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* aes and aes_string both convert prefixes to full names
* aesthetics: corrected list of aesthetics to include american spelling of
colour as well as base R abbreviations
* aesthetics: fix bug in detecting which aesthetics are calculated
* aes_string treats NULL as "NULL"
* annotate now works with missing x and y (e.g. for geom_rect)
* continuous scale limits now automatically sorted
* coord_polar: fix bug if breaks not all inside limits
* facet_wrap: can now specify both ncol and nrow without getting an error
* facet_wrap: now works with statistics that produce both x and y values (e.g.
* fullseq now adds additional break on bottom if necessary, so that the
include.lowest argument in cut never comes into play (this the source of a
potential bug in histograms)
* geom_boxplot: alpha now affects fill colour of boxes only
* geom_path correctly switches to segments if varying alpha used (thanks to
Karl Ove Hufthammer for the report and Baptiste Auguie for the fix)
* geom_point: the alpha aesthetic now also affects the fill.
* geom_ribbon always sorts input to avoid problems with certain pathological
* geom_smooth was incorrectly applying alpha to line colour in the legend
* nullGrob renamed to zeroGrob to avoid name conflict with grid
* position_collide now works with missing values
* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for negative values
* scale_discrete_position now uses drop argument to force dropping of unused
* scale_gradient, scale_gradient2 and scale_gradientn now uses label
parameters, if supplied
* scale_x_inverse, scale_y_inverse now actually work, and added recip as alias
* stat_qq now correctly groups results
* stat_smooth will not try and fit a line to 2 or fewer points (previously
didn't try for only 1 point)
* stat_spoke now works with reversed scales
* grouping: now consistent between different geoms (Issue 33)



New features

* alpha: new aesthetic, with scale alpha. Where a geom has both fill and colour, alpha affects the fill.

* annotate: new annotate function to make it easier to add annotations to plots

* facet_grid now takes strip label function from parameter labeller, not theme setting

* facet_grid: gains as.table argument to control direction of horizontal facets

* fortify: full set of methods for turning data from the sp package into data frames that can be plotted with ggplot2

* geom_errorbarh: new geom for horizontal error bars

* labels_parsed and labels_bquote functions to make it easier to display expressions on facet labels

* scale_manual now supports breaks and limits

* subset: experimental new feature. Layers now have a subset argument, which takes subsets formatted like .(var1 < 5, var2 == 3) etc.

* xlim and ylim now work recognise Date and POSIXct classes to create date and date_time scales respectively

Dealing with missing values

* facet_wrap: add drop argument to control whether or not panels for non-existent combinations of facetting variables should be dropped or not. Defaults to TRUE

* scale_discrete: empty factor levels will be preserved, unless drop = TRUE

Bug fixes

* added presidents dataset from book to package

* American spelling of color accepted in as geom parameter, and all colour
scales have alias spelled color (e.g. scale_color_hue)

* facet_wrap: contents guaranteed to be clipped to panel

* facet_wrap: corrected labelling when facetting by multiple variables (thank
to Charlotte Wickham for a clear test case)

* geom_histogram now works with negative weights (provided position =
"identity"). This is useful for creating back to back histograms.

* geom_step: improve legend

* geom_text: better legend

* geom_vline, geom_hline, geom_abline: should work in yet more situations

* resolution: fixed bug in computation of resolution that lead to (e.g.)
incorrect boxplot widths when there was only a single x value in a group.

* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for very large bins

* scale_discrete: factor levels no longer mistakenly reordered

* scale_hue: now spans full range of hue if it less than 360 degrees

* scale_hue: rotated default hue range by 15 degrees to avoid unfortunate
red-green contrast in two colour case

* show now works with ggplot objects

* stat_sum: fixed bug which resulted in dropped aesthetics

* stat_summary: now warns when dropping records with missing values

* stat_summary: should be a little faster

* stat_summary: correctly passes ... arguments on

* theme_bw: corrected justification of axis.text.y

* trans: bug fixes to logistic transformation

* order aesthetic should work again



New features

* borders, and map_data to make it easier to draw map borders and
choropleth maps

