* New coordinate system for small scale maps. `coord_quickmap()` computes and
sets the correct aspect ratio between one degree of latitude and one degree
of longitude at the centre of the plotted region. It does not perform full
fledged mapping projection as `coord_map()` does and therefore is much
faster. Yet, it gives a correct approximation for small scale maps (a few
degrees in either direction) at medium to low latitudes (jiho, 922).
* `geom_boxplot` gain new `varwidth` argument for controlling whether or not
the width of boxplots should be proportional to the size of the groups
(tsieger, 927).
* `position_jitterdodge()` combines `position_jitter()` and `position_dodge()`,
allowing the user to plot and align points generated by e.g. `geom_point()`
with those generated by a dodged `geom_boxplot()`. See
`example(position_jitterdodge)` for a potential usage. (kevinushey, 932)
* Allow specifying only one of the limits in a scale and use the automatic
calculation of the other limit by passing NA to to the limit function,
`xlim()` or `ylim()` (jimhester, 557).
* Allow to use brewer palettes for continuous scales, through the new
`scale_fill/colour_distiller()` functions (jiho, 925).
* `stat_ellipse()` adds data ellipses. It supports bivariate normal and t distributions,
as well as a euclidian distance circle. (jofrhwld, 926)
* Add new themes: `theme_linedraw()` is similar to `theme_bw()` but with
truly only white and black elements and spacing between elements identical
to `theme_gray`. `theme_light` is similar but with light gray box and axes
around the plot, to emphasise content more (jiho, 923)
* new theme settings panel.margin.x and panel.margin.y (units) allow
specifying horizontal and vertical gap between panels in facetted plots (for
both grid and wrap). (Kirill Müller. Fixes 839)
* Fix vertical justification for rotated text. This will change the appearance
of plots that use textual elements that are rotated by 90° or 270° and have a
`vjust` parameter other than the default 0.5; the interpretation of `vjust`
and `hjust` is now the same for both rotated and non-rotated text elements
(0 = top/left, 1 = bottom/right, 0.5 = centered). (krlmlr, 883)
* Added helper function `labeller()` for formatting faceting values.
(stefanedwards, 910). Added `label_wrap_gen` based on
(stefanedwards, 910)
* `aes()` no more treats variables like `a..x..b` as a calculated aesthetic.
(krlmlr, 834.)
* New `aes_q()` function to generate aesthetic specifications from
quoted calls/names. `aes_string()` uses names `x` and `y` for first
two unnamed arguments.
* `fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame()` now calls `polygons` without
requiring the `sp` to be loaded first (seancarmody, 879).
* The outliers of `geom_boxplot()` use the default colour, size and shape from
`geom_point()`. Changing the defaults of `geom_point()` with
`update_geom_defaults()` will apply the same changes to the outliers of
`geom_boxplot()`. Changing the defaults for the outliers was previously not
possible. (ThierryO, 757)
* `geom_dotplot()` now works with `qplot()`. (rasmusab. Fixes 825)
* Marginal improvements to `theme_bw()` and `theme_classic()` (jiho, 934)
* `stat_smooth()` checks for `method = "auto"` and `method = "glm"` in
a safer way.
* Add `"none"` to documentation of `theme()` for parameter `legend.position`
(krlmlr, 829).
* `ggpcp()`, `ggfluctuation()`, `ggmissing()`, `ggstructure()`, and
`ggorder()` are now defunct and have been removed.