
Latest version: v5.4.2.post1

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- Update logo colors ([54b7807e2a](

Platform Fixes

- Add GDCM system version check for SetSecondaryCaptureImagePlaneModule ([f4e9b0ba28](
- Exclude itkPyBufferMemoryLeak test from macOS ARM CI ([6df6b72557](
- GCC 13 CastXML vector include workaround ([ad6c58223d](

Bug Fixes

- support both single and multiline ([487da6d086](
- Make dict_from_transform more consistent with other dict representations ([5397f81b7f](
- Add bufferedRegion to dict_from_image representation ([c66b0466cd](
- Support passing a single transform to transform write ([36b3abec9a](
- array_from_image shape for VectorImage with 1 component ([2447a812b0](
- Use unique filenames for Nifti tests ([396d62f051](
- ElementType with PolyLineParametricPath ContinuousIndex ([db44bc8b9a](
- VTKPolyDataMeshIO support for reading VTK 5.1 format ([30a9409d89](
- Mark GDCM macOS CMake variables as advanced ([8e928a1cc0](
- Mark Module_FastBilateral as advanced ([f1c390a1e2](
- Wrap SymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter with CovariantVector Image output ([6e96da5956](

Style Changes

- Apply clang-format to LabelGeometryImageFilter ([ef9907597b](

Mihail Isakov (1):

Platform Fixes

- Update GDCM system version check for SetSecondaryCaptureImagePlaneModule ([6e14aadeff](

Niels Dekker (6):


- Add `ITK_DEFAULT_COPY_AND_MOVE(TypeName)` macro definition ([f65623be95](

Style Changes

- Replace `(const std::string)` casts with C++17 `std::string_view` ([2a1265d75f](
- Replace SetSize/Index calls in tests with `region{ index, size }` ([8f70ee7da1](
- Replace SetIndex/Size calls in tests with `region{ index, size }` ([3282875e7c](
- Use ITK_DEFAULT_COPY_AND_MOVE for exceptions of Image and Mesh IO ([16e6475260](
- Use ITK_DEFAULT_COPY_AND_MOVE for `RealTimeStamp` and `Region` ([4f42280e98](

Philip Cook (2):


- Handle NIFTI space and time units more consistently ([d9029dccb9](

Bug Fixes

- Fix path to write itkNiftiImageIOTest14 data ([21b74f0584](

Sean McBride (2):

Platform Fixes

- Suppress some Wformat-nonliteral warnings ([defa7129be](
- restored old spelling of CLANG_SUPPRESS_Wfloat_equal ([0c6782999b](

Simon Rit (1):


- update remote module RTK ([2132909781](

Stephen R. Aylward (3):


- Optionally limit an ImageMask to a specific pixel value ([c377692288](

Performance Improvements

- Changed conditionals and use of const vars for speed ([610de818c0](

Bug Fixes

- Fix SpatialObjectProperties.GetTag*Value() to return values ([ad25ca8900](


Looking ahead, we're thrilled to announce that ITK 6, our next major release, will showcase a substantial array of modernizations. The community has been hard at work implementing significant improvements that will elevate development with and on the toolkit. Watch for upcoming alpha and beta releases of ITK 6, which will run parallel to our 5.4 maintenance efforts.

This dual-track approach ensures both stability for current users and innovation for those ready to explore new features. Stay tuned for announcements about ITK 6's preview releases, which will demonstrate the exciting evolution of the Insight Toolkit.

**Enjoy ITK!**


We are happy to announce the [Insight Toolkit (ITK)]( 5.4 Release Candidate 4 is available for testing! :tada: ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration.

🔦 Highlights

The Insight Toolkit (ITK) has further enhanced its DICOM capabilities in the latest release, building on over 25 years of extensive clinical usage and application. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a valuable standard handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. It includes a wide range of medical data types and allows for various imaging modalities and workflow information, posing significant challenges due to its extensive support for diverse medical content and variations in vendor implementations and adherence to the standard.

This release introduces expanded support for additional modality features and crucial spatial metadata for Secondary Capture images. ITK significantly improves the way medical imaging data is processed and interpreted and ensures robust support for diverse DICOM applications.


