Adrien Bailly (1) adrien.bailly :
ENH: add wrapping for MultiResolutionIterationEvent and other missing event
Beatriz Paniagua (2) bpaniagua :
ENH: Updating pygccxml version
ENH: Updating libPNG to track upstream libpng16 branch
Brad King (2) brad.king :
ENH: Port GDCM update script to update-third-party.bash
ENH: Update GDCM import script for changes in upstream content
Bradley Lowekamp (93) blowekamp :
DOC: fix spelling transfrom->transform
ENH: Improve Not functor and filter to follow other logic functors
ENH: Separate functors from filters in header by operator groups
DOC: Fix spelling mistakes from SimpleITK JSON, from spellintian
ENH: making available GoogleTest for testing in ITK
COMP: Address missing ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT definition
COMP: Use single line for string argument, by-pass multi-line issues
COMP: Revert to CMake 2 compatible line comment
ENH: Move rank filters out of review
BUG: Use const for pipeline inputs and state functions
ENH: Explicitly warn and deprecate negative pixel spacing.
BUG: Modify google test to define _VARIADIC_MAX=10
COMP: Fix using system GoogleTest with a compiled system library
ENH: Add SliceImageFilter
COMP: Use itk::Math::abs over vnl_math_abs
ENH: Add GetProbe method to collectors base.
BUG: Add missing exports for GTest::* targets
BUG: Fix computation of central moments for shape label map
ENH: Adding operator functors from SimpleITK
ENH: Choose efficient central moment computation for run
BUG: Add missing OrientedBoundingBox option
DOC: recommend using separate instances
BUG: Manually set seed for ParticleSwarmOptimzerTest
BUG: Fix computation of oriented bounding box
BUG: shape label object elongation incorrectly zero
ENH: Add GTest utilities for ITK
ENH: adding explicit testing of computed label shape attributes
BUG: Propagate make program to KWStyle ExternalProject
BUG: Error only when unknown module is enabled.
DOC: Document behaviors of ChangeLabelLabelMapFilter
BUG: Document and assert improper usage of transform methods.
COMP: Enable hidden visibility property with GoogleTest static libraries
DOC: Doxygen namespace tag must be full namespace
BUG: Fix computation for Jacobian local vector
BUG: Cast to PrintType for MaskLabel variable printing
ENH: Update FixedPointInverseDisplacementField remote module
BUG: Error only when unknown module is enabled.
BUG: Fix computation of central moments for shape label map
BUG: shape label object elongation incorrectly zero
BUG: Fix computation of oriented bounding box
BUG: Add missing OrientedBoundingBox option
ENH: Update FixedPointInverseDisplacementField remote module
ENH: Only remove hidden visibility for C file with CMake<3
BUG: Print missing Seeds parameter and values used for Upper/Lower
ENH: Remove unneeded m_Upper and m_Lower ivars
ENH: Prefer raw pointers for pipelined owned objects
ENH: Update to use CircleCI 2.0
ENH: Enable MINC IO by default
ENH: Move advance Demons registration filters out of review
BUG: Fix CircleCI command to upload test results
ENH: Test SliceBySlice with non-zero index
BUG: Use same origin for internal image as input image
BUG: Remove duplicate code from local commit
COMP: Remove MINC library level exports
ENH: Add ProcessObject::AddOptionalInputName and more named inputs
ENH: Make more use of AddOptionalInputName
BUG: Use input macros for const correct pipeline inputs
ENH: Remove input name when renamed and add tests
BUG: Correct OBB names in GetAttributeFromName
ENH: Add ShapeLabelObject::GetRegion method
ENH: Hide MINC data in MINCIImageIO interface
