for libspatialite < 4.1.2
WFS driver:
* implement GetSupportedSRSList() and SetActiveSRS()
SWIG Language Bindings
All bindings:
* add gdal.VectorInfo()
* fix GDT_TypeCount value (affects C and Java bindings)
* add gdal.GetNumCPUs() and gdal.GetUsablePhysicalRAM()
* add gdal.CopyFile()
* fix syntax error that fail with SWIG 4.1
CSHARP bindings:
* add SkiaSharp (6957)
* Add missing wrappers for BuildVRT and MultiDimTranslate (7517)
Python bindings:
* Emit FutureWarning when exceptions are not explicitly enabled or disabled.
Turning on exceptions by default is planned for GDAL 4.0
* Make UseExceptions() on one of gdal/ogr/osr module affect all of them
* add gdal/ogr/osr.ExceptionMgr() Context Manager for handling Python exception
state (6637)
* add gdal.config_option() and gdal.config_options() context manager
* add gdal.quiet_errors() context manage
* make ogr.Open() and ogr.OpenShared() work with verbose error when exceptions
are enabled
* gdal.VectorTranslate: add missing extra options (6486)
* Adapt various utilities for exceptions enabled: gdal_merge.py,
ogr_layer_algebra.py, ogr_merge, gdalinfo.py, ogr2ogr.py
* __init__.py: more robust handling of PATH (cf rasterio/rasterio2713)
* do not make gdal.PushErrorHandler()/PopErrorHandler() sensitive to the GDAL
error context
* Make GetArrowStreamAsNumPy() handle large lists, strings and binaries
* make Dataset.ExecuteSQL() usable as a context manager to automatically
release the layer (7459)
* GetArrowStreamAsNumPy(): optimization to save memory on string fields with
huge strings compared to the average size
GDAL/OGR 3.6.4 Release Notes
GDAL 3.6.4 is a bugfix release.