
Latest version: v0.4.30

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* Support for monolithic CUDA jaxlibs has been dropped. You must use the
plugin-based installation (`pip install jax[cuda12]` or
`pip install jax[cuda12_local]`).


* Changes
* We anticipate that this will be the last release of JAX and jaxlib
supporting a monolithic CUDA jaxlib. Future releases will use the CUDA
plugin jaxlib (e.g. `pip install jax[cuda12]`).
* JAX now requires ml_dtypes version 0.4.0 or newer.
* Removed backwards-compatibility support for old usage of the
`jax.experimental.export` API. It is not possible anymore to use
`from jax.experimental.export import export`, and instead you should use
`from jax.experimental import export`.
The removed functionality has been deprecated since 0.4.24.
* Added `is_leaf` argument to {func}`jax.tree.all` & {func}`jax.tree_util.tree_all`.

* Deprecations
* `jax.sharding.XLACompatibleSharding` is deprecated. Please use
* `jax.experimental.Exported.in_shardings` has been renamed as
`jax.experimental.Exported.in_shardings_hlo`. Same for `out_shardings`.
The old names will be removed after 3 months.
* Removed a number of previously-deprecated APIs:
* from {mod}`jax.core`: `non_negative_dim`, `DimSize`, `Shape`
* from {mod}`jax.lax`: `tie_in`
* from {mod}`jax.nn`: `normalize`
* from {mod}`jax.interpreters.xla`: `backend_specific_translations`,
`translations`, `register_translation`, `xla_destructure`,
`TranslationRule`, `TranslationContext`, `XlaOp`.
* The ``tol`` argument of {func}`jax.numpy.linalg.matrix_rank` is being
deprecated and will soon be removed. Use `rtol` instead.
* The ``rcond`` argument of {func}`jax.numpy.linalg.pinv` is being
deprecated and will soon be removed. Use `rtol` instead.
* The deprecated `jax.config` submodule has been removed. To configure JAX
use `import jax` and then reference the config object via `jax.config`.
* {mod}`jax.random` APIs no longer accept batched keys, where previously
some did unintentionally. Going forward, we recommend explicit use of
{func}`jax.vmap` in such cases.
* In {func}`jax.scipy.special.beta`, the `x` and `y` parameters have been
renamed to `a` and `b` for consistency with other `beta` APIs.

* New Functionality
* Added {func}`jax.experimental.Exported.in_shardings_jax` to construct
shardings that can be used with the JAX APIs from the HloShardings
that are stored in the `Exported` objects.

jaxlib 0.4.29 (June 10, 2024)

* Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug where XLA sharded some concatenation operations incorrectly,
which manifested as an incorrect output for cumulative reductions (21403).
* Fixed a bug where XLA:CPU miscompiled certain matmul fusions
* Fixes a compiler crash on GPU (https://github.com/google/jax/issues/21396).

* Deprecations
* `jax.tree.map(f, None, non-None)` now emits a `DeprecationWarning`, and will
raise an error in a future version of jax. `None` is only a tree-prefix of
itself. To preserve the current behavior, you can ask `jax.tree.map` to
treat `None` as a leaf value by writing:
`jax.tree.map(lambda x, y: None if x is None else f(x, y), a, b, is_leaf=lambda x: x is None)`.


* Bug fixes
* Reverted a change to `make_jaxpr` that was breaking Equinox (21116).

* Deprecations & removals
* The ``kind`` argument to {func}`jax.numpy.sort` and {func}`jax.numpy.argsort`
is now removed. Use `stable=True` or `stable=False` instead.
* Removed ``get_compute_capability`` from the ``jax.experimental.pallas.gpu``
module. Use the ``compute_capability`` attribute of a GPU device, returned
by {func}`jax.devices` or {func}`jax.local_devices`, instead.
* The ``newshape`` argument to {func}`jax.numpy.reshape`is being deprecated
and will soon be removed. Use `shape` instead.

* Changes
* The minimum jaxlib version of this release is 0.4.27.

jaxlib 0.4.28 (May 9, 2024)

* Bug fixes
* Fixes a memory corruption bug in the type name of Array and JIT Python
objects in Python 3.10 or earlier.
* Fixed a warning `'+ptx84' is not a recognized feature for this target`
under CUDA 12.4.
* Fixed a slow compilation problem on CPU.

* Changes
* The Windows build is now built with Clang instead of MSVC.


