This release contains several major updates of the code. These following updates might require small changes to your code:
- Most noticeable is the change in the ``hydromt build`` CLI, where made the region argument optional and deprecated the resolution option. Futhermore, the user has to force existing folders to be overwritten when building new models.
- We also did a major overhaul of the ``GeoDataset`` and the associated ``.vector`` assessor to support any type of vector geometries (before only points).
More new features, including support for rotated grids, new cloud data catalogs and (caching of) tiled raster datasets and more details are listed below.
- Removed resolution ('-r', '--res') from the hydromt build cli, made region (now '-r') an optional argument. PR 278
- If the model root already contains files when setting root, this will cause an error unless force overwrite (mode='w+' or --fo/--force-overwrite from command line). PR 278
- Revamped the GeoDataset (vector.py) to now work with geometry objects and wkt strings besides xy coordinates. PR 276
- GeoDataset can write to .nc that is compliant with ogr. PR 208
- Support for rotated grids in RasterDataset/Array, with new rotation and origin properties. PR 272
- Removed pygeos as an optional dependency, hydromt now relies entirely on shapely 2.0 PR 258
- Changed shapely to require version '2.0.0' or later. PR 228
- strict and consistent read/write mode policy PR 238
- do not automatically read hydromt_data.yml file in model root. PR 238
- RasterDataset zarr driver: possibility to read from several zarr stores. The datasets are then merged and ``preprocess`` can
be applied similar to netcdf driver. PR 249
- New methods to compute PET in workflows.forcing.pet using Penman Monteith FAO-56 based on the `pyet` module. Available arguments are now method = ['debruin', 'makkink', 'penman-monteith_rh_simple', 'penman-monteith_tdew'] PR 266
- New get_region method in cli/api.py that returns a geojson representation of the parsed region. PR 209
- write raster (DataArray) to tiles in xyz structure with the RasterDataArray.to_xyz_tiles method. PR 262
- add zoom_level to DataCatalog.get_rasterdataset method. PR 262
- new write_vrt function in gis_utils to write '.vrt' using GDAL. PR 262
- new predefined catalog for cmip6 data stored on Google Cloud Storage ``cmip6_data``. Requires dependency gcsfs. PR 250
- new predefined catalog for public data stored on Amazon Web Services ``aws_data``. Requires dependency s3fs. PR 250
- new DataCatalog preprocess function ``harmonise_dims`` for manipulation and harmonization of array dimensions. PR 250
- experimental: support for remote data with a new yml data source ``filesystem`` attribute. Supported filesystems are [local, gcs, s3].
Profile information can be passed in the data catalog ``kwargs`` under **storage_options**. PR 250
- experimental: new caching option for tiled rasterdatasets ('--cache' from command line). PR 286
- bug related to opening named raster files. PR 262
- All CRS objects are from pyproj library (instead of rasterio.crs submodule). PR 230
- fix reading lists and none with config. PR 246
- fix `DataCatalog.to_yml` and `DataCatalog.export()` with relative path and add meta section. PR 238
- `x_dim`, `y_dim`, and `total_bounds` attributes of GeoDataset/GeoDataArray are renamed to `x_name`, `y_name` and `bounds`. PR 276
- Move pygeos to optional dependencies in favor of shapely 2.0. PR 228
- Resolution option in hydromt build cli. PR 278
- Added **Working with GeoDatasets** python notebook. PR 276
- added **working_with_models** example notebook. PR 229
- added **export_data** example notebook. PR 222
- added **reading_point_data** example notebook. PR 216
- added **working_with_flow_directions** example notebook. PR 231
- added **prep_data_catalog** example notebook. PR 232
- added **reading_tabular_data** example notebook. PR 216