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* `annotation_custom`: a new geom intended for use as static annnotations that
are the same in every panel. Can be used to add inset plots, tables, and
other grid-based decorations inside the plot area (Contributed by Baptiste

* `geom_map`: a new special case of `geom_polygon` useful when you are drawing
maps, particularly choropleth maps. It is matched with `annotation_map`, an
even faster special case when you want the same map drawn in each panel.

* `geom_raster` is a special case of `geom_tile` for equally sized rectangular
tiles. It uses the raster functionality of R graphics devices for massively
increased speed and much decreased file sizes. It is matched with
`annotation_raster`, an even faster special case, for when you want to draw
the same raster in each panel.

* `geom_violin`: an implementation of violin plots, which are a way of
visualizing kernel density estimates. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `geom_dotplot`: dot plots, as described in Wilkinson (1999). To bin the
data, it uses `stat_bindot` to bin the data, which has two methods: histodot
and dot-density. Histodot binning uses fixed-width bins just like
`stat_bin`, while dot-density binning uses variable-width bins. A new grob,
`grob_dotstack` is used to render the dots. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* New fortify methods have been added for objects produced by the `multcomp`

* `stat_summary2d` and `stat_summary_hex`. These are work like `stat_bin2d`
and stat_binhex but allow any summarisation function (instead of just
count). They are 2d analogs of `stat_summary`

* `facet_grid`: The space argument now supports `free_x` and `free_y` next to
`free` and `fixed, this allows the user to adjust the spatial scaling of the
facets in either the x or y direction. This is especially useful when the
scales are very different. In this case space = `free` could make some
facets very small. (Thanks to Willem Ligtenberg)


* Thorough clean up and checking, including documenting all arguments, adding
systematic cross-references, and adding commonly requested examples. Thanks
to Jake Russ and Dennis Murphy for the help.

* Complete series of aesthetics pages (grouped subsets of aesthetics) with
examples of how to use the major ones, see e.g. `?fill`, `?shape`, `?x`,

* Added a complete list of theme opts with usage examples in `?opts`

* Added "translate" pages to demonstrate usage between qplot and ggplot, GPL,
base and lattice graphics: `?translate_qplot_base`, `?translate_qplot_gpl`,
`?translate_qplot_lattice`, `?translate_qplot_ggplot`,


* Scales have been rewritten to use the new `scales` package, which does a
much better job at defining what a scale is and making it easier for you to
create your own scales. Scales should now behave much more consistently, and
it should be easier for me to add new features in the future.

* `breaks` parameter can now be a function, which will be passed the scale
limits and expected to return a character vector of breaks

* `labels` parameter can now be a function - this replaces the previous
formatter function that only some scales possessed, and the `major` argument
to the data time scales. This function should take a vector of breaks as
input, and return a character vector or list of expressions as output. See
`comma_format`, `dollar_format`, `percent_format`, `scientific_format`,
`parse_format` and `math_format` for examples

* Transformations are now provided by the scales package - see `?trans_new`
for list of available transformations, and how to create your own. The
transformations in this package should do a better job at computing default

* Transformations for continuous scales are now detected automatically when
the default scales are added. This ensures that dates and date times will
display correctly when used for any aesthetic - previously they only worked
with position scales. The system is now also easier to extend to new types
of continuous data that you might want to plot. (Fixes 48)

* All scales now accept a `na.value` parameter which provides an aesthetic
value to be used for `NA` values in the data. Colour/fill scales default to
grey, which should stand out as different from non-missing values.

* The new `oob` (out of bounds) parameter controls how scales deals with
values outside the limits. The default action is `censor` - see `clip` for
another option.

* Only `scale_x_log10`, `scale_x_sqrt` and `scale_x_reverse` provided as
convenience functions for x and y scales. Use e.g. `scale_x_continuous(trans
= "log")` to access others

* `set_default_scale` has been removed. If you want to change the default
scale for an aesthetic, just create a function called
`scale_aesthetic_continuous` or `scale_aesthetic_discrete` that returns the
scale that you want. For example:

p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl))
scale_colour_discrete <- scale_colour_brewer

* Scales now automatically shrink to what is actually displayed on the plot,
not the underlying data used for statistical transformation. If you want the
old behaviour, supply `shrink = FALSE` to the facetting specification.
(Fixes 125)

* `scale_colour_gradient` and `scale_fill_gradient` now use a colour scheme
with constant hue but varying chroma and luminance. This is better because
it creates a natural ordering inline with the order of the colour values.


* Converted from proto to S3 objects, and class methods (somewhat) documented
in `facet.r`. This should make it easier to develop new types of facetting

* The new `facet_null` specification is applied in the default case of no
faceting. This special case is implemented more efficiently and results in
substantial performance improvements for non-facetted plots.