*The impact of spatial metadata handling on the NLM Visible Human cryomacrotome anatomic secondary capture images, [available in the NIH Imaging Data Commons](, when visualized in [3D Slicer]( Left: before ITK v5.4rc04, Right: after. Screenshots courtesy Steve Pieper.*

The development of ITK’s DICOM support is a testament to a robust community-driven effort involving ITK developers, maintainers from DICOM library projects such as GDCM and DCMTK, and curators of the DICOM standard. This release includes collaborative contributions from notable community members including Mikhail Isakov, Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño, Sean McBride, Martin Hoßbach, Mathieu Malaterre, Michael Onken, Steve Pieper, Andras Lasso, David Clunie, and Andrey Fedorov.

This release candidate also expands on our support for elegant, performant, modern C++. For example, specializations of `std::tuple_size ` and `std::tuple_element` for `itk::ImageRegion` in order to support C++17 structured bindings enable compile-time optimized statements to provide a multidimensional region's index and size:

auto [index, size] = image.GetRequestedRegion();

For more information on ITK 5.4's modern C++ support, see [the Release Candidate 1 release notes](

Moreover, this release candidate extends the toolkit's sustainability and Python support through Stable ABI Python wheels. This is made possible by upgrades to SWIG and [scikit-build-core](, the modern Python packaging standard evolution of scikit-build classic. Python 3.11 wheels will be recognized by `pip` and work with Python 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, etc. While we also provide cross-platform wheels for Python 3.8-3.10, we can only use the Stable ABI with Python 3.11 because it is required for [`itk`'s NumPy support](

ITK Remote Modules now also have GitHub Action-driven mac ARM / Apple Silicon Python wheel generation support. While a Remote Module ** file is still supported in ITK 5.4, migration to a scikit-build-core *pyproject.toml* file is encouraged. One important advantage is the generation of Stable ABI wheels for Python 3.11+. To migrate to scikit-build-core, use [this pyproject.toml template]( and remove the ** file.

ITK 5.4 contains many additional improvements; highlights can be found below along with a more detailed changelog. For a summary of changes that continue our sustainability evolution with Web3 testing data, see the [5.4 Release Candidate 2 release notes](

💾 Download

**Python Packages**

Install [ITK Python packages]( with:

pip install --upgrade --pre itk

**Guide and Textbook**

- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book1-5.4rc04.pdf](
- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book2-5.4rc04.pdf](

**Library Sources**

- [InsightToolkit-5.4rc04.tar.gz](
- [](

**Testing Data**

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.

- [InsightData-5.4rc04.tar.gz](
- [](


- [MD5SUMS](
- [SHA512SUMS](

✨ Features


- Wrapping for `itk.PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage`
- Better support for multi-component images in `image_from_vtk_image`
- `itk.imread` supports a `series_uid` kwarg for DICOM series selection
- TBB version updated to latest stable version, disabled on Intel macOS
- Python binaries for 3.8-3.11 across platforms
- Python 3.11 uses the Stable ABI -- works with Python 3.11+
- Python 3.7 is no longer supported
- Apple Silicon Remote Module GitHub Action wheels
- Updated to the latest version of scikit-build-core
- Import time improvements with `torch`


- C++17 is now required
- Many style improvements for modern C++ and consistency
- GCC 13 support
- Name mangling prefix for third party libraries is configurable
- Update mangled 3rd-parties to use `MANGLE_PREFIX` CMake variable
- Many improvements to code coverage
- Enhanced NRRD and Nifti metadata support
- Apply cmake-format for a consistent CMake style
- `get()` member function to `itk::SmartPointer`
- `itk::Size::CalculateProductOfElements()`, to compute number of pixels
- `Deref(T *)`, to ease dereferencing a pointer safely
- `itk::ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange` support C-array of offsets (by C++17)
- Add `itk::Copy(const T & original)`, which simply returns a copy
- Make `itk::ImageRegion` trivially copyable, remove inheritance (FUTURE)


- Use index/point transforms without bounds checking
- Improved SSE2 detection
- Many improvements to how locks are handled
- Major `itk::SpatialObject` performance improvements


- New GitHub Action to check spelling
- Doxygen formatting cleanup
- Doxygen spelling fixes
- Doxygen Insight Journal links are consistent
- Many Doxygen improvements to the content
- Software Guide updated for style modernization
- Change the Insight Journal handle links to insight-journal links
- Replace `itkTypeMacro` with `itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro`

Remote module updates

New modules:

- [FastBilateral]( - A Fast Approximation to the Bilateral Filter for ITK. [Insight Journal article](

