
Latest version: v0.6.4.0

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- New file format: grapa can extract part of the data contained in a set of SCAPS software output data (.iv, .cv, .cf, .qe).
- New script: show correlation graphs between quantities taken from da tables, excel files. For Scaps simulation batches, shows the simulated curves as well as correlations between sweep variables and PV parameters.
- Curve Images: added conversion function, to convert matrix data into 3-column xyz format and conversely. The data is displayed in a new Graph.
- Curve Images: contour, contourf: revised the code for column/row extraction, transposition and rotation.
- GUI: Copy Image to clipboard now should preserve transparency
- GUI: "New empty Curve" nows inserts, and not append the new empty Curve.
- Curve TRPL: added function to calculate tau_effective, by 2 methods. A warning is issued if a tau value may risk to artifact the result.
- Curve TRPL: added functions to send fit parameters to clipboard. Also reports the weighted averages if no risk of artifact.
- Curve TRPL: fit should be more robust and have less convergence issues.
- Curve EQE: now parse the reference filename from the raw data file
- Curve JV: axvline and axhline are created with with thinner lines
- Curve JV: identification of sample and cell performed at opening; fields to edit available. Goal: identify challenging cases with new setup.
- Script JV: the "_allJV" now has axis labels

- SIMS: solved a bug that was failing to perform quantification of SIMS relative yield. There was no indication that the normalization failed on the GUI, only in the command line window. As a result, curve ratios (e.g. GGI) ma have beed calculated in an erroneous manner
- A bug with Curve actions with widgets of type Checkbox. They values were always displayed as False.
- Script JV: returns a different graph (JVall). The other graphs could not be "saved" due to a technicality.
- Script JV: solved a bug that prevented parsing a datafile that was created after a first execution of the JV script which did not find that file.
and a few minor bugs here and there


- TRPL: the data type TRPL was modified to properly load files generated using scripts.
- Modified loading of preference file. Hopefully a bit faster when opening many files.
- CurveJV: added data transform 'Log10 abs (raw)' (abs0), to plot the log of JV curve without Jsc subtraction
- scriptJV: also exports a file with a few statistical quantities of JV data (average, median, max)
- scriptJV: reduced amount of generated files. The individual summary images are not generated anymore as already plotted in combined format. Also, the different cells are exported as images (3x) and only once as a text file.
- prepare future update of the GUI to support several graphs simultaneously
- a bit of code cleaning for better compliance with guidelines

- Mitigated bugs with recent versions of python (aka winpython version 3.9: issues with matplotlib 3.3.9; hidden curves in grey due to changes in tk)


- Jsc-Voc: the data separation Voc vs T now hides most created labels.

- Handling of colors in stackplot curves is now effective.
- Solved an issue wen saving files with fitted curves, which could not be opened when reloaded.
- in Jsc-Voc data treatment, solved a bug providing faulty default fitting range for J0 vs At.


- Bugs in some curve actions, where the curve was passed in argument.


- New type of file supported, TinyTusker
- Can now open files directly from Openbis. This require the external library pybis, and access to the Empa-developped code openbis uploader 207.
- Added Curve action Autolabel: Curve labels can be generated based on a template, using the attributes values. Example: ${sample} ${cell}". Curve types: SIMS, Cf, CV, EQE, JV
- Boxplot: new possibility to add seaborn stripplot and swarmplot on top of boxplot
- Boxplot: GUI, added option to select the value of showfliers
- Boxplot: Added support for the whole list of parameters for ax.boxplot. Hopefully, not that many problems with unintentional keywords.
- Curve CV: added display and retrieval of carrier density and apparent depth, after using the function "Show doping at"
- Curve EQE: revised caculation of the bandgap by derivative method (choice of datapoints for fitting of maximum value)
- Curve JV: added data transform Sites' method, dV/dJ vs 1/(J-Jsc)
- Curve Subplot: added Curve Actions for easier modification of axis limits and labels
- Curve TRPL: revised parsing of acquisition time values. Should work with spectroscopic dataset as well.
Bugs & code cleaning
- Solved issue with leftovers on the canvas when changing figure e.g. size.
- Improved auto screen dpi. When opening a file, the graph should be displayed witih a size close to the maximum displayable value
- Refactored code for boxplot and violinplot
- Solved small bugs here and there, likely added a few new ones...


New features
- A data editor was implemented, accessible immediately below the graph.
- The Property edition tool was removed from the user interface. The 'New property' is now renamed 'Property editor'

- In the user interface, two buttons were added to reorder the stack and place the selected Curve at the top or at the bottom of the stack.
- CurveEQE: a new anaysis tool is provided, the external radiative efficiency. This estimates is computed from the EQE and the cell Voc.
- CurveJV: added a new data visualization: differential R, defined as dV/dJ.
- Added an option for the plot method 'fill'. Points with 0 value can be added at first and last data positions thanks to the keyword 'fill_padto0'.
- Added a value for keyword 'arbitraryfunction": [['grid', [True], {'axis': 'both'}]], which displays a grid at the major ticks locations

- CurveEQE: the default interpolation for the current calculation currentcalc is now 'linear' and not 'cubic'
- When trying to save a graph with special characters that cannot be saved in a text file, some clearer (and hopefully helpful) message is now displayed.

- The stackplot method now properly ignores hidden Curves.
- The stackplot now hides the curves labels when the keyword labelhide is set
- Solved a bug for invalid input for the estimate of ERE cut wavelength
- Solved a bug with improper inputs for the subplots_adjust that frooze the graph

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