* Added the :attr:`hunter.event.Event.count` and :attr:`hunter.event.Event.calls` attributes.
* Added the ``lt``/``lte``/``gt``/``gte`` lookups.
* Added convenience aliases for ``startswith`` (``sw``), ``endswith`` (``ew``), ``contains`` (``has``)
and ``regex`` (``rx``).
* Added a convenience :func:`hunter.wrap` decorator to start tracing around a function.
* Added support for remote tracing (with two backends: `manhole <https://pypi.org/project/manhole/>`__ and GDB) via
the ``hunter-trace`` bin. Note: **Windows is NOT SUPPORTED**.
* Changed the default action to :class:`hunter.actions.CallPrinter`.
You'll need to use ``action=CodePrinter`` if you want the old output.