Updated modules:
- [BSplineGradient](
- [BoneMorphometry](
- [Cleaver](
- [Cuberille](,
- [CudaCommon](
- [FPFH](
- [GenericLabelInterpolator](
- [HASI](
- [HigherOrderAccurateGradient](
- [IOMeshSTL](
- [IOMeshSWC](
- [IOScanco](
- [LabelErodeDilate](
- [MeshToPolyData](
- [MinimalPathExtraction](
- [Montage](
- [MorphologicalContourInterpolation](
- [ParabolicMorphology](
- [RLEImage](
- [RTK](
- [Shape](
- [SimpleITKFilters](
- [SplitComponents](
- [Strain](
- [TextureFeatures](
- [Thickness3D](
- [TubeTK](
- [Ultrasound](
- [VkFFTBackend](
- [WebAssemblyInterface](

Third party library updates

- dcmtk
- eigen
- gdcm
- googletest
- kwsys
- minc
- meta-io
- nifti
- pygccxml
- vxl
- zlib-ng

🙏 Congratulations

Congratulations and **thank you** to everyone who contributed to this release.

Of the *59 authors* who contributed since v5.3.0, we would like to specially recognize the new contributors:

*Nicklas Larsson, huangjxbq, Sankhesh Jhaveri, adrinkwater, FabioLolix, Vaibhaw, Ningfei Li, Max Aehle, Noah Egnatis, Federico Zivolo, Patrick Linnane, LAURENDEAU Matthieu, Shreeraj Jadhav, Shengpeng YU, Fernando Bordignon, Andras Lasso, Bernhard Froehler, Thomas BAUDIER, Matthieu LAURENDEAU, Fabian Wenzel, Mikhail Polkovnikov, Pritam Rungta, Florian de Gaulejac, Ramon Emiliani, Martin Hoßbach, Sadhana Ravikumar, and Gabriel Chartrand.*

🗣️ What's Next

This is the final release candidate before v5.4.0. An issue following the tagging of v5.4rc03 predicated the publication of this release. Please try out the current release candidate, and discuss your experiences at []( Contribute with pull requests, code reviews, and issue discussions in our [GitHub Organization](

**Enjoy ITK!**


We are happy to announce the [Insight Toolkit (ITK)]( 5.4 Release Candidate 2 is available for testing! :tada: ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration.

:flashlight: Highlights

ITK 5.4 marks a significant feature update aimed at bolstering the project's long-term **sustainability**. Specifically, this release harnesses the power of [Web3 technology]( to *enhance the process of contributing new data for collaborators, streamline software release management for quicker and more efficient rollouts, and facilitate decentralized, cost-efficient, and redundant data storage for extended distribution purposes*.

Since every local [Git]( repository contains a copy of the entire project history, it is important to avoid adding large binary files directly to the repository. Large binary files added and removed throughout a project's history will cause the repository to become bloated, take up too much disk space, require excessive time and bandwidth to download, etc.

A [solution to this problem]( which has been adopted by ITK is to store binary files, such as images, in a separate location outside the Git repository, then download the files at build time with [CMake](

A "content link" file contains an identifying cryptographic hash or [Content Identifier (CID)]( The content link is stored in the Git repository at the path where the file would exist, but with a `.cid` extension appended to the file name. CMake will find these content link files at *build* time, download them from a list of server resources, and create symlinks or copies of the original files at the corresponding location in the *build tree*.

The CID is a self-describing hash following the [multiformats]( standard created by the [InterPlanetary Filesystem (IPFS)]( community. A file with a CID for its filename is content-verifiable. Locating files according to their CID makes content-addressed, as opposed to location-addressed, data exchange possible. This practice is the foundation of the decentralized web, also known as the dWeb or Web3. By adopting Web3, we gain:

- **Permissionless data uploads**
- **Robust, redundant storage**
- **Local and peer-to-peer storage**
- **Scalability**
- **Sustainability**

Contributors to ITK can upload their data through a [simple web app](, ([alt web3 link]( that utilizes a free CID pinning service, [](

Data used in the ITK Git repository is periodically tracked in a dedicated [Datalad]( repository, the [ITKData DataLad repository]( DataLad is a free and open source, Git-based distributed data management system that keeps track of data, ensures reproducibility, and supports collaboration. *Versioned* testing data trees can be browsed in a natural, nested *directory / file* layout, either via DataLad or IPFS's UnixFS storage.

