
Latest version: v0.11.5

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* New coordinate system for small scale maps. `coord_quickmap()` computes and
sets the correct aspect ratio between one degree of latitude and one degree
of longitude at the centre of the plotted region. It does not perform full
fledged mapping projection as `coord_map()` does and therefore is much
faster. Yet, it gives a correct approximation for small scale maps (a few
degrees in either direction) at medium to low latitudes (jiho, 922).

* `geom_boxplot` gain new `varwidth` argument for controlling whether or not
the width of boxplots should be proportional to the size of the groups
(tsieger, 927).

* `position_jitterdodge()` combines `position_jitter()` and `position_dodge()`,
allowing the user to plot and align points generated by e.g. `geom_point()`
with those generated by a dodged `geom_boxplot()`. See
`example(position_jitterdodge)` for a potential usage. (kevinushey, 932)

* Allow specifying only one of the limits in a scale and use the automatic
calculation of the other limit by passing NA to to the limit function,
`xlim()` or `ylim()` (jimhester, 557).

* Allow to use brewer palettes for continuous scales, through the new
`scale_fill/colour_distiller()` functions (jiho, 925).

* `stat_ellipse()` adds data ellipses. It supports bivariate normal and t distributions,
as well as a euclidian distance circle. (jofrhwld, 926)

* Add new themes: `theme_linedraw()` is similar to `theme_bw()` but with
truly only white and black elements and spacing between elements identical
to `theme_gray`. `theme_light` is similar but with light gray box and axes
around the plot, to emphasise content more (jiho, 923)

* new theme settings panel.margin.x and panel.margin.y (units) allow
specifying horizontal and vertical gap between panels in facetted plots (for
both grid and wrap). (Kirill Müller. Fixes 839)

* Fix vertical justification for rotated text. This will change the appearance
of plots that use textual elements that are rotated by 90° or 270° and have a
`vjust` parameter other than the default 0.5; the interpretation of `vjust`
and `hjust` is now the same for both rotated and non-rotated text elements
(0 = top/left, 1 = bottom/right, 0.5 = centered). (krlmlr, 883)

* Added helper function `labeller()` for formatting faceting values.
(stefanedwards, 910). Added `label_wrap_gen` based on
(stefanedwards, 910)


* `aes()` no more treats variables like `a..x..b` as a calculated aesthetic.
(krlmlr, 834.)

* New `aes_q()` function to generate aesthetic specifications from
quoted calls/names. `aes_string()` uses names `x` and `y` for first
two unnamed arguments.

* `fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame()` now calls `polygons` without
requiring the `sp` to be loaded first (seancarmody, 879).

* The outliers of `geom_boxplot()` use the default colour, size and shape from
`geom_point()`. Changing the defaults of `geom_point()` with
`update_geom_defaults()` will apply the same changes to the outliers of
`geom_boxplot()`. Changing the defaults for the outliers was previously not
possible. (ThierryO, 757)

* `geom_dotplot()` now works with `qplot()`. (rasmusab. Fixes 825)

* Marginal improvements to `theme_bw()` and `theme_classic()` (jiho, 934)

* `stat_smooth()` checks for `method = "auto"` and `method = "glm"` in
a safer way.

* Add `"none"` to documentation of `theme()` for parameter `legend.position`
(krlmlr, 829).


* `ggpcp()`, `ggfluctuation()`, `ggmissing()`, `ggstructure()`, and
`ggorder()` are now defunct and have been removed.



* The theme element `` now can be set. It was not properly
recognized before.

* `stat_density2d` previously resulted in errors when geom="polygon". This
is fixed. (Fixes 741 and 749)

* `annotation_logticks` previously drew one set of logticks for each group,
and inherited aesthetic mappings like colour. It no longer does this. (Fixes

* Plots with geom_crossbar not display correct symbol in legend. (Fixes 768)

* Grouping is no longer set automatically by `stat_summary()`, allowing for
summary paths. This reverts a change made for 0.9.3. (Fixes 732 and 739)



* The `plotmatrix` function has been deprecated and prints a warning

* `stat_bin` now produces warning messages when it is used with set or
mapped y values. Previously, it was possible to use `stat_bin` and
also set/map y values; if there was one y value per group, it would
display the y values from the data, instead of the counts of cases for
each group. This usage is deprecated and will be removed in a future
version of ggplot2. (Winston Chang. Fixes 632)

* Several small changes were made so that ggplot2 is compatible with
plyr <= 1.7.1 as well as plyr > 1.7.1.

