- Actions specific can now be performed on several curves at the same time, provided The corresponding action is available on each selected curve. Example: bandgap from EQE curve, JV fit, fitted curve resample, etc.
- When extracting Voc(T) from Jsc-Voc data, the data can now be fitted to a certain range and the fit extrapolated to 0 with a single clic.
Moreover the Voc T=0 are printed in the console.
- The determination of the optical bandgap from EQE curves can be restricted to a certain wavelength range, in the derivative method.
- Curves created from curves actions (fit, etc) are now placed just after the selected curve.
- Improved the robustness of the JV curve fitting
- Adjusted precision of default parameters for TRPL fit, EQE exponential decay, and JscVoc curves.
- In the fits to TRPL data the tau are now non-negative, helping finding a good fit.
- SIMS data: the GGT keyword now refers to the ^72Ge+ trace and not ^70Ge+ anymore.
- The color picker popup now displays the current defined color, if possible.
- Minor bug solved with overriding textxy values
- Bug solved that prevented the opening of the annotation popup with some input textxy values
- Legend location 'w' and 'e' were swapped
- Solved an issue that cause buttons to not disappear in the actions specific panel.
- Fit of JV curves, prevents creation of fit curves with non-sensical data in the 1e308 range
- Solved a bug in the output of summary file of boxplots, not correctly identifying the name of some sample names