- Improve the speed of auxillary script "rarefaction_curve.py" - Fix a bug in the Docker "run_instrain.py" script related to using compressed .fasta files
- BugFix related to inStrain clustering (https://github.com/MrOlm/inStrain/issues/52) - BugFix related to genes problems (https://github.com/MrOlm/inStrain/issues/53) - BugFix related to logging problems; caused by having ";" in gene names (https://github.com/MrOlm/inStrain/issues/49) (I actually didn't fix this) - Add "force_compress" option (https://github.com/MrOlm/inStrain/issues/54)
- BugFix when calling mutation effects (N, S, etc.) that impacted mutations with no reads supporting anything but the consensus variant - Added a note about the weird way that positions are calculated in the "mutation" column of SNVs.tsv
- Minor updates to docs; include warnings about 0-based indexing and some more FAQs - Sam to bam conversion now uses the correct number of processes - Automatically compress big dataframes on storage - Do gene profiling of cryptic SNPs as well - Test whether genome distance matricies contain blanks before clustering
- Updated internals for plotting - Removed dRep as a dependency - Include depenency check option and automatically log dependencies to log - Fixed numerous plotting bugs - Supress pandas not report chainedassignment warnings
- Add the auxillary script "rarefaction_curve.py" - Update the Docker to work again