* New Functionality
* Added {func}`jax.numpy.unstack` and {func}`jax.numpy.cumulative_sum`,
following their addition in the array API 2023 standard, soon to be
adopted by NumPy.
* Added a new config option `jax_cpu_collectives_implementation` to select the
implementation of cross-process collective operations used by the CPU backend.
Choices available are `'none'`(default), `'gloo'` and `'mpi'` (requires jaxlib 0.4.26).
If set to `'none'`, cross-process collective operations are disabled.

* Changes
* {func}`jax.pure_callback`, {func}`jax.experimental.io_callback`
and {func}`jax.debug.callback` now use {class}`jax.Array` instead
of {class}`np.ndarray`. You can recover the old behavior by transforming
the arguments via `jax.tree.map(np.asarray, args)` before passing them
to the callback.
* `complex_arr.astype(bool)` now follows the same semantics as NumPy, returning
False where `complex_arr` is equal to `0 + 0j`, and True otherwise.
* `core.Token` now is a non-trivial class which wraps a `jax.Array`. It could
be created and threaded in and out of computations to build up dependency.
The singleton object `core.token` has been removed, users now should create
and use fresh `core.Token` objects instead.
* On GPU, the Threefry PRNG implementation no longer lowers to a kernel call
by default. This choice can improve runtime memory usage at a compile-time
cost. Prior behavior, which produces a kernel call, can be recovered with
`jax.config.update('jax_threefry_gpu_kernel_lowering', True)`. If the new
default causes issues, please file a bug. Otherwise, we intend to remove
this flag in a future release.

* Deprecations & Removals
* Pallas now exclusively uses XLA for compiling kernels on GPU. The old
lowering pass via Triton Python APIs has been removed and the
`JAX_TRITON_COMPILE_VIA_XLA` environment variable no longer has any effect.
* {func}`jax.numpy.clip` has a new argument signature: `a`, `a_min`, and
`a_max` are deprecated in favor of `x` (positional only), `min`, and
`max` ({jax-issue}`20550`).
* The `device()` method of JAX arrays has been removed, after being deprecated
since JAX v0.4.21. Use `arr.devices()` instead.
* The `initial` argument to {func}`jax.nn.softmax` and {func}`jax.nn.log_softmax`
is deprecated; empty inputs to softmax are now supported without setting this.
* In {func}`jax.jit`, passing invalid `static_argnums` or `static_argnames`
now leads to an error rather than a warning.
* The minimum jaxlib version is now 0.4.23.
* The {func}`jax.numpy.hypot` function now issues a deprecation warning when
passing complex-valued inputs to it. This will raise an error when the
deprecation is completed.
* Scalar arguments to {func}`jax.numpy.nonzero`, {func}`jax.numpy.where`, and
related functions now raise an error, following a similar change in NumPy.
* The config option `jax_cpu_enable_gloo_collectives` is deprecated.
Use `jax.config.update('jax_cpu_collectives_implementation', 'gloo')` instead.
* The `jax.Array.device_buffer` and `jax.Array.device_buffers` methods have
been removed after being deprecated in JAX v0.4.22. Instead use
{attr}`jax.Array.addressable_shards` and {meth}`jax.Array.addressable_data`.
* The `condition`, `x`, and `y` parameters of `jax.numpy.where` are now
positional-only, following deprecation of the keywords in JAX v0.4.21.
* Non-array arguments to functions in {mod}`jax.lax.linalg` now must be
specified by keyword. Previously, this raised a DeprecationWarning.
* Array-like arguments are now required in several :func:`jax.numpy` APIs,
including {func}`~jax.numpy.apply_along_axis`,
{func}`~jax.numpy.apply_over_axes`, {func}`~jax.numpy.inner`,
{func}`~jax.numpy.outer`, {func}`~jax.numpy.cross`,
{func}`~jax.numpy.kron`, and {func}`~jax.numpy.lexsort`.

* Bug fixes
* {func}`jax.numpy.astype` will now always return a copy when `copy=True`.
Previously, no copy would be made when the output array would have the same
dtype as the input array. This may result in some increased memory usage.
The default value is set to `copy=False` to preserve backwards compatibility.

jaxlib 0.4.27 (May 7, 2024)


* New Functionality
* Added {func}`jax.numpy.trapezoid`, following the addition of this function in
NumPy 2.0.

