
Latest version: v3.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 682532 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Added support for Python 3.10.
* Added support for ``time`` objects and the ``fold`` option in ``safe_repr``.
* *3.3.4 was skipped cause I messed up the CI.*



* Fixed tracer still being active for other threads after it was stopped.

Python unfortunately only allows removing the trace function for the current thread -
now :obj:`~hunter.tracer.Tracer` will uninstall itself if it's marked as stopped.

This fixes bogus errors that appear when using ``ipdb`` with
the :class:`hunter.actions.Debugger` action while thread support is enabled (the default).



* Changed CI to build Python 3.9 wheels. Python 3.5 no longer tested and wheels no longer built to keep things simple.
* Documentation improvements.



* Fixed CI/test issues that prevented all of 21 wheels being published.



* Fixed handling so that :any:`hunter.event.Event.module` is always the ``"?"`` string instead of ``None``.
Previously it was ``None`` when tracing particularly broken code and broke various predicates.
* Similarly :any:`hunter.event.Event.filename` is now ``"?"`` if there's no filename available.
* Building on the previous changes the actions have simpler code for displaying missing module/filenames.
* Changed :class:`hunter.actions.CallPrinter` so that trace events for builtin functions are displayed differently.
These events appear when using profile mode (eg: ``trace(profile=True)``).
* Fixed failure that could occur if :any:`hunter.event.Event.module` is an unicode string. Now it's always a regular string.
*Only applies to Python 2.*
* Fixed argument display when tracing functions with tuple arguments.
Closes `88 <>`_. *Only applies to Python 2.*
* Improved error reporting when internal failures occur. Now some details about the triggering event are logged.



* Fixed oversight over what value is in :any:`hunter.event.Event.builtin`. Now it's always a boolean, and can be used consistently
in filters (eg: ``builtin=True,function='getattr'``).

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