
Latest version: v1.0.0

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We now use rioxarray to read raster data. We **recommend reinstalling your hydromt environment** including the rioxarray package.
Furthermore, we have changed some internals to support multiple predefined data catalogs and data archives. A detailed overview of all changes is shown below.

IMarth and xldeltares made their first contributions :tada:

- New raster method for adding gdal_compliant() attributes to xarray object.
- Function ``to_datetimeindex`` in available preprocess functions for xr.open_dataset in the data adapter.
- Function ``remove_duplicates`` in available preprocess functions for xr.open_dataset in the data adapter.
- New ``DataCatalog.from_predefined_catalogs`` and ``DataCatalog.from_archive`` to support predefined data catalogs and archive
in a generic way through the data/predefined_catalogs.yml file.
- Optional formatting for year and month variables in path of data sources.

- splitted data_adapter.py into a data_catalog and data_adapter submodule with py scripts per adapter
- Add rioxarray dependency to read raster data
- In build or update methods, the setup_config component is not forced to run first anymore but according to order of the components in the ini config (opt dict).
- In DataCatalog.get_RasterDataset & DataCatalog.get_GeoDataset methods, variables can now also be a str as well as a list of strings.
- In DataCatalog.get_RasterDataset & DataCatalog.get_GeoDataset methods, automatic renaming of single variable datasets based on the variables argument will be deprecated
- Interpolate missing values based on D4 neighbors of missing value cells only. This largely improves the performance without loosing accuracy.
Changes have been observed when `nearest` method is used but this should not impact quality of the interpolation.
- New source_names argument to DataCatalog.to_yml

- Fixed DataAdapter.resolve_paths with unknown keys 121
- Fixed the WGS84 datum in the gis_utils.utm_crs method.
- In merge.merge the grid is now aligned with input dataset with the largest overlap if no dst_bounds & dst_res are given.
- Fixed the predicate not being passed in get_geodataframe method.
- Removed deprecated xr.ufuncs calls.

- Automatic renaming of single var dataset if variables is provided in get_rasterdataset. Data catalog should be used instead.
- ``DataCatalog.from_artifacts``. Use ``DataCatalog.from_predefined_catalogs`` instead.


- New skill scores: KGE 2012, KGE non-parametric (2018), KGE non-parametric flood (2018).
- new rasterio inverse distance weighting method ("rio_idw") in raster.interpolate_na
- Add option to add placeholders in yml file to explode a single yml entry to multiple yml entries (useful for e.g. climate datasets).
- general Model.setup_region method

- stats.py is now in stats/skills.py in order to include more and different type of new statistics later.
- improved flw.reproject_hydrography_like and flw.dem_adjust methods
- file handlers of loggers are replaced in Model.set_root
- log.setuplog replaces old handlers if these exist to avoid duplicates.
- setup_basemaps method no longer required for build method
- improved interbasin regions in workflows.get_basin_geometry
- drop non-serializable entries from yml file when writing data catalog to avoid it getting corrupt
- data catalog yml entries get priority over local files or folders with the same name in the data_adapter.get_* methods
multi-file rasterdatasets are only supported through the data catalog yml file

- fix incorrect nodata values at valid cells from scipy.griddata method in raster.interpolate_na

- workflows.basemaps methods (hydrography and topography) moved to hydromt_wflow


- flw.d8_from_dem to derive a flow direction raster from a DEM
- flw.reproject_hydrography_like to reproject flow direction raster data
- flw.floodplain_elevation method which returns floodplain classification and hydrologically adjusted elevation
- raster.flipud method to flip data along y-axis
- raster.area_grid to get the raster cell areas [m2]
- raster.density_grid to convert the values to [unit/m2]
- gis_utils.spread2d method (wrapping its pyflwdir equivalent) to spread values on a raster
- gis_utils.nearest and gis_utils.nearest_merge methods to merge GeoDataFrame based on proximity
- river_width to estimate a segment average river width based on a river mask raster
- river_depth to get segment average river depth estimates based bankfull discharge (requires pyflwdir v0.5.2)

- bumped hydromt-artifacts version to v0.0.6
- In model API build and update functions, if any write_* are called in the ini file (opt),
the final self.write() call is skipped. This enables passing custom arguments to the write_
functions without double writting files or costumizing the order in which write_ functions
are called. If any write_ function is called we assume the user manages the writing and
a the global write method is skipped.
- default GTiff lwz compression with DataCatalog.export_data method
- rename DataAdapter.export_data to DataAdapter.to_file to avoid confusion with DataCatalog.export_data method
- allow "alias" with attributes in DataCatalog yml files / dictionaries

- DataCatalog.to_yml Path objects written as normal strings
- Bugfix in basin_mask.get_basin_geometry when using bbox or geom arguments
- Bugfix DataAdapter.__init__ setting None value in meta data
- Bugfix DataAdapter.resolve_paths with argument in root

- flw.gaugemap is replaced by flw.gauge_map for a more conistent interace of flw.*map methods
- flw.basin_shape is redundant


- log hydromt_data.yml with write_datata_catalog (needs to be implemented in various plugins)

- Fix bug in io.open_vector and io.open_vector_from_table with WindowsPath fn
- Fix data_libs usage from [global] section of config in cli/main.py
- Bugfix sampling for rasters with 'mask' coordinate
- Bugfix logical operator in merge method

- add alias option in data catalog yml files
- generalize DataCatalog artifact kwargs to allow for multiple yml files from artifacts
- keep geom attributes with <Dataset/DataArray>.vector.to_gdf method
- use mamba for github actions

- data_adapter.parse_data_sources method deprecated


Noticeable changes include new import of model plugins and improvements of reading methods for tile index and geodataset.


- Small patch for geoms/bbox regions when upscaling flow dir.
- Mask option in merge.merge method for improved open_raster_from_tindex.


- New import of model plugins. Before plugins were only loaded when import MODELS or xxxModel from hydromt.models and not when importing hydromt as before.
- Dropped dask version pins
- read-only check in write_config; dropped write_results
- results objects of Model API can also contain xarray.Dataset. To split a Dataset into DataArrays use the split_dataset option of set_results.


- Importing model plugins via "hydromt import xxxModel" or "import hydromt.xxxModel" will be deprecated. Instead use "from hydromt.models import xxxModel"
or "from hydromt_xxx import xxxModel".


- Fix error when deriving basin mask for subbasin with multiple xy.
- Fix passing timeseries and crs for get_geodataset with vector driver


Noticeable changes are a new CLI region option based on ``grid``.


- New REGION option of the **build** CLI methods for model region based on a ``grid``.
- Keep track of the hydroMT plugin versions in the logging and ``--models`` CLI flag.
- deltares_data and artifact_data options in DataCatalog class and Model API


- Changed the **data-artifacts** version to **v0.0.4**. This includes renaming from hydrom_merit to merit_hydro.
- moved binder to seperate folder with postBuild script
- Bump Black version (formatting).


- Multiple ``--opt`` arguments from CLI are now taken into account (instead of only the first).
- Bugfix for crs without an EPSG code.
- Bugfix for Path type path in DataCatalog
- Bugfix missing rasterio in gis_utils.write_map() method
- Bugfix handling of fn_ts in DataCatalog.get_geodataset() method


- Now **latest** and **stable** versions.
- Added **read_raster_data** notebooks to the examples.

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