The tracked data is stored across redundant locations so it can be retrieved from any of the following:

- Local [IPFS]( nodes
- Peer [IPFS]( nodes
- [](
- [](
- Kitware's IPFS Server
- [ITKTestingData]( GitHub Pages CDN
- Kitware's Apache HTTP Server
- Local testing data cache
- Archive tarballs from GitHub Releases

![ITK testing data flow](

*Testing data workflow. Testing or example data is uploaded to IPFS via the web app. This pins the data on multiple servers across the globe. At release time, the data is also pinned on multiple servers in the USA and France and community pinners. At release time, the data is also stored in the DataLad Git repository, served on an Apache HTTP server, and served on the GitHub Pages CDN. At test time an ITK build can pull the data from a local cache, archive tarball, the Apache HTTP server, GitHub Pages CDN, or multiple IPFS HTTP gateways.*

For more information, see our [testing data documentation](

ITK 5.4 contains many additional improvements; highlights can be found below along with a more detailed changelog. For a summary of changes that continues our modern C++ evolution see our [5.4 Release Candidate 1 release notes](

💾 Download

**Python Packages**

Install [ITK Python packages]( with:

pip install --upgrade --pre itk

**Guide and Textbook**

- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book1-5.4rc02.pdf](
- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book2-5.4rc02.pdf](

**Library Sources**

- [InsightToolkit-5.4rc02.tar.gz](
- [](

**Testing Data**

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.

- [InsightData-5.4rc02.tar.gz](
- [](


- [MD5SUMS](
- [SHA512SUMS](

✨ Features


- Wrapping for `itk.PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage`
- Better support for multi-component images in `image_from_vtk_image`
- `itk.imread` supports a `series_uid` kwarg for DICOM series selection
- TBB version updated to latest stable version, disabled on Intel macOS
- Python binaries for 3.7-3.11 across platforms
- This will be the last release with Python 3.7 suppport
- Remote module GitHub action updated, Python 3.7 is not supported in Remote module builds
- Updated to the latest version of scikit-build


- C++17 is now required
- Many style improvements for modern C++ and consistency
- GCC 13 support
- Name mangling prefix for third party libraries is configurable
- Update mangled 3rd-parties to use `MANGLE_PREFIX` CMake variable
- Many improvements to code coverage
- Enhanced NRRD and Nifti metadata support
- Apply cmake-format for a consistent CMake style


- Use index/point transforms without bounds checking
- Improved SSE2 detection
- Many improvements to how locks are handled


- New GitHub Action to check spelling
- Doxygen formatting cleanup
- Doxygen spelling fixes
- Doxygen Insight Journal links are consistent
- Many Doxygen improvements to the content
- Software Guide updated for style modernization
- Change the Insight Journal handle links to insight-journal links
- Replace `itkTypeMacro` with `itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro`

Remote module updates

Updated modules:
- [BSplineGradient](
- [BoneMorphometry](
- [Cleaver](
- [Cuberille](,
- [CudaCommon](
- [FPFH](
- [GenericLabelInterpolator](
- [HASI](
- [HigherOrderAccurateGradient](
- [IOMeshSTL](
- [IOMeshSWC](
- [IOScanco](
- [LabelErodeDilate](
- [MeshToPolyData](
- [MinimalPathExtraction](
- [Montage](
- [MorphologicalContourInterpolation](
- [ParabolicMorphology](
- [RLEImage](
- [RTK](
- [Shape](
- [SimpleITKFilters](
- [SplitComponents](
- [Strain](
- [TextureFeatures](
- [Thickness3D](
- [TubeTK](
- [Ultrasound](
- [VkFFTBackend](
- [WebAssemblyInterface](

Third party library updates

- eigen
- gdcm
- googletest
- kwsys
- meta-io
- nifti
- pygccxml
- vxl
- zlib-ng

🙏 Congratulations

Congratulations and **thank you** to everyone who contributed to this release.

Of the *43 authors* who contributed since v5.3.0, we would like to specially recognize the new contributors:

*Nicklas Larsson, huangjxbq, Sankhesh Jhaveri, adrinkwater, FabioLolix, Vaibhaw, Ningfei Li, Max Aehle, Noah Egnatis, Federico Zivolo, Patrick Linnane, LAURENDEAU Matthieu, Shreeraj Jadhav, Shengpeng YU, Fernando Bordignon, and Andras Lasso.*

🗣️ What's Next

Process improvements in this release will ensure more regular and frequent releases in the future. Listening to feedback from the community, we anticipate one additional 5.4 release candidate to enable testing of critical DICOM improvements. Our next release candidate will include improvements based on experiences with 5.4 RC 2. Please try out the current release candidate, and discuss your experiences at []( Contribute with pull requests, code reviews, and issue discussions in our [GitHub Organization](

**Enjoy ITK!**


We are happy to announce the [Insight Toolkit (ITK)]( 5.4 Release Candidate 1 is available for testing! :tada: ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration.