BUG: Remove newly added warning in ProcessObject AddRequiredInput
BUG: Apply constant function specifier
BUG: Fix marking of required inputs for GPU PDE registration
BUG: Add missing getter method for PDE InitialDisplacementField
ENH: Use Input macros for set/get GPU PDE inputs
ENH: Move private GE format headers to src
ENH: CircleCI use ccache and cache external data
ENH: Extract reusable code into a copy image information functor
ENH: Change Cast parent class to InPlaceImageFilter
BUG: Add search paths for GoogleTest as source code on system
BUG: Update BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter::m_NumberOfLabels
COMP: Remove shadowing typedef
ENH: Updating remote module TextureFeatures to 3.0.0
COMP: Use integer suffix for long long types
BUG: Disable checking of OBB origin
PERF: Use initialized global variable for default number of threads
ENH: Add remote mote SimpleITKFilters
ENH: Add type for MultiThreader used by the ProcessObject
BUG: Don't use void pointer
BUG: Fix LBFGS2 iteration count and iterface
BUG: Use AutoPtr for initialization based resource acquisition
BUG: Fix factory registration during static initialization
BUG: Fix const correctness of GetDisplacementField, use named input
STYLE: Use LineSearch conventions
BUG: Relax timeout to 60 seconds for itkSimpleFastMutexLockTest
COMP: Mark itkTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldImageRegistrationTest long
COMP: Address linking error using operator<<
COMP: Must define target before adding compile definitions
COMP: Issue a CMake warning if ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY
COMP: Enable CMP0063, support setting visibility properties
COMP: Enable CMP0063, support setting visibility properties
COMP: Enable CMP0063, support setting visibility properties
David Kügler (1) david.kuegler :
BUG: better support for OBJ mesh format
Dženan Zukić (21) dzenanz :
ENH: adding an example and improving tests
ENH: support VCPKG
ENH: rewriting ThreadPool and enabling it by default
ENH: docs and compiler fix for ThreadPool, improvements of itkBarrierTest
ENH: turning off thread pool by default for now
STYLE: minor fix in debug mode and clearer code intent by using macros
STYLE: warn users of the DeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter's limitations
ENH: Addition of type long long and unsigned long long for images
STYLE: VTK Mesh IO code simplification
COMP: fixing warnings
BUG: a call to SetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads was not respected
BUG: LONGLONG was not handled by DCMTKImageIO
BUG: PNG IO: return false instead of crashing in CanReadFile
COMP: fix a warning
BUG: ThreadPool hangs on Windows when ITK is compiled as DLLs
BUG: tests writing to the same file randomly fail during parallel invocation
COMP: fixing 2 compile errors on some compilers
ENH: adding JSON format report to resource probe
BUG: NIFTI crashing when requested region is set
BUG: colliding file names caused spurious test failures
BUG: fix two rename mistakes introduced in previous patch
Edwin Bennink (1) ebennink :
BUG: Fixed cylinder bbox, fixed and enhanced IsInside func
Floris Berendsen (2):
COMP: add symbol name mangling for niftilib in ITK
COMP: add symbol name mangling for niftilib in ITK
Francois Budin (54) fbudin :
ENH: Bump ITK version to 4.13.0.
BUG: Update external data content links
ENH: Add cleanup option to content synchronization script
Revert "Merge branch 'feenableexcept-musl-for-release' into release"
Merge branch 'upstream-metaio' into update_metaIO
ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.12.1.