* Facetting variables will no longer interfere with aesthetic mappings -
`facet_wrap(~ colour)` will no longer affect the colour of points.


* ggplot2 has moved away from the two (!!) homegrown documentation systems
that it previously relied on, and now uses roxygen extensively. The current
downside is that this means that ggplot2 website can no longer be updated,
but I hope work with the `helpr` package will resolve that shortly.

* ggplot2 now uses a `NAMESPACE`, and only exports functions that should be
user visible - this should make it play considerably more nicely with other
packages in the R ecosystem. Note that this means you now need to explicitly
load `plyr` (and other packages) if you are using them elsewhere in your

* ggplot2 now has a start on a set of automated tests. As this test suite
expands it will help me ensure that bugs stay fixed, and that old bugs don't
come back in new versions. A test suite also gives me more confidence when
I'm modifying code, which should help with general code quality.


* Converted from proto to S3 objects, and class methods (somewhat) documented
in `coord.r`. This should make it easier to develop new types of coordinate

* Added a new method `coord_range` for finding the x and y range even after
coordinates have been transformed to other names (eg., theta and r). (Thanks
to Winston Chang)


* When printing a ggplot2 object, the rendered plot information is returned
invisibly. You can capture this with (e.g.) `x <- print(qplot(mpg, wt, data
= mtcars))` and in the future will be able to use it to get information
about the plot computations, such as the range of all the scales, and the
exact data that is plotted.

* Drawing a plot takes place in three documented steps: `ggplot_build` which
creates a list of data frames ready for rendering builds, `ggplot_gtable`
which creates a `gtable` of grobs, and `grid.draw` which renders the grobs
on screen. Each of these returns a data structure which should be useful for
understanding and modifying the rendered plot. This is still a work in
progress, so please ask questions if anything is confusing.

* The `drop` and `keep` parameters to `ggsave` and `print.ggplot` have been
dropped, as the data structure returned by `ggplot_gtable` is sufficiently
rich enough to remove the need for them.

* Axis labels are now centred underneath the panels (not the whole plot), and
stick close to the panels regardless of the aspect ratio.


* Guides (particularly legends) have been rewritten by Kohske Takahashi to
provide considerably more layout flexibility.

* `guide_legend` now supports multi-row/column legend and reversed order,
gives more flexible positioning of title and label, and can override
aesthetics settings. This is useful, for example, when alpha value in a
panel is very low but you want to show vivid legend.

* `guide_colorbar` is a guide specially for continuous colour scales as
produced by colour and fill scales.


* `geom_text` now supports `fontfamily`, `fontface`, and `lineheight`
aesthetics for finer control over text display. (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi
for the patch. Fixes 60)

* `collide`, which powers `position_dodge` and `position_stack`, now does not
error on single x values (Thanks to Brian Diggs for a fix. 157)

* `...` in `ggplot` now passed on to `fortify` method when used with an object
other than a data frame

* `geom_boxplot`: outlier colour and shape now default to values set by the
aesthetic mapping (thanks to suggestion by Ben Bolker), the width of the
median line is now `fatten` times the width of the other lines (thanks to
suggestion by Di Cook), and the line type can now be set. Notched box
plots are now supported by setting `notch = TRUE` (thanks to Winston Chang
for the patch).

* `ggsave` can work with cm and mm `units` (Thanks to patch from Jean-Olivier

* `scale_shape` finally returns an error when you try and use it with a
continuous variable

* `stat_contour` no longer errors if all breaks outside z range (fixes 195).

* `geom_text` remove rows with missing values with warning (fixes 191)

* New generic function `autoplot` for the creation of complete plots
specific to a given data structure. Default implementation throws
an error. It is designed to have implementations provided by other
packages. (Thanks to suggestion by Brian Diggs)

* `ggpcp` loses the `scale` argument because it relied on reshape(1) code

* `map_data` passes `...` on to `maps::map` (Fixes 223)

* `coord_fixed` accepts `xlim` and `ylim` parameters to zoom in on x and y
scales (Fixes 91)

* ggplot2 will occasionally display a useful hint or tip on startup. Use
`suppressPackageStartupMessages` to eliminate

* `stat_binhex` uses correct bin width for computing y axis bounds. (Fixes
299, thanks to Dave Henderson for bug report and fix.)

* `stat_smooth` now adjusts confidence intervals from `loess` using a
t-based approximation

* `stat_smooth` reports what method is used when method is "auto". It also
picks the method based on the size of the largest group, not individually by
group. (Thanks to Winston Chang)

* `stat_bin` and `geom_histogram` now use right-open, left-closed intervals by
default. Use `right = TRUE` to return to previous behaviour.

* `geom_vline`, `geom_hline`, and `geom_abline` now work with non-Cartesian
coordinate systems. (Thanks to Winston Chang)



A big thanks to Koshke Takahashi, who supplied the majority of improvements
in this release!