:flashlight: Highlights

ITK 5.4 is a feature release that continues our modern C++ evolution by requiring C\+\+17. The toolkit progresses in performance with a simple and elegant style and syntax. Through hundreds of changes in this release, we advance in readability and maintainability for the library and client code, often facilitated by improvements in the C++ standards.

Community contributions through Remote extension Modules are a valuable source of innovation in ITK, and updates to 30 modules in this release are no exception. A few examples of the Remote Modules updated include: *BoneMorphometry, Cleaver, GenericLabelInterpolator, IOScanco, LabelErodeDilate, MinimalPathExtraction, Montage, MorphologicalContourInterpolation, ParabolicMorphology, RANSAC, ReconstructionToolkit (RTK), TextureFeatures, TubeTK, Ultrasound, VkFFTBackend,* and *WebAssemblyInterface*. New modules can quickly be created with [a cookiecutter]( and cross-platform testing for high quality development and Python package generation is supported by a [reusable GitHub Action]( For more information, see Chapter 9 of the [ITK Software Guide](


*Highlights from the [ITKElastix Remote Module]( presentation at SciPy 2023, the Annual Scientific Computing with Python Conference. Konstantinos Ntatsis, Niels Dekker, Viktor van der Valk, Tom Birdsong, Dženan Zukić, Stefan Klein, Marius Staring, & Matthew McCormick. (2023). itk-elastix: Medical image registration in Python [SciPy 2023 Poster]. Zenodo. [](*

💾 Download

**Python Packages**

Install [ITK Python packages]( with:

pip install --upgrade --pre itk

**Guide and Textbook**

- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book1-5.4rc01.pdf](
- [InsightSoftwareGuide-Book2-5.4rc01.pdf](

**Library Sources**

- [InsightToolkit-5.4rc01.tar.gz](
- [](

**Testing Data**

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.

- [InsightData-5.4rc01.tar.gz](
- [](


- [MD5SUMS](
- [SHA512SUMS](

✨ Features


- `itk.imread` supports a `series_uid` kwarg for DICOM series selection
- TBB version updated to latest stable version, disabled on Intel macOS
- Python binaries for 3.7-3.11 across platforms
- This will be the last release with Python 3.7 suppport
- Remote module GitHub action updated, Python 3.7 is not supported in Remote module builds
- Updated to the latest version of scikit-build


- C++17 is now required
- Many style improvements for modern C++
- GCC 13 support
- Name mangling prefix for third party libraries is configurable
- Many improvements to code coverage
- Improved SSE2 detection
- Enhanced NRRD and Nifti metadata support


- Doxygen formatting cleanup
- Doxygen spelling fixes
- Doxygen Insight Journal links are consistent
- Software Guide updated for style modernization

Remote module updates

Updated modules:
- [BSplineGradient](
- [BoneMorphometry](
- [Cleaver](
- [Cuberille](,
- [CudaCommon](
- [FPFH](
- [GenericLabelInterpolator](
- [HASI](
- [HigherOrderAccurateGradient](
- [IOMeshSTL](
- [IOMeshSWC](
- [IOScanco](
- [LabelErodeDilate](
- [MeshToPolyData](
- [MinimalPathExtraction](
- [Montage](
- [MorphologicalContourInterpolation](
- [ParabolicMorphology](
- [RLEImage](
- [RTK](
- [Shape](
- [SimpleITKFilters](
- [SplitComponents](
- [Strain](
- [TextureFeatures](
- [Thickness3D](
- [TubeTK](
- [Ultrasound](
- [VkFFTBackend](
- [WebAssemblyInterface](

Third party library updates

- eigen
- gdcm
- googletest
- kwsys
- nifti
- vxl
- zlib-ng

🙏 Congratulations

Congratulations and **thank you** to everyone who contributed to this release.

Of the *42 authors* who contributed since v5.3.0, we would like to specially recognize the new contributors:

*huangjxbq, Sankhesh Jhaveri, adrinkwater, FabioLolix, Vaibhaw, Ningfei Li, Max Aehle, Noah Egnatis, Federico Zivolo, Patrick Linnane, LAURENDEAU Matthieu, Shreeraj Jadhav, Shengpeng YU, Fernando Bordignon, and Andras Lasso.*

🗣️ What's Next

Our next release candidate will include improvements based on experiences with 5.4 RC 1. Please try out the current release candidate, and discuss your experiences at []( Contribute with pull requests, code reviews, and issue discussions in our [GitHub Organization](

**Enjoy ITK!**



We are happy to announce the [Insight Toolkit (ITK)]( 5.3 Release Candidate 2 is available for testing! :tada: ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration.

