
Latest version: v1.0.0

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For the relevant details for migrating to v1 please refer to https://deltares.github.io/hydromt/guides/plugin_dev/migrating_to_v1.html



This is the first alpha release of our `v1` implementation with a new model and driver architecture. Please be aware that this is still an alpha so bugs and missing features may still be encountered. If you experience either, please submit an issue or open a discussion, we would love your feedback. Below is the changelog but for a more indepth explanation of all the changes and their implications please see the migration guide at `docs/dev/migrating-to-v1.rst`.

Because this is an alpha this will not be merged to main for quite a while, and will not be tagged as the latest release. Because we want to be able to respond to feedback quickly, a separate release branch for alpha will be maintained, and more alpha releases may be published as required.

- Added Driver class for customizable io
- Added entrypoints for Driver Plugins as "hydromt.drivers"
- Added entrypoints for ModelComponent Plugins as "hydromt.components"
- Added entrypoints for PredefinedCatalog Plugins as "hydromt.catalogs"
- Added MetaDataResolver class for customizable metadata discovery
- Added DataSource class to represent and validate DataCatalog entries.
- Data catalogs can now list multiple roots depending on the system used (linux, windows etc). where the first existing root will be used. (786)
- A Github action now checks whether the migration guide is updated (829)
- Added a `ConfigComponent` to write configurations for kernels/simulations. (863)
- Added a `GeomsComponent` to manage geo-spatial geometry data of a model. (867)
- Added a `DatasetsComponent` to manage multidimensional data of a model. (894)
- Added a `GeoDatasetDriver` to read vector data from tabular formats. (912)
- Added a `GeoDatasetSource` to handle vector data from tabular formats. (912)
- Added `RasterTindexResolver` to handle URIs in raster tindex files. (928)

- The data catalog format has been refactored to better represent the individual v1 components. (912)
- The `root` meta key of data catalogs yaml files has become `roots` (786)
- The model region is no longer a subset of the `geoms` but rather it's own component class. See the migration guide for more info (810)
- The model class has been moved to a component architecture. See the migration guide for more info (845)
- Changed the `GeoDatasetAdapter` to transform vector data from tabular formats. (912)

- support for `**artifact_keys` when initializing the DataCatalog has been removed. (786)
- support for dictionary like features on the DataCatalog have been removed. (790)
- Support for using `.ini` and `.toml` files for configuration has been removed. (791)
- `staticmaps` and `staticgeoms` attributes on the `Model` object have been removed. (845)
- Code refering to the unimplemented Network Model type has been removed (871)
- Removed `_API`, `.api` property, `test_api` and other `Model` level conventions as they are now handled by the components. (894)


- New `PredefinedCatalog` class to handle predefined catalog version based on pooch registry files. (849)

- Development environment is now set up via pixi instead of mamba / conda. See the documentation for more information on how to install.
- Use the native data CRS when determining zoom levels over the data catalog crs. (851)
- Improved `flw.d8_from_dem` method with different options to use river vector data to aid the flow direction derivation. (305)
- DataCatalog.predefined_catalogs retrieves predefined_catalogs specified in predefined_catalogs.py. There is no need for setting the predefined_catalogs anymore. (844)

- Bug in `raster.transform` with lazy coordinates. (801)
- Bug in `workflows.mesh.mesh2d_from_rasterdataset` with multi-dimensional coordinates. (843)
- Bug in `MeshModel.get_mesh` after xugrid update to 0.9.0. (848)
- Bug in `raster.clip_bbox` when bbox doesn't overlap with raster. (860)
- Allow for string format in zoom_level path, e.g. `{zoom_level:02d}` (851)
- Fixed incorrect renaming of single variable raster datasets (883)
- Provide better error message for 0D geometry arrays in GeoDataset (885)
- Fixed index error when the number of peaks varies between stations in get_hydrographs method (933)

- The `DataCatalog.from_archive` method is deprecated. Use `DataCatalog.from_yml` with the root pointing to the archive instead. (849)


This release fixes a performance regression when reading geometry masks, relaxed warnings for empty raster datasets and updated the documentation of the new hydromt commands.

- Added back geometry mask when reading vector files with `fiona` as engine/ driver. (777)
- Relaxed empty data checking on `RasterDatasetAdapter`. (782)
- Add documentation for `hydromt check` and `hydromt export` commands. (767)


This release fixes several bugs. Most notably the `NoDataSrategy` is available in much more data reading methods so plugins can use it more directly. Additionally there are some bug fixes relating to reading shapefiles and reading COGs.

- Test script for testing predefined catalogs locally. (735)
- Option to write a data catalog to a csv file (425)

- Reading Vector formats that consist of more than one file via geopandas. (691)
- Handle NoDataStrategy consistently when reading data in adapters (738)
- add option to ignore empty data sets when exporting data (743)
- Fix bug in `raster._check_dimensions` for datasets with multiple variables with varying dimension size (761)
- Fix bug when reading COGs at requested zoom level (758)


This release adds additional bug fixes for the meridian offset functinality, and improvements to the new CLI commands.

- Export CLI now also accepts time tuples (660)
- New stats.skills VE and RSR (666)
- Check CLI command can now validate bbox and geom regions (664)

- Export CLI now uses '-s' for source, '-t' for time and '-i' for config. (660)

- Double reading of model components when in appending mode. (695)
- Removed deprecated entrypoints library. (676)
- Bug in `raster.set_crs` if input_crs is of type CRS. (659)
- Export CLI now actually parses provided geoms. (660)
- Bug in stats.skills for computation of pbias and MSE / RMSE. (666)
- `Model.write_geoms` ow has an option to write GeoJSON coordinates in WGS84 if specified (510)
- Fix bug with lazy spatial_ref coordinate (682)
- Bug in gis_utils.meridian_offset. (692)

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