- New type of file supported, TinyTusker
- Can now open files directly from Openbis. This require the external library pybis, and access to the Empa-developped code openbis uploader 207.
- Added Curve action Autolabel: Curve labels can be generated based on a template, using the attributes values. Example: ${sample} ${cell}". Curve types: SIMS, Cf, CV, EQE, JV
- Boxplot: new possibility to add seaborn stripplot and swarmplot on top of boxplot
- Boxplot: GUI, added option to select the value of showfliers
- Boxplot: Added support for the whole list of parameters for ax.boxplot. Hopefully, not that many problems with unintentional keywords.
- Curve CV: added display and retrieval of carrier density and apparent depth, after using the function "Show doping at"
- Curve EQE: revised caculation of the bandgap by derivative method (choice of datapoints for fitting of maximum value)
- Curve JV: added data transform Sites' method, dV/dJ vs 1/(J-Jsc)
- Curve Subplot: added Curve Actions for easier modification of axis limits and labels
- Curve TRPL: revised parsing of acquisition time values. Should work with spectroscopic dataset as well.
Bugs & code cleaning
- Solved issue with leftovers on the canvas when changing figure e.g. size.
- Improved auto screen dpi. When opening a file, the graph should be displayed witih a size close to the maximum displayable value
- Refactored code for boxplot and violinplot
- Solved small bugs here and there, likely added a few new ones...