* The package now uses setuptools-scm for development builds (available at https://test.pypi.org/project/hunter/). As a
consequence installing the sdist will download setuptools-scm.
* Recompiled cython modules with latest Cython. Hunter can be installed without any Cython, as before.
* Refactored some of the cython modules to have more typing information and not use deprecated property syntax.
* Replaced ``unsafe_repr`` option with ``repr_func``. Now you can use your custom repr function in the builtin actions.
* Fixed buggy filename handling when using Hunter in ipython/jupyter. Source code should be properly displayed now.
* Removed ``globals`` option from ``VarsPrinter`` action. Globals are now always looked up. **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE**
* Added support for locals in ``VarsPrinter`` action. Now you can do ``VarsPrinter('len(foobar)')``.
* Always pass module_globals dict to linecache methods. Source code from PEP-302 loaders is now printed properly.
Contributed by Mikhail Borisov in `65 <https://github.com/ionelmc/python-hunter/pull/65>`_.
* Various code cleanup, style and docstring fixing.
* Added :func:`hunter.From` helper to allow passing in filters directly as keyword arguments.
* Added :meth:`hunter.event.Event.detach` for storing events without leaks or side-effects (due to prolonged references
to Frame objects, local or global variables).
* Refactored the internals of actions for easier subclassing.
Added the
:meth:`~hunter.actions.ColorStreamAction.try_repr` and
:meth:`~hunter.actions.ColorStreamAction.try_source` methods
to the :class:`hunter.actions.ColorStreamAction` baseclass.
* Added :class:`hunter.actions.VarsSnooper` - a PySnooper-inspired variant of :class:`~hunter.actions.VarsPrinter`. It
will record and show variable changes, with the risk of leaking or using too much memory of course :)
* Fixed tracers to log error and automatically stop if there's an internal failure. Previously error may have been
silently dropped in some situations.