fe12b85 Append ipsw details to extracted shared cache file name. (9)
24ea875 Update Dockerfile
f3787f9 Update appveyor.yml
d2fc2f6 Update dyld.go
b395018 Update file.go
df400dc Update file.go
15f0279 Update go.yml
efde2d8 Update go.yml
0d5be9d Update go.yml
20a3364 Update list.go
bdd0dc1 Update load_command.go
9653637 add a few more loadcmds
b0cdb94 add dyld symaddr cmd
1a23a9e add local copy of macho to update
50cf4d6 add new kernel kexts cmd
8eb5d5b add nlist types
d357de4 add trie parsing
79b379e added :new: dis cmd
7e82b23 fix dyld local syms
1afa9af fix slideinfo
fa8668a local syms working!
cba7165 more flags
ca64e49 more macho goodness
822e619 more macho work
81d1a99 more tries
dbee90f more work on the macho parser
2867f7d no sudo in docker who even am i ???
fb4e6a3 put image list back in
8eee032 reflect is weird
8b6b77d reorg
68898a9 reorg
a138843 reorg dyld stuff
203d9ae symaddr search exports and locals
aeb3ece update vendor and fix slideinfo3
a3b0249 updates
9ab7a78 updates
2000a3b updates a plenty
723c1d3 workin it
47414af working on macho parser now