* Changes
* Complex-valued {func}`jax.numpy.geomspace` now chooses the logarithmic spiral
branch consistent with that of NumPy 2.0.
* The behavior of `lax.rng_bit_generator`, and in turn the `'rbg'`
and `'unsafe_rbg'` PRNG implementations, under `jax.vmap` [has
changed](https://github.com/google/jax/issues/19085) so that
mapping over keys results in random generation only from the first
key in the batch.
* Docs now use `jax.random.key` for construction of PRNG key arrays
rather than `jax.random.PRNGKey`.

* Deprecations & Removals
* {func}`jax.tree_map` is deprecated; use `jax.tree.map` instead, or for backward
compatibility with older JAX versions, use {func}`jax.tree_util.tree_map`.
* {func}`jax.clear_backends` is deprecated as it does not necessarily do what
its name suggests and can lead to unexpected consequences, e.g., it will not
destroy existing backends and release corresponding owned resources. Use
{func}`jax.clear_caches` if you only want to clean up compilation caches.
For backward compatibility or you really need to switch/reinitialize the
default backend, use {func}`jax.extend.backend.clear_backends`.
* The `jax.experimental.maps` module and `jax.experimental.maps.xmap` are
deprecated. Use `jax.experimental.shard_map` or `jax.vmap` with the
`spmd_axis_name` argument for expressing SPMD device-parallel computations.
* The `jax.experimental.host_callback` module is deprecated.
Use instead the [new JAX external callbacks](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/external_callbacks.html).
Added `JAX_HOST_CALLBACK_LEGACY` flag to assist in the transition to the
new callbacks. See {jax-issue}`20385` for a discussion.
* Passing arguments to {func}`jax.numpy.array_equal` and {func}`jax.numpy.array_equiv`
that cannot be converted to a JAX array now results in an exception.
* The deprecated flag `jax_parallel_functions_output_gda` has been removed.
This flag was long deprecated and did nothing; its use was a no-op.
* The previously-deprecated imports `jax.interpreters.ad.config` and
`jax.interpreters.ad.source_info_util` have now been removed. Use `jax.config`
and `jax.extend.source_info_util` instead.
* JAX export does not support older serialization versions anymore. Version 9
has been supported since October 27th, 2023 and has become the default
since February 1, 2024.
See [a description of the versions](https://github.com/google/jax/blob/main/jax/experimental/jax2tf/README.md#native-serialization-versions).
This change could break clients that set a specific
JAX serialization version lower than 9.

jaxlib 0.4.26 (April 3, 2024)

* Changes
* JAX now supports CUDA 12.1 or newer only. Support for CUDA 11.8 has been
* JAX now supports NumPy 2.0.


* New Features
* Added [CUDA Array
import support (requires jaxlib 0.4.24).
* JAX arrays now support NumPy-style scalar boolean indexing, e.g. `x[True]` or `x[False]`.
* Added {mod}`jax.tree` module, with a more convenient interface for referencing functions
in {mod}`jax.tree_util`.
* {func}`jax.tree.transpose` (i.e. {func}`jax.tree_util.tree_transpose`) now accepts
`inner_treedef=None`, in which case the inner treedef will be automatically inferred.

* Changes
* Pallas now uses XLA instead of the Triton Python APIs to compile Triton
kernels. You can revert to the old behavior by setting the
`JAX_TRITON_COMPILE_VIA_XLA` environment variable to `"0"`.
* Several deprecated APIs in {mod}`jax.interpreters.xla` that were removed in v0.4.24
have been re-added in v0.4.25, including `backend_specific_translations`,
`translations`, `register_translation`, `xla_destructure`, `TranslationRule`,
`TranslationContext`, and `XLAOp`. These are still considered deprecated, and
will be removed again in the future when better replacements are available.
Refer to {jax-issue}`19816` for discussion.

* Deprecations & Removals
* {func}`jax.numpy.linalg.solve` now shows a deprecation warning for batched 1D
solves with `b.ndim > 1`. In the future these will be treated as batched 2D
* Conversion of a non-scalar array to a Python scalar now raises an error, regardless
of the size of the array. Previously a deprecation warning was raised in the case of
non-scalar arrays of size 1. This follows a similar deprecation in NumPy.
* The previously deprecated configuration APIs have been removed
following a standard 3 months deprecation cycle (see {ref}`api-compatibility`).
These include
* the `jax.config.config` object and
* the `define_*_state` and `DEFINE_*` methods of {data}`jax.config`.
* Importing the `jax.config` submodule via `import jax.config` is deprecated.
To configure JAX use `import jax` and then reference the config object
via `jax.config`.
* The minimum jaxlib version is now 0.4.20.

jaxlib 0.4.25 (Feb 26, 2024)

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