* `geom_polygon` draws multiple polygons as a single grob instead of as
separate grobs. This results in much better performance. For example,
drawing a world map is about 12 times faster. (Winston Chang. Fixes 666)


* A new theme `theme_minimal` has been added. This theme is based on
`theme_bw`, but does not have outlines around many of the rectangular
elements. (Baptiste Auguie)

* A new theme `theme_classic` has been added. This theme has is based on
`theme_bw`. It has x and y axis lines, but no box around the plotting area
and no grid lines. (Thanks to David Kahle)

* `geom_segment` allows setting `lineend`. (Jean-Olivier Irisson)

* `ggsave` raises an error when making images larger than 50x50 inches.
This prevents accidentally creating extremely large bitmap images that
hang R and eat up memory. (Winston Chang. Fixes 517)

* `train_cartesian` and `train_trans` are no longer memoized. Previously
the results of these functions were saved and so they would not
respond changes in the operating environment, such as a change in
locale. (Winston Chang. Fixes 592)

* In `stat_ydensity` and `geom_violin`, the `scale` argument now accepts
the value "width", for equal widths. Additionally `scale="equal"` has
been deprecated, in favor of "area". (Jean-Olivier Irisson)

* `stat_quantile` now supports `rqss`.

* `scale_size_area` has been added as a replacement for `scale_area`. This
makes the naming more consistent. The new scale also by default makes the
area of points proportional to the value, which is different from what
`scale_area` does. (Fixes 635)

* Functions now have gradual deprecation behavior with the `gg_dep` function.

* Scales for required but missing aesthetics (x and y) are now automatically
added. (Fixes 676)

* `geom_crossbar` previous raised a warning when notches were used and the
notches went outside the hinges. This has been changed to a message.


* With `geom_segment`, when a variable mapped to `linetype` had an NA
value, it would raise an error. This is now fixed. (Winston Chang.
Fixes 623)

* When using `coord_map` with some projections, latitude lines wrapped
around the globe and added extra lines. (Winston Chang. Fixes 562)

* `stat_summary` now calculates a unique value at each x. (Winston
Chang. Fixes 622)

* Colorbar guides now supports language objects returned from functions
like `math_format()`, and will render them as expressions. (Kohske

* When using `coord_polar`, NA or NaN values caused errors. They are now
ignored instead. (Winston Chang)

* Text theme elements used in `guide_legend`, such as `label.theme`, caused
confusing errors when the angle wasn't set. Now it produces a more
informative error message.

* Theme elements now have their subclass listed first, before the `element`
class. (Thanks to Jeffrey Arnold)

* Previously when free scales were used with non-cartesian coords, they just
wouldn't work. Now ggplot throws an error with an informative message.
(Fixes 673)

* `geom_dotplot` previously worked with `position="dodge", but did not work
when using `position=position_dodge()`. It now works with both. (Fixes

* For linetype scales, NA values previously caused errors. Now `na.value`
for linetype scales defaults to "blank". (Fixes 711)



* find_global now searches for objects in the namespace environment
instead of the package environment. This fixes problems when ggplot2
is imported to another package but not attached.




* The theme system has been completely rewritten. (Winston Chang)

* The functions `theme_text`, `theme_line`, and so on have been renamed to
`element_text`, `element_line`, and so on.

* The `opts()` function has been renamed to `theme()`.

* To set the plot title, use `labs(title = "...")` or `ggtitle("...")
instead of `opts(title = "...")`.

* Elements are now just lists of properties, instead of functions that
return grobs.

* Theme elements now can inherit properties. For example, `axis.title.x`
inherits properties from `axis.title`, which in turn inherits from
`text`. The inheritance tree is stored in ggplot2::.element_tree.

* Theme objects can now be added to each other with `+`, without a ggplot
object. There is also a new `%replace%` operator for adding theme
objects together.

* Vertical and horizontal grid lines can now be controlled independently,
with `axis.grid.major.x`, `axis.grid.major.y` (and the same for minor);
`axis.ticks.x` and `axis.ticks.y`; and `axis.line.x` and `axis.line.y`.

* The `size` property of theme elements can be defined relative to the
parent objects, using the `rel()` function.


* ggplot2 now uses the external gtable package instead of internal gtable

* The condition that set parameters (e.g. `colour = "red"`) could only be of
length one has been relaxed - they may now be of length one, or exactly the
same length as the data. Recycling is not done because it makes it harder to
spot problems. This makes `annotate` considerably more flexible. (Fixes

* `stat_contour` is now somewhat faster

* new stat class `stat_ecdf` that shows empirical cumulative distribution
function. (Kohske Takahashi)

* Dependency on `gpclib` removed, and `fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame` will
now use `rgeos` if available - this is particularly useful if you're not
able to use the non-free `gpclib`.

* `ggsave` now supports emf output files.

* all "template" plots (`plotmatrix`, `ggorder` etc) have been deprecated and
will be removed in a future version. These plots are poorly tested and
poorly supported and really belong in a separate package.

* The default guide for continuous color/fill scale is now colourbar.
(Kohske Takahashi. Fixes 555)

* The arrowhead of geom-path and geom-segment with `arrow = TRUE` is
now filled with the same colour as the path.