* cut_interval and cut_number utility functions to discretise continuous

* stat_summary has reparameterised to make it easier to specify different
summary functions. It now has four parameters: fun.y, fun.ymin and
fun.ymax; and See the documentation for stat_summary for more

Minor improvements

* ggfluctuation: default to aspect ratio that produces squares

* ggsave: filename now first parameter, not second

* qplot: if sample aesthetic is used, stat automatically set to qq

* scale_datetime: improved breaks calculation

* scale_gradient: better default colour scheme from red to blue (thanks to
Charlotte Wickham for providing the Munsell colours)

* scale_size and scale_area: increased default size range

* stats: all give useful error message if missing a required aesthetic

* theme_set warns if missing needed theme elements

* theme_text: now possible to right and left align text with hjust=0 and hjust=1 respectively

Bug fixes

* be explicit about is.discrete to avoid clash with Hmisc

* facet_wrap: work around R bug so no longer crashers when ncol = 1

* geom_errorbar now works correctly with dashed lines

* geom_path will now silently ignore lines with less than 2 points (instead of
throwing a mysterious error as before)

* geom_path now responds to the size aesthetic once more

* geom_polygon etc now correctly displays linetype on legends

* geom_step now works with multiple groups

* geom_vline and geom_hline: fix bug when mapping intercept to variable in
data frame

* ggsave: path parameter correctly sets path

* guides: fix broken legend from default stat aesthetics (e.g. for stat_sum)

* scale_manual now works better with missing values

* scale_manual: labels now correctly sets legend labels.

* stat_density_2d: no longer passes unnecessary parameters to kde2d causing an
error message (seen when setting aesthetics with qplot)

* stat_pointrange: better relationship between point and line widths

* stat_sum now correctly preserves other aesthetic columns (should be a bit faster too)



New features

* new labs, xlab & ylab functions for easily modifying axis labels and legend titles

* qplot now guesses what geom you want based on the position aesthetics that you provide:

* both x & y: scatterplot

* only x: histogram

* only y: scatterplot of seq_along(y) vs y

* scale_datetime: a first attempt at a scale for date time objects of class POSIXt

Aesthetic improvements

* legends should now work in cases where you have multiple layers the use the
same geom and have different aesthetic mappings

* theme: new theme setting legend.key.size determines size of keys in legend

* theme: new theme setting plot.margins to control the plot margins

* tweaks to plot and legend layout

Other minor improvements

* geom_point warns if missing values present in data and not displayed on plot

* geom_smooth gives a more accurate warning when you have incorrectly specified the grouping

* geom_smooth will switch to an alternative smoothing method (mgcv::gam(y ~
s(x, bs = "cr"))), when there are more than 1000 observations

* layers gain a legend argument, which allow you to force the layer either
into (TRUE) or out of (FALSE) the legend

Bug fixes

* coord_equal now calculates scales correctly again

* coord_flip: flips axes labels again too

* coord_trans fix bug where transformation incorrect

* facet_grid: fix bug where tick labels where being produced outside the range of the axes

* facet_wrap: fixed bug with ncol = 1 or nrow = 1

* facet_wrap: labels correctly clipped to axis ranges

* facet_wrap: labels will match panels even when factor levels are not in alphabetical order

* facet_wrap: now works when a layer doesn't contain every level of the faceting variables

* geom_abline should now work in a wider variety of situations

* geom_smooth now gives correct asymmetric standard errors with generalised
linear models (thanks to Thierry Onkelinx)

* geom_vline and geom_hline now correctly transform their intercepts if the
scale is transformed

* geom_vline and geom_hline: now use xintercept and yintercept instead of intercept

* legend.position and legend.justification work again

* position_dodge now works for any number of elements with smaller widths, not just 2!