* key size: can specify width and height separately

* axis: can partially handle text rotation (issue 149)

* legend: now can specify the direction of element by opts(legend.direction =
"vertical") or opts(legend.direction = "horizontal"), and legend box is
center aligned if horizontal

* legend: now can override the alignment of legend box by
opts( = "vertical") or opts( = "horizontal")

* legend: now can override legend title alignment with opts(legend.title.align
= 0) or opts(legend.title.align = 1)

* legend: can override legend text alignment with opts(legend.text.align = 0)
or opts(legend.text.align = 1)


* theme_*: can specify font-family for all text elements other than geom_text

* facet_grid: fixed hirozontal spacing when nrow of horizontal strip >= 2

* facet_grid: now can manually specify the relative size of each row and column

* now correctly works

* +: adding NULL to a plot returns the plot (idempotent under addition)
(thanks to suggestion by Matthew O'Meara)

* +: meaningful error message if + doesn't know how to deal with an object

* coord_cartesian and coord_flip: now can wisely zoom when wise = TRUE

* coord_polar: fix point division bugs

* facet_grid: now labels in facet_grid are correctly aligned when the number
of factors is more then one (fixes 87 and 65)

* geom_hex: now correctly applies alpha to fill colour not outline colour
(thanks to bug report from Ian Fellows)

* geom_polygon: specifying linetype now works (thanks to fix from Kohske

* hcl: can now set c and l, and preserves names (thanks to suggestion by
Richard Cotton)

* mean_se: a new summary function to work with stat_summary that calculates
mean and one standard error on either side (thanks to contribution from
Kohske Takahashi)

* pos_stack: now works with NAs in x

* scale_alpha: setting limits to a range inside the data now works (thanks to
report by Dr Proteome)

* scale_colour_continuous: works correctly with single continuous value (fixes

* scale_identity: now show legends (fix 119)

* stat_function: now works without y values

* stat_smooth: draw line if only 2 unique x values, not three as previously

* guides: fixed 126

* stat_smooth: once again works if n > 1000 and SE = F (thanks to bug report
from Theiry Onkelinx and fix from Kohske Takahashi)

* stat_smooth: works with locfit (fix 129)

* theme_text handles alignment better when angle = 90



Bug fixes:

* coord_equal finally works as expected (thanks to continued prompting from
Jean-Olivier Irisson)

* coord_equal renamed to coord_fixed to better represent capabilities

* coord_polar and coord_polar: new munching system that uses distances (as
defined by the coordinate system) to figure out how many pieces each segment
should be broken in to (thanks to prompting from Jean-Olivier Irisson)

* fix ordering bug in facet_wrap (thanks to bug report by Frank Davenport)

* geom_errorh correctly responds to height parameter outside of aes

* geom_hline and geom_vline will not impact legend when used for fixed

* geom_hline/geom_vline: intercept values not set quite correctly which
caused a problem in conjunction with transformed scales (reported by Seth

* geom_line: can now stack lines again with position = "stack" (fixes 74)

* geom_segment: arrows now preserved in non-Cartesian coordinate system (fixes

* geom_smooth now deals with missing values in the same way as geom_line
(thanks to patch from Karsten Loesing)

* guides: check all axis labels for expressions (reported by Benji Oswald)

* guides: extra 0.5 line margin around legend (fixes 71)

* guides: non-left legend positions now work once more (thanks to patch from
Karsten Loesing)

* label_bquote works with more expressions (factors now cast to characters,
thanks to Baptiste Auguie for bug report)

* scale_color: add missing US spellings

* stat: panels with no non-missing values trigged errors with some statistics.
(reported by Giovanni Dall'Olio)

* stat: statistics now also respect layer parameter inherit.aes (thanks to bug
report by Lorenzo Isella and investigation by Brian Diggs)

* stat_bin no longer drops 0-count bins by default

* stat_bin: fix small bug when dealing with single bin with NA position
(reported by John Rauser)

* stat_binhex: uses range of data from scales when computing binwidth so hexes
are the same size in all facets (thanks to Nicholas Lewin-Koh for the bug

* stat_qq has new dparam parameter for specifying distribution parameters
(thanks to Yunfeng Zhang for the bug report)

* stat_smooth now uses built-in confidence interval (with small sample
correction) for linear models (thanks to suggestion by Ian Fellows)

* stat_spoke: correctly calculate stat_spoke (cos and sin were flipped, thanks
to Jean-Olivier Irisson for bug report and fix)



* coord_map gains xlim and ylim arguments to control region of projection

* corrected label generation for computed aesthetics (..x..) and special
names (`x x`)