* The algorithm for calculating breaks locations has been changed from
`pretty_breaks()` to `extended_breaks()` from the 'labeling' package
by Justin Talbot. (Winston Chang. Fixes 580)

* `scale_type`, the function used to pick which type of scale should be
used for a given type of input variable is now an S3 generic. That
means that if you want to add a new default type of scale you can
provide a method - it should return a string giving the name of the
scale to use (e.g. "continuous", "discrete", "date")

* When there are multiple guides (legends), the order that they are
displayed can now be controlled manually. (Kohske Takahashi. Fixes

* When a scale for a given aesthetic is added to a plot more than once,
display a message indicating that the first scale will be replaced.
(Winston Chang. Fixes 518)


* All geoms and stats now document their aesthetics. (Thanks to joranE.
Fixes 447)


* `scale_x_continuous` now respects `na.value` (Fixes 522)

* `geom_map` now correctly uses set aesthetics (e.g. `colour = "green"`)

* Setting breaks outside the limits of the x or y axis no longer causes
errors. (Kohske Takahashi. Fixes 552)

* `facet_locate` no longer evaluates unneeded expressions. (Winston
Chang. Fixes 565)

* `annotation_map` now gets group id from munched data. (Winston Chang.
Fixes 568)

* `geom_raster` now supports alpha. (Kohske Takahashi. Fixes 596)

* Both axis lines are now drawn above the plotting area panel.
(Winston Chang. Fixes 585)

* The jitter resolution is now correctly calculated when the data
does _not_ include zero. (Thanks to Karl Ove Hufthammer. Fixes 572)

* Legend icons for `geom_boxplot` now display linetype. (Kohske
Takahashi. Fixes 608)

* Facets now appear in the correct order when layers with different
factor levels are added. (Winston Chang. Fixes 543)

* Distances in polar coordinates are calculated along spiral arcs,
instead of straight-line distance. (Winston Chang. Fixes 471)

* `fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame` now uses the correct ordering.
(Charlotte Wickham. Fixes 434)

* `stat_vline` and `stat_hline` no longer throw errors when
`xintercept` and `yintercept` are passed to them. (Winston Chang.
Fixes 624)




* `ggstructure` and `ggorder`, which call `ggpcp`, no longer have a
`scale` argument since `ggpcp` does not have one.

* built in datasets have been checked to make sure they use characters,
factors and ordered factors appropriately

* `geom_raster` and `annotation_raster` gain new `interpolate` argument for
controlling whether or not rasters are interpolated

* Added `plot` as an alias for `print` for ggplot objects.

* Visual tests have been moved to /visual_test and modified to work with the
vtest package. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `geom_dotplot`: now supports stacking. It uses `stackgroups = TRUE` instead
of the usual position="stack", for technical reasons. It also will stack in
the x direction when binning along the y axis. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `geom_rug` now allows control over which sides to put the rug lines, with
the `sides` argument. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `annotation_logticks`: a new geom that adds tick marks on the inside of the
plotting rectangle that have diminishing spacing for log-10 axes. (Thanks
to Winston Chang)

* Coordinate expansion is now handled by an interaction of the scale and
coord, rather than by the scale only. Also, the `wise` argument is no
longer needed. (Thanks to Winston Chang and Kohske Takahashi)


* `facet_grid` no longer drops duplicate cases (Fixes 443)

* `munch_range` properly reports the x and y range. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `stat_bin2d` handles data with NA in the position variables. Error was
triggered when scale was limited to a range smaller than the range of
the data. (Bug reported by Tao Gao; diagnosed and fixed by Brian Diggs)

* `scale_*_identity` will now produce a legend when `guide = "legend"` and no
breaks or labels are supplied (Fixes 453)

* `geom_map` now works with `coord_map` (Fixes 480)

* discrete scales now accept named vectors of labels again (Fixes 427)

* `geom_raster` works better with categorical input (Fixes 463)

* `qplot` no longer uses non-standard evaluation for geom/stat arguments - it
doesn't seem to be needed and was causing problems when qplot was used in
special environments (e.g. in knitr) (Fixes 377)

* `coord_train.polar` and `coord_train.trans` remove NAs from breaks.
(Thanks to Winston Chang. Fixes 422)

* Theta breaks with `coord_polar` have equal angular spacing. (Thanks to
Winston Chang and Kohske Takahashi. Fixes 288)

* Empty data frames are now handled correctly: layers with empty data are
dropped silently, instead of inheriting data from the plot. (Thanks to
Winston Chang. Fixes 31, 332, 506 and 507)

* The alpha value of set colours is now preserved by default. To return to the
old behaviour, set `alpha = 1`. (Fixes 475)

* `scale_*_manual` will throw an error if you have too few values. (Fixes

* `facet_wrap` gets the `as.table` argument back. (Fixes 497)

* `resolution` now returns 1 when range is zero. (Fixes 526)

* Titles are displayed above legend when legend is on top. (Thanks to
Kohske Takahashi. Fixes 432)

* Specifying breaks outside coord limits works. (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi.
Fixes 430)

* `renames_aes` now uses exact matching instead of partial matching. (Thanks
to Winston Chang. Fixes 529)

* `labs()` now works with American spellings. (Thanks to Winston Chang.
Fixes 521)

* `stat_density2d` sets the limits for `kde2d` from the limits of the x and
y scales. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

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