* scale_discrete_position: does a better job of calculating axis limits when
plotting a mixture of continuous and discrete values (e.g. with geom_jitter)

* summary: tweaks to improve output

ggplot2 0.8 (2008-11-18)

* The two biggest new features in this release are the (long awaited) ability
to have scales that vary between facets, and a faceting system that works
like lattice (facet_wrap). From qplot, you can use facet_wrap by specifying
one sided formula (~ colour, as opposed to . ~ color). To see some potential
uses for these new features, see the "Positioning" chapter of the book.
Implementing these changes has required a rewrite of large parts of the
coordinate systems code, so if anything seems strange with non-Cartesian
coordinate systems, please get in touch.

* I've also made another round of tweaks to make the plots more aesthetically
pleasing.This includes using a bright blue colour for geoms used to add
statistical summaries to plots (contour, smooth, and quantiles), and
tweaking the default colour scheme for the continuous colour scale.Please
let me know what you think.Remember that most of these options are
controllable with the theming system - see the book chapter "Polishing your
plots for publication".

* Accompanying this new release of the package is an updated and expanded
version of the book. The content of the book is now largely complete (~170
pages), and over the coming months I will be working on make it polished and
easy to understand.See love to hear your
feedback about the book, but at this point please don't bother reporting
minor typos, I would much rather hear about what you want to do, but can't
figure out from the book.

Other new features:

* geom_bin2d/stat_bin2d & geom_hex/stat_binhex: for 2d square and hexagon binning, particularly useful for alleviating overplotting in scatterplots

* geom_freqpoly: draws frequency polygons (= stat_bin + geom_line)

* scale_position: both discrete and continuous gain a new formatter argument
to control the default formatting of the axis labels. See also the handy
numeric formatters: dollar, comma and percent

* the xlim and ylim functions now produce discrete scales when appropriate,
and generate a reverse scale if the minimum is greater than the maximum


* coord_map gains experimental axis labels

* facet_grid: new support for varying scales in rows and columns

* facet_wrap: new faceter which wraps a 1d ribbon of panels into 2d, in a
similar way to lattice

* geom_bin: gains a drop argument to control whether or not 0 count bins
should be removed

* geom_path and geom_line gain arrows argument to match geom_segment

* ggsave now checks that you are using it with a ggplot plot

* ggsave now produces postscript files that are suitable for embedding in
another document

* ggsave now recognises the .svg extension and will produce svg files, if

* ggsave: default dpi changed to 300, on the assumption that you are saving
the plot for printing

* qplot: uses facet_wrap if formula looks like ~ a + b (as opposed to a ~ b)

Aesthetic tweaks

* geom_bar, geom_polygon, geom_rect, ...: default fill colour is now much
closer to black to match the defaults in other geoms (point, line, etc)

* geom_line, geom_path, geom_segment: lines have squared ends

* geom_point, geom_pointrange and geom_boxplot: now use shape = 16 instead of
19. This shape does not have a border from R 2.8 on, and so will look
better when displayed transparently.

* geom_contour, geom_density2d, geom_quantile and geom_smooth use a bright
blue colour for lines, to make them stand out when used with black points

* scale_gradient: tweaked default colours to make more aesthetically pleasing

* theme: new theme setting panel.margin (a unit) controls gap between panels
in facetted plots (for both grid and wrap)

* theme_gray: removed black border around strips

* theme_bw: tweaks to make black and white theme look a little nicer

Bug fixes

* coord_cartesian now correctly clips instead of dropping points outside of its limits

* facet_grid: margins now grouped correctly in default case (non-aesthetic
variables ignored when generating default group value)

* facet_grid: fix long standing bug when combining datasets with different
levels of facetting variable

* geom_smooth calls stat::predict explicitly to avoid conflicts with packages
that override predict for S4 model classes

* grid: correctly expose subcomponents of strips and axes

* mapping aesthetics to functions of stat output now works in a much wider
variety of cases

* order aesthetic should now work with bars (and in general more geoms)

* position_dodge now works with points and other geoms that lack xmin and xmax

* scale_area works once more

* scale_discrete_position: empty levels are no longer displayed by default, if
you want them, use breaks = levels(myfactor)