COMP: Remove -fvisibility-inlines-hidden warning with CMake 2.8.12
BUG: Remove VNL view from array functions and rename wrong variable
BUG: itkSimilarity2DTransform was not reporting singular matrices
ENH: Add test to verify ITK-3553 fixes
BUG: itkTestingComparisonImageFilter should derive from itkImageToImageFilter
BUG: Update tests to use ImageToImage compare image filter
ENH: Add options to itkTestDriver and itkTestingComparisonImageFilter
ENH: Adds MINC image IO wrapping
ENH: Replace ICONV with ICU to compile DCMTK
DOC: Document that workaround MSVC 2017 optimization bug has been corrected
BUG: sha512 file must exist before complaining that it hasn't been updated
BUG: Missing files for DCMTK ImageOrientation test
BUG: itkgdcmopenjp2 was not exported in the build tree in GDCM
BUG: Duplicate SetInput()/GetInput() in itkTestingComparisonImageFilter
BUG: ICU_ARGS CMake variable should be declared CACHE
BUG: Typo in CMake variable name
BUG: Build DMCTK on Windows
BUG: Support color images (RGB/RGBA) with DCMTK
ENH: Add test for colored images loaded with DCMTK
BUG: ICU is always compiled statically
ENH: Update DCMTK build instructions for Windows
ENH: Adds itk_module_examples() macro
COMP: Bump CMake required version to 2.8.12
ENH: Simplify itk-module-init.cmake for DCMTK
BUG: Inconsistent image information between result and baseline
BUG: Python docstrings were not generated anymore
ENH: Add __call__() function in Python itkTemplate objects
BUG: DMCTK configuration with ICU on Windows was only correct for VS2017
BUG: Remove man page generation that is not necessary anymore
ENH: Improving factory registration
ENH: Adding factory components
ENH: Update remote modules using FACTORY_NAMES
BUG: Add previously removed function __getattr__() in `itkTemplate.py`
BUG: Synchronize factories across modules in Python
ENH: Allow RAW itk-module as shared library
BUG: ITK_WRAP_DOC should not be saved in ITKConfig.cmake
BUG: Remove unicode characters that stop python docstring generation
BUG: `doxy2swig.py` failed with Python3
BUG: Allow compilation of VNL with MSVC<1600
BUG: \default is not a doxygen keyword
BUG: Better control of GDCM symbols with CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS
ENH: github comparison instead of shortlog in `UpdateThirdPartyFromUpstream.sh`
BUG: DCMTK CMakeLists.txt detects MSVC versions in [1910,1919] as MSVC2017
BUG: itkObjectFactoryBase was making ITK initialization crash
BUG: itkSpatialObject.cxx was not respecting ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE
BUG: Create IO Meta modules at module loading time
GCC-XML Upstream (1):
ENH: pygccxml v1.9.0 (reduced)
GDCM Upstream (4):
GDCM 2017-09-15 (87e3c363)
GDCM 2017-10-13 (46919364)
GDCM 2017-11-09 (af81d444)
GDCM 2017-11-23 (4c51c343)
Google double-conversion Maintainers (1):
ENH: Google double-conversion (reduced)
GoogleTest Upstream (2):
googletest 2016-07-14 (a3ac2d7f)
GoogleTest 2017-12-11 (0fe96607)
Hans Johnson (7) hjmjohnson :
BUG: vnl_fft_1d lacks sufficient numerical stability
COMP: Clang compiler regression
ENH: Synchronized with cmake version of file
COMP: Missing ITK_OVERRIDE for BinaryPruningIMageFilter
BUG: Fix non-windows cmake configuration regression
COMP: Fix VariationalRegistration for future const GetMacro support
Jean-Baptiste VIMORT (2) jbvimort :
ENH: Automatic enabling of the -fPIC flag for external modules
ENH: Supression of GDCM's linking to CoreFoundation
Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (6) jcfr :
ENH: Support installing each module python wrapping independently
COMP: Update KWsys to set MACOSX_RPATH property based on CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH
COMP: Update MINC to set MACOSX_RPATH property based on CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH
COMP: ITKModuleExternal: Reset targets file
BUG: Fix hook clone
COMP: UseITK: Fix configure error due to different subproject requirements
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (37) jhlegarreta :
ENH: Improve coverage for v3 compatibility image arithm filters.
DOC: Fix typo in 'exception'.
STYLE: Improve the itk::FastMarchingImageFilterBase class style.
STYLE: Improve itkApproximageSignedDistanceMapImageFilterTest style.
ENH: Check for input/output objects with an assertion.
BUG: Fix const casting compiler errors.
DOC: Update old file headers/copyright notices.
STYLE: Improve the itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussiaImageFilter style.
ENH: Improve coverage for itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.
BUG: Fix links to NOTICE and LICENSE files in `README.md`.
STYLE: Conform (partially) to ITK coding style.