* fullseq: now always returns vector of length two, even when range is 0

* geom_point legend takes more care to ensure that fill colours will be shown

* legend: fixed scale merging bug when labels were set manually

* scale_area: gains a legend argument like all other scales

* scale_colour_brewer: gains na.colour argument to set colour of missing

* stat_bin2d: fix typo in breaks calculation

* stat_bin: deals with floating point rounding issues using the same
algorithm as base::hist

* stat_density2d: fixed bug when contour = FALSE (Thanks to Takahashi Kohske)




* trans_log1p: new log + 1 transformer contributed by Jean-Olivier Irisson


* aesthetics: fixed bug when overriding aesthetics with NULL

* annotate: adds layers with legend = FALSE

* coord_equal: correctly place tick marks (Fixes 61)

* documentation: usage statements should now be spread over multiple lines

* fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame: fixed bug when region variable had missing values

* legend: don't try and display legend when unnecessary scale added

* legend: text labels now correctly left-aligned when non-numeric

* order aesthetic now correctly affects position adjustments (Fixes 70)

* qplot loads facetting variables from global environment more correctly

* scale_date and scale_date_time now work with infinite positions

* scale_date and scale_date_time now take expand argument

* scales were not getting automatically added in many situations (Fixes 69)

* scale_manual was not returning labels in the correct format and so legends
were not getting merged correctly

* stat_contour: fix error if x or y coordinates were negative

* stat_bin: now copes with bars of zero height (Fixes 72)

* stat_qq: always use sorted data (rather than interpolated quantiles) on
sample axis. This makes it behave more like qqnorm

* stat_quantile: correctly group results

* xlim now works with datetimes

* all plyr functions prefixed with their namespace to avoid clashes with other
packages (thanks to Steve Lianoglou)




* geom_text gains parse argument which makes it possible to display
expressions. (Implements 50)

* all scales now have legend parameter, which defaults to TRUE. Setting to
false will prevent that scale from contributing to the legend (Implements

* default axis labels and legend titles are now stored in the options, instead
of in each scale. This fixes a long standing bug where it was not easy to
set the label for computed variable, such as the y axis on a histogram.
Additionally, it means default scales are only added to the plot until just
prior to plotting, instead of the previous behaviour where scales where
added as layers were added - this could cause problems if you later modified
the underlying data. (Implements 28)

* coord_equal: when ratio = NULL (the default), it will adjust the aspect
ratio of the plot, rather than trying to extend the shortest axis.

* x and y positions can be set to Inf or -Inf to refer to the top/right and
bottom/left extents of the panel. (Implements 18)

* expand_limits(): a new function to make it easy to force the inclusion of
any set of values in the limits of any aesthetic.


* aesthetics: when _setting_ an aesthetic, you may only set it to a single
value. This was always a good idea, but now it is enforced with an
informative error message.

* stat_contour bump up default number of contours

* stat_density2d: make number of grid points used for density estimation
user controllable (implements 9)

* geom_bin now allows you to set whether bins used intervals of the form
(a, b] or [a, b) with the "right" parameter (implements 20)

* geom_path: linejoin, lineend and linemitre are now user controllable
(implements 24)

* scales: all scales check that breaks are supplied if labels are, and
that breaks and labels are the same length (implements 40)

* scales: if breaks are a named vector, the names will be used as labels
(thanks to suggestion by David Kahle)

* scale_colour_gradient, scale_colour_gradient2 & scale_colour_gradientn now
have formatter argument to match scale_continuous

* updated citation to refer to the ggplot2 book


* coord_cartesian now correctly sets limits when one or both of the position
scales are non-linear. (fixes 17)

* coord_equal: now works with non-linear scales (fixes 13)

* coord_map sets aspect ratio correctly (fixes 4)

* coord_polar correctly combines labels on end of axis if expressions
(fixes 39)

* coord_trans now respects scale expand parameter (expansion occurs after
transformation) (fixes 14)

* facet_grid with scales = "free" and space = "free" now calculates space
correctly if the range of the scale is < 1 (fixes 1)

* facet_grid works once more when facetting with multiple variables in one
direction (fixes 11)

* facet_wrap now sets aspect ratio correctly

* facet_wrap now maintains original order of data

* geom_hline and geom_vline now work with coord_flip (fixes 30)

* geom_path drops missing values at start and end of each line (fixes 41)

* scale_shape_discrete, scale_size_continuous, scale_alpha and
scale_linetype_discrete added to scales to match naming convention of all
other scales (fixes 47)

* legends now correctly calculate label widths (fixes 38)

* legends will only merge if both the title and all labels are the same.
(fixes 16)

* legends: fix for bug 19: Legend with three constraints doesn't work

* stat_contour & stat_density2d: fix grouping bugs (issue 7)

* xlim, ylim: fix bug when setting limits of discrete scales

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