* scale_discrete_position: fixed bug when limits were set

* scale_discrete_position: more aesthetically pleasing expansion for a wider
ranges of plots (picks expansion based on whether or not geom with width
used, e.g. bars)

* scale_gradient*: axes are correctly labelled when a transformation is used

* scale_x_log10, scale_y_sqrt etc now correctly transform output from
statistics as well as raw data

* scale_z_* now removed because no longer used by anything

* stat_bin: correctly returns 0 when no observations in a bin (was previously
returning NA)

* stat_quantreg: deal with yet another new output format from quantreg

* stat_contour now has arguments to control the position of the contours,
rather than relying on the z scale

* theme: panel.empty setting removed as it is no longer used

* theme_grey now aliased to theme_gray

* theme_line: setting size works correctly

* theme_rect, theme_segment: size now measured in mm, to be consistent with
the rest of ggplot



* ggplot2 0.7 introduces a new theming system which allows you to control
(almost) every aspect of the appearance of the plot. This system is
documented in the book chapter "Polishing your plots for publication",
available from

Bugs fixed

* geom_boxplot: now displays outliers even if only one present

* geom_jitter: setting one jitter direction to 0 now works

* geom_segment: should now work correctly in all coordinate systems (note that
arrows only work in Cartesian coordinates)

* ggsave: correctly uses dpi for raster devices and default dpi changed to 72
(thanks to Brian Ripley for pointing this out)

* ggsave: current device no longer closes if error occurs

* position_jitter: now works correctly with 0 jitter

* remove_missing: some statistics were calculated incorrectly when missing
values were present

* scales: extra scales ignored (again)

* scales: legends respect fixed parameters of the layer

* scales: legends won't appear when aesthetics are mapped to NULL, or set to fixed value

* scales: xend and yend now transformed correctly

* scale_date: breaks are now rounded to correct position

New functionality

* geom_point: can now control colour and fill separately for point glyphs with

* geom_step: now has parameter direction which can take values vh (vertical
then horizontal) or hv (horizontal then vertical) describing the shape of the

* qplot: new asp argument to set aspect ratio

* qplot: now captures the environment in which it was run, which should make
it much more robust at finding the variables you expect it to find

* qplot: now treats any arguments wrapped in I() as parameters, not
aesthetics, e.g. qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars, colour = I("red")) or
qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars, size = I(5))

* scale_continuous: new minor_breaks argument to controls position of minor

* scale_discrete: new discrete position scales which make it possible to
manually position elements

* scale_gradientn: new colour scale which creates gradient between any list of

More consistent interfaces

* can use color instead of colour, and old R names throughout ggplot2

* geom_jitter: Arguments changed to height and width to match other position

* scales: any point outside of limits is dropped (this was previously the
behaviour for discrete scales, but not continuous scales)

* scales: limits are consistent across discrete and continuous scales (limits
c(1, NA) form no longer works for continuous scales)

* scales: order of legends reversed to match order of x axis (and to be
consistent with previous versions)

* scale_date: new limits argument to set axis limits

* scale_discrete: all discrete scales accept breaks argument

* scale_discrete: all discrete scales have limits and labels argument to
better control legends

* scale_discrete: character and logical vectors now reliably treated as
discrete scales

* stat_density2d, geom_density2d: density2d used consistently (instead of
density_2d in some places)

Improved aesthetics

* coord_polar: more tweaks to grid lines to enhance appearance

* coord_polar: new expand argument to control whether axes should be expanded
outside the range of the data

* geom_contour, geom_smooth, geom_quantile: now use blue lines

* position_stack, position_dodge: should be more informative if conditions for
stacking/dodging not met

* position_jitter: default amount of jittering tweaked to align with boxplots

* scales: background colour of legends key matches plot

* themes: Complete rewrite of theming system, see new book chapter for details

* themes: direct access to plot options via $ is now disabled

Improved documentation and error messages

* facet_grid: documentation improved

* qplot: Better error messages when needed variables are missing

* scale_discrete: improved error message for too many values in domain

* scale_size: improved documentation for discrete variables

* online documentation generally tweaked and primped to work a little better
and look a little nicer

* website now includes a search box

* links from rdoc now point to correct pages



The two big changes in this release are improved documentation and legends.