DOC: Add missing links to Markdown file cross-refs.
ENH: Add a Pull Request template.
DOC: Remove extension to Markdown cross-ref link text.
STYLE: Change SubtractConstantFromImageFilterTest name.
BUG: Add missing input image iterator declaration.
BUG: Fix Superclass names in V3Compatibility tests.
DOC: Fix wrong comments in V3Compatibility tests.
DOC: Correct the preferred class names in ITKv4.
COMP: Fix valgrind-detected uninitialized members.
ENH: Improve coverage for itkWarpHarmonicEnergyCalculator.
ENH: Bump lastest version of remote repository.
ENH: Display error message in Iterator classes' wrapping.
DOC: Add links to NOTICE and LICENSE files in README.
DOC: Rework the contributing files.
DOC: Document how to upload binary data in a Markdown file.
DOC: Transition ThirdParty top-level README files to Markdown.
DOC: Add third party project updating documentation markdown file.
DOC: Document the release process in a Markdown file.
DOC: Transition Utilities/Maintenance/README Markdown.
DOC: Remove Documentation/Style.pdf file.
DOC: Redirect the "Submit a patch" link to `CONTRIBUTING.md`.
DOC: Mention the ITK full name in `README.md`.
DOC: Fix broken links and oversights in `CONTRIBUTING.md`.
DOC: Add a `GitHelp.md` resource to Documentation.
DOC: Make the ITK long name be consistent in .md files.
KWSys Upstream (1):
KWSys 2017-10-17 (fc4d55ba)
Laura Pascal (2):
ENH: Update version of DCMTK to 3.6.1_20170529
ENH: Update the DoubleConversion library upstream update script.
Mathieu Malaterre (4) mathieu.malaterre :
ENH: Explicit set the precision when printing double
ENH: Use double floating point API for MetaImage
ENH: Define a global default double precision for MetaImage
ENH: Enforce data truncation for legacy tests
Matthew McCormick (52) matt.mccormick :
ENH: Add install rules for External Module Python package
COMP: Do not wrap std::_Deque_alloc
ENH: Wrap RegionOfInterestFilter for VectorImage's
COMP: Disable CoreFoundation calls
ENH: Execute the merge when updating third party subtrees
ENH: Allow custom repo and branch for MetaIO subtree updates
COMP: Specify AR to PCRE build on macOS
BUG: Mark GoogleTest CMake options as advanced
COMP: Address LBFGS2Optimizerv4 doxygen warnings
BUG: ITKIOGE has a public dependency on ITKIOIPL
COMP: Bump KWStyle to latest master
ENH: Add TextureFeatures remote module
COMP: Detect the presence of mallinfo
COMP: IsNull() capitalization in LevelSetEquationAdvectionTerm
ENH: Wrap FloatingPointExceptions
COMP: Fail early when byteswap functions are not available
COMP: Detect the presence of feenableexcept
BUG: Use itkGetConstObjectMacro for LogBiasFieldControlPointLattice
COMP: Detect the presence of feenableexcept
COMP: Fix AnisotropicDiffusionLBR example build
BUG: Correct GPUMeanImageFilter Superclass
BUG: Remove debug code from GPUMeanImageFilter
BUG: Do not use static_cast, SmartPointer in GPUImage::GetGPUDataManager
BUG: Remove debug code in itkGPUImage.hxx
COMP: Do not call vector.data() in ITKIOBruker
ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.12.1
DOC: Format the README in markdown syntax
DOC: Enable offline Doxygen support
BUG: Update Bruker IO wrapping after migration from ITKReview
COMP: Update MorphologicalContourInterpolation to 2017-09-22
DOC: Do not pre-cache Doxygen php files
DOC: Expose RayCastInterpolateImageFunction members in Doxygen
BUG: RayCastInterpolateImageFunciton physical space issues
COMP: Overloaded - operator ambiguous in RayCastInterpolateImageFunction
BUG: Add missing template export for GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
ENH: Wrap {Correlation,Demons,JointHistogramMI} Metricv4
ENH: Add Python wrapping for ITKIOMesh
BUG: Hide HDF5 CMake options from main configuration
BUG: Add DCMTK external project dependency after ExternalProject_Add
COMP: Bump CastXML to 2017-11-06 master