ITK 5.3 is a feature release that accelerates performance, provides new segmentation and shape analysis algorithms, and makes over 200 more improvements. For more information about performance improvements, see [the 5.3 RC 1 Release Notes](

ITK 5.3 RC 2 highlights a new remote module, [ITKGrowCut](, which segments a 3D image from user-provided seeds. This method was popularized by [3D Slicer]( and was improved for inclusion in [Seg3D]( with support from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under grant numbers P41 GM103545 and R24 GM136986. This module can also be scripted in Python through a package installed with:

pip install itk-growcut

Seeds for ITKGrowCut module.

Results produced by ITKGrowCut module.


**Python Packages**

Install [ITK Python packages]( with:

pip install --upgrade --pre itk

**Library Sources**

- [InsightToolkit-5.3rc02.tar.gz](
- [](

**Testing Data**

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.

- [InsightData-5.3rc02.tar.gz](
- [](


- [MD5SUMS](
- [SHA512SUMS](



- Python packages now include oneTBB support for improved performance.
- Following CPython's deprecation schedule Python 3.6 is no longer supported.
- Python packages added for Python 3.10
- Initial Python wrapping is available for the Video modules.
- `TransformToDisplacementField` is now available in Python.
- Pythonic IO functions `itk.imread` understands `pathlib.Path`'s
- New `repr` for `itk.Matrix`
- `np.asarray` works on `itk.Matrix`
- `DCMTKImageIO` wrapping addressed


- C++14 is now required.
- The minimum CMake version required is now 3.16.3.
- New functions: `MakePoint`, `MakeVector`, `MakeIndex`, `MakeSize`.
- Targets in Visual Studio and other IDE's are now organize hierachically by ITK Group and Module
- Most of `itk::mpl` meta-programming functions replaced by C++14 equivalents
- Performance accelerations for b-spline interpolation, Mattes mutual information metric computation
- Improved modern C++ adoption, e.g. additional adoption of `constexpr`, `auto`

New filters

- `itk::TransformGeometryImageFilter`: applies a rigid transform to an `Image`'s metadata.
- 1D FFT classes
- Interface classes for forward, inverse transformations, half-hermetian transformations
- Vnl implementations
- FFTW implementations

Remote module updates

New remote modules:

- [HASI]( High-Throughput Applications for Skeletal Imaging
- [ITKGrowCut]( segments a 3D image from user-provided foreground and background seeds

Updated modules: *AdaptiveDenoising*, *AnisotropicDiffusionLBR*, *BSplineGradient*, *BoneEnhancement*, *BoneMorphometry*, *Cuberille*, *GrowCut*, *HASI*, *HigherOrderAccurateGradient*, *IOFDF*, *IOScanco*, *IsotropicWavelets*, *MinimalPathExtraction*, *Montage*, *MorphologicalContourInterpolation*, *RTK*, *SimpleITKFilters*, *SkullStrip*, *SplitComponents*, *Strain*, *TextureFeatures*, *Thickness3D*, *TotalVariation*, *TubeTK*, and *Ultrasound*.

Third party library updates

- expat
- fftw
- gdcm
- googletest
- hdf5
- kwsys
- metaio
- niftilib
- vxl
- zlib migrated to zlib-ng


Congratulations and **thank you** to everyone who contributed to this release.

Of the *41 authors* who contributed since v5.2.0, we would like to specially recognize the new contributors:

*Pranjal Sahu, Darren Thompson, Tomoyuki SADAKANE, Oleksandr Zavalistyi, Jose Tascon, Kian Weimer, Michael Kuczynski, Ebrahim Ebrahim, Philip Cook, ambrozicc1, Jason Rudy, josempozo, Andreas Gravgaard Andersen, and Hastings Greer.*

What's Next

We anticipate an additional release candidate following community testing before the 5.3.0 release. The following release candidate(s) will improve related documentation and make further improvements. Please try out the current release candidate, and discuss your experiences at []( Contribute with pull requests, code reviews, and issue discussions in our [GitHub Organization](

**Enjoy ITK!**

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