* all major ggplot2 components now have their own built in documentation, so
that (e.g.) ?stat_smooth or ?geom_point now give you useful information

* the legend code is now considerably more sophisticated and will attempt to
merge together legends for the same variable

* also, legends are drawn based on the geoms used (instead of the scales
used, as previously) so should match the plot much better (e.g. for
geom_smooth, geom_boxplot, geom_vline, geom_abline, geom_pointrange).

These features are new, so there are likely to be a few bugs that I haven't discovered. Please me know if you discover any.

Other additions and corrections

* coord_equal: should now work correctly in all situations

* coord_polar: add start and direction parameters, giving more control over
the layout of the polar coords

* coord_polar: added my favourite pie chart example

* coord_trans now deals with groups appropriately, at the cost of decreased

* geom_abline, geom_vline, geom_hline: should now behave better in a wider
variety of settings

* geom_boxplot: deals with continuous x-axis and grouping much better

* geom_boxplot: now has it's own legend which actually looks like a boxplot

* geom_boxplot: reports if missing values removed

* geom_crossbar: the middle line is now display thicker than the other lines,
controlled by the parameter fatten (thanks to Heike Hofmann for the

* geom_density: fix scale adjustment bug in geom_density

* geom_line, geom_text: all size measurements (now lines and text as well) are
measured in mm, lines/paths default to paths 0.5mm wide

* geom_rug: new to add marginal rug plots

* geom_smooth: added example showing how to use geom_smooth with your own

* geom_smooth: fixed bug where if se=FALSE x axis always includes 0

* geom_vline, geom_hline: yet another rewrite which should make them more
powerful and less error prone.

* ggsave reports width and height of saved image

* position_stack: fixed bug when data was empty

* qplot: allow qplot to use computed aesthetics too

* scale_continuous: tweaks to minor breaks to make appearance better on wider
range of coordinate systems

* scale_discrete: all discrete scales now have labels argument which you can
use to override the factor levels

* scale_discrete: now works correctly with character vectors

* scale_size: changed default range to [0.5, 3] to better reflect new sizing

* scale_size: legends resize to avoid overlaps

* scale_x_continuous, scale_y_continuous: new convenience functions xlim and
ylim (and zlim) that make it even easier to adjust the limits of the x, y,
and z axes

* stat_bin, geom_area: fixed bug in combination of stat_bin and geom_area that
made it difficult to draw frequency polygons

* stat_bin: fixed bug which resulted in increased counts when the x axis was a
categorical variable with a single level (thanks to Bob Muenchen for
pointing this out!)

* stat_bin: no longer incorrectly warns that binwidth is unspecified when
breaks are set

* stat_bin: now takes origin argument to manually specify origin of first bin
(default is round_any(min(range), bin_width, floor))

* stat_boxplot, stat_contour, stat_density_2d, stat_qq, stat_density: na.rm
parameter added to the following statistics (thanks to Leena Choi for
suggesting this)

* stat_function: new, makes it easy to superimpose a function on the plot

* stat_qq: axes flipped to agree with base R

* stat_qq: now uses sample aesthetic to select variable for summary

* stat_quantile: updated to work with latest version of quantreg

* stat_spoke: new, to make it possible to use geom_segment parameterised by
angle and radius (thanks to Jiho for the suggestion)

* stat_summary: better documentation

* stat_summary: convenient auto wrapping of simple summary functions

Miscellaneous changes:

* it's now easy to change the default scales (and their arguments) with the
set_default_scale function, see ?set_default_scale for more details (thanks
to Bob Muenchen for the suggestion)

* new order aesthetic which controls the order in which elements are plotted

* min and max are now scaled the same way as y

* functions are silently dropped (e.g. aes(colour=col))

* scales do not try and map variables that don't exist (fixes some rather
obscure bugs)

* aes(mpg, wt) is now equivalent to aes(x = mpg, y = wt)

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