BUG: Fix hooks clone when ITK is a submodule
BUG: Remove duplicate entries of ITK_WRAP_PYTHON_LIBRARY_IMPORTS
DOC: Remove broken HoughTransform2DCircles wiki examples link
DOC: NeighborhoodIterator documentation formatting improvements
COMP: Do not use export macro in vnl_amoeba default_verbose
COMP: HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter lines too long for Software Guide
COMP: Do not wrap itk::ObjectFactoryBasePrivate
DOC: Update Python package release process
MetaIO Maintainers (5):
MetaIO 2017-07-20 (92caf34d)
MetaIO 2017-08-17 (3e1cb552)
MetaIO 2017-10-04 (55395e3d)
MetaIO 2017-08-31 (5f935e1b)
MetaIO 2017-12-04 (02a2e22e)
Niels Dekker (23) Niels_Dekker :
COMP: Fixed <nifti1_io.h> leak into user code
STYLE: Replaced NiftiImageHolder by AutoPointer
COMP: Fixed "gifti_io.h" leak into user code
COMP: Fixed "Ge5xHdr.h" leak into user code
PERF: Break out of loop as soon as requested number of circles is found
STYLE: Removed useless (or obsolete) local bool, 'found'.
PERF: Avoid redundant search in GetCircles(n)
PERF: GetCircles now calls Graft, instead of copying pixels from GetOutput(0)
DOC: Added comment that the grafted output image should not be modified.
STYLE: Removed HoughTransform GetCircles parameter (n) which appears obsolete
ENH: Added deprecated GetCircles(unsigned int) overload to HoughTransform
COMP: Replaced deprecated GetCircles(n) call in HoughTransform example
BUG: HoughTransform CirclesList should be empty when NumberOfCircles is zero
ENH: Tested HoughTransform CirclesList is empty when NumberOfCircles is zero
BUG: HoughTransform GetCircles() should avoid circles with accumulator <= 0
STYLE: Removed HoughTransform GetLines parameter (n), which appears obsolete
ENH: Improved HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter accuracy, using Math::Round
BUG: HoughTransform GetLines() returned too many lines
PERF: Improved speed of HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter::GenerateData()
STYLE: HoughTransform calling convenience overload of SetVariance
DOC: Mentioned that HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter also finds discs
ENH: Allow different types accumulator and radius image Hough Circles filter
BUG: Access violation itkGaussianDerivativeOperatorTest argv[0]
Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan (4) phcerdan :
ENH: Add External Module IsotropicWavelets.
ENH: Update ExternalModule IsotropicWavelets to v0.4
ENH: Update IsotropicWavelets
Rene-Paul Debroize (1):
ENH: Add remote module TBBImageToImageFilter
Samuel Gerber (2):
ENH: Adding libLBFGS third party library
BUG: stdint.h missing on Visual Studio 9
Sean McBride (17) seanm :
COMP: Added missing ITK_OVERRIDE
COMP: fixed compilation error with int vs nullptr_t
PERF: Fixed some comments; prefer preincrement
COMP: add itk prefix to gdcmopenjp2 library name
COMP: Fixed some -Winconsistent-missing-override warnings
COMP: Added ITK_OVERRIDE to hundreds of destructor declarations.
COMP: Made ITK_OVERRIDE work only in MSVC >= 2012 (instead of 2010)
COMP: Fixed Wshadow warnings by removing shadows
COMP: Added a bunch more missing ITK_OVERRIDE
COMP: suppress all compilers warnings from third party google test
COMP: Added yet more ITK_OVERRIDEs, mostly on destructors
COMP: Added yet more ITK_OVERRIDEs
COMP: Fixed various -Wconst-qual warnings
COMP: Fixed some Wcast-qual warnings
COMP: Removed superfluous declarations in subclass, fixing override warnings
COMP: Silence -Wunused-template warnings by making affected methods inline
Simon Rit (1) simon.rit :
COMP: remove dynamic exception specifications
Steve Pieper (1) pieper :
BUG: ITK-3553 fixes ImageOrientation issue in DCMTK reader
Tobias Wood (3) spinicist :
ENH: Updated the Bruker2DSeq reader to ParaVision 6.0
BUG: Bruker2dseq was not registered correctly due to module name change.
