To download the 🆕 Rapid Security Response OTAs
❯ ipsw download ota --platform ios --beta --rsr --build 20C5049e --device iPhone15,2
• Getting iOS 16.2 OTA build=20C7750490e device=iPhone15,2 model=D73AP type="iOS162BetaRSR"
92.97 MiB / 92.97 MiB [==========================================================| ✅ ] 58.85 MiB/s
> **NOTE:** you must supply a `--build` when using `--rsr` for now.
DSC patch dumping is working again!
❯ ipsw dyld patches dyld_shared_cache_arm64e | head
[PATCHES] /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib (258 symbols)
0x1800c7378: _property_copyAttributeValue
0x1de92e0a8: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) /System/Library/Frameworks/CloudKit.framework/CloudKit
0x1de971ab0: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccessibilityUtilities.framework/AccessibilityUtilities
0x1e2444d18: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) GOT
0x21a499b98: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) GOT
0x1800bb028: _objc_retain_x7
0x1de8d37a0: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/SwiftUI
0x1de92dfa8: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) /System/Library/Frameworks/CloudKit.framework/CloudKit
0x1de93d9a0: (diversity: 0x0000, key: IA, auth: true) /System/Library/Frameworks/ContactsUI.framework/ContactsUI
DSC objc optimization dumping is working again! *(and even better now w/ headRO data added)*
❯ ipsw dyld objc dyld_shared_cache_arm64e --class | head
0x1dd5f8e10: FLFollowUpAction CoreFollowUp
0x1dd5a9348: ProcessAnalytics SymptomAnalytics
0x1ddb2f498: SBPosterBoardUpdateManager SpringBoard
0x1dd382448: NSInPredicateOperator Foundation
❯ ipsw dyld objc dyld_shared_cache_arm64e --proto | head
0x1dd2744e8: NCNotificationListMigrationSchedulerDelegate UserNotificationsUIKit
0x1dd2feb48: SBSceneHandleObserverToken SpringBoardUI
0x1dd1cb048: _SFDynamicBarAnimatorStateObserver SafariServices
0x1dd1cb048: _SFDynamicBarAnimatorStateObserver MobileSafariUI
New Features
* 7b821392e34658049f0cd3b613055e1fa6a3239c: feat: add support for RSR OTAs via `ipsw download ota --rsr` flag (blacktop)
* 6b1e529d47b28c0c036595fbd59071a27b6dcc5a: feat: dyld4 support for `ipsw dyld patches` cmd (blacktop)
* b1ff9af4e7dd587944658bdcefcb97145aad91ba: feat: greatly improved global objc optimization dumping `ipsw dyld objc` cmd output (blacktop)
* cb6c431845a1f2372819a77029edf58e95976bd3: feat: update `ipsw kernel syscall` lookup db (blacktop)
* aa58a64578888c1289b4d2dc6cb8e9958dd31670: feat: update dyld types to NEW dyld src (blacktop)
* 9957e18bbc9b2359954e063119c2acf1fbbd2f2a: feat: 🆕 `ipsw mdev` cmd to dump MobileDevices info (blacktop)
Bug fixes
* 5f054a391b272e440e319cec74b44411ab41fe4c: fix: cache mapping labels in `ipsw dyld info` cmd (blacktop)
* e777965ec9bc37ffa05161264c7d8fd16d3c9b9d: fix: deprecate `ipsw download oss` cmd (blacktop)
* 7c1c7b4db2edef851cc0d9b3329958d71042cbc7: fix: discord link in CHANGELOG (blacktop)
* 54541249cef8a2875e6211d098ee1b90f0c12a74: fix: dogfood vmoffset lookup in `ipsw dyld o2a` cmd (blacktop)
* ebae0dcb7f4ff7b8af40aa31edc7c2d46c5a3509: fix: remove ios deb pkgs (blacktop)
Other work
* aac33cf889d8364a25da96054ddf0bc45b69aa7c: chore(deps): bump actions/dependency-review-action from 2 to 3 (161) (dependabot[bot])
* c02e8b0625e3129494ec54b9660a678a25237fca: chore(deps): bump deps (blacktop)
* 732e42b20f0f374ba089b8237e973cf4a3260a54: chore(deps): update deps (blacktop)
* 5bfeede83577531afdab662dce24b15a852029bb: chore(deps): update viper dep (blacktop)
* 2d090f7babd98a17aa2c8c6366f07ce373d26710: chore: add CI/CD to check pkg installers are working (blacktop)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/blacktop/ipsw/compare/v3.1.193...v3.1.194
What to do next?
- Read the [documentation](https://blacktop.github.io/ipsw/docs/)
- Join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xx2y9yrcgs)
- Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/blacktop__)