* [GitHub
* Breaking changes:
* Support for NumPy 1.17 has been dropped, per the
[deprecation policy](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deprecation.html).
Please upgrade to a supported NumPy version.
* The `jit` decorator has been added around the implementation of a number of
operators on JAX arrays. This speeds up dispatch times for common
operators such as `+`.
This change should largely be transparent to most users. However, there is
one known behavioral change, which is that large integer constants may now
produce an error when passed directly to a JAX operator
(e.g., `x + 2**40`). The workaround is to cast the constant to an
explicit type (e.g., `np.float64(2**40)`).
* New features:
* Improved the support for shape polymorphism in jax2tf for operations that
need to use a dimension size in array computation, e.g., `jnp.mean`.
* Bug fixes:
* Some leaked trace errors from the previous release ({jax-issue}`7613`)
jaxlib 0.1.70 (Aug 9, 2021)
* Breaking changes:
* Support for Python 3.6 has been dropped, per the
[deprecation policy](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deprecation.html).
Please upgrade to a supported Python version.
* Support for NumPy 1.17 has been dropped, per the
[deprecation policy](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deprecation.html).
Please upgrade to a supported NumPy version.
* The host_callback mechanism now uses one thread per local device for
making the calls to the Python callbacks. Previously there was a single
thread for all devices. This means that the callbacks may now be called
interleaved. The callbacks corresponding to one device will still be
called in sequence.