BUG: Fixed origin & orientation issues.
VXL Maintainers (2):
VNL 2017-10-05 (dd7794d9)
VNL 2017-12-08 (a1573ca8)
Vladimir S. FONOV (2):
MINC 2017-09-14 (e11c6df9)
MINC 2017-10-18 (f2d06a67)
Ziv Yaniv (2) zivy :
DOC: Updated documentation for LabelStatisticsImageFilter::GetBoundingBox.
BUG: itkVTKImageIO::CanWriteFile accepted files with wrong extension.
ITK Sphinx Examples Changelog
Bradley Lowekamp (1) blowekamp :
Add python syntax highlighting
Dženan Zukić (1) dzenanz :
COMP: allow examples to build when ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE is enabled
Francois Budin (1) fbudin :
ENH: Bump ITK version to 4.13.0
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (6) jhlegarreta :
ENH: Add WatershedImageFilter example.
ENH: Improve layout and doc for adaptive histogram equalization example.
ENH: Update the ToDo list of examples to import from Wiki.
ENH: Add an example for itk::AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter.
BUG: Fix the example images not being rendered.
DOC: Improve the README.rst code syntax.
Matt McCormick (2) matt.mccormick :
DOC: Update documentation to install PyPI package
STYLE: Make Python code in src/ flake8 compliant
ITK Software Guide Changelog
Francois Budin (1) fbudin :
ENH: Add patch number to ITK version in Software guide
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (21) jhlegarreta :
ENH: Make class and brief dcostring keywords' start columns consistent.
DOC: Update the ITK logo to the new ITK logo.
DOC: Fix `ParseCxxExamples.py` script location in `README.md`.
DOC: Fix use of \center vs. \centering in figures.
DOC: Update to the official name of Apple OS systems.
DOC: Remove redundant greater-than sign in path.
DOC: Keep ITK CMake minimum required version consistency.
DOC: Update the Advanced Module Configuration CMake options.
DOC: Update Figures 2.2 and 2.3 in Advanced Module Configuration.
DOC: Update supported compilers' list.
DOC: Transition SoftwareGuide/Cover and Latex READMEs to Markdown
DOC: Fix ITK long name case mismatch.
DOC: Fix Coding Style Guide formatting issues.
DOC: Add Documentation Style section.
DOC: Add a CMake Style item to the Overview section.
DOC: Mention the ITK full name in common abstract.
DOC: Add a cross compilation section to Configuring and Building ch.
DOC: Add content to empty example in Variable Initialization
DOC: Use tilde to connect names and references.
DOC: Enhance the `README.md` syntax.
DOC: Add a test layout subsection.
Matt McCormick (17) matt.mccormick :
DOC: Correct Coding Style Guide doxygen links
ENH: Enable specification of ITK_GIT_TAG in the superbuild
COMP: Use the xcolor package instead of color
ENH: Split Running and Parsing examples into an ExternalProject
ENH: Improve EPS conversion operation output
ENH: Add support for Ninja job pools
COMP: Address undefined colorlet command
COMP: Undefined toprule command
COMP: Undefined control sequence cellcolor
COMP: Undefined table configuration
BUG: Do not add_subdirectory(Examples) for ITKSoftwareGuide build
BUG: Do not depend on Examples generated .tex sources
BUG: Update ITK version to 2017-12-15 master
ENH: Add CircleCI configuration
ENH: Propagate CMAKE_{C,CXX}_COMPILER_LAUNCHER in superbuild
ENH: Bump ITK version to 4.13.0