❯ ipsw kernel syscall 20A5312j__iPhone14,2/kernelcache.release.iPhone14,2 | head
0: syscall call=0xfffffff0081f28f4 munge=0x0 ret=int narg=0 (bytes=0) { int nosys(void); } { indirect syscall }
1: exit call=0xfffffff0081aac70 munge=0xfffffff007ecd07c ret=none narg=1 (bytes=4) { void exit(int rval); }
2: fork call=0xfffffff0081b265c munge=0x0 ret=int narg=0 (bytes=0) { int fork(void); }
3: read call=0xfffffff0081f3270 munge=0xfffffff007ecd09c ret=ssize_t narg=3 (bytes=12) { user_ssize_t read(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
4: write call=0xfffffff0081f40f8 munge=0xfffffff007ecd09c ret=ssize_t narg=3 (bytes=12) { user_ssize_t write(int fd, user_addr_t cbuf, user_size_t nbyte); }
5: open call=0xfffffff007f0bf68 munge=0xfffffff007ecd09c ret=int narg=3 (bytes=12) { int open(user_addr_t path, int flags, int mode); }
6: close call=0xfffffff00818d870 munge=0xfffffff007ecd07c ret=int narg=1 (bytes=4) { int sys_close(int fd); }
7: wait4 call=0xfffffff0081ae384 munge=0xfffffff007ecd0b8 ret=int narg=4 (bytes=16) { int wait4(int pid, user_addr_t status, int options, user_addr_t rusage); }
8: enosys call=0xfffffff0081f28d4 munge=0x0 ret=int narg=0 (bytes=0) { int enosys(void); } { old creat }
9: link call=0xfffffff007f0d670 munge=0xfffffff007ecd088 ret=int narg=2 (bytes=8) { int link(user_addr_t path, user_addr_t link); }
❯ ipsw dyld webkit 20A5312j__iPhone14,2/dyld_shared_cache_arm64e --git
• Querying https://github.com API...
• WebKit Version: 614.
• Tag: WebKit-7614.
• URL: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/archive/refs/tags/WebKit-7614.
• Date: 30Jun2022 13:55:05
* 1debba47 Update apple-meta.yml
* c18d714a Update dyld_webkit.go
* 981c7987 Update dyld_webkit.go
* c0a0e980 fix: sort WebKit tags by commit date
* 3e80e964 fix: add caching to meta github actions
* fae3b3f1 Update webkit-meta.yml
* 09328d5a fix: split webkit meta into it's own github action
* f18542e4 fix: add ability for `ipsw dyld webkit --git` cmd to work without API token
* beddaae1 feat: add ability for `ipsw kernel syscall` to detect NEW syscalls
* 0a234e9d feat: add iOS release of `ipsw`
* 7ba99f68 feat: add 🆕 `ipsw kernel syscall` cmd to dump kernel syscall table
* eda3f708 fix: show entitlements in `ipsw ent` cmd for ents with non boolean keys as well
* 382432b8 fix: kc version for fileset kernels