* [GitHub commits](https://github.com/jax-ml/jax/compare/jax-v0.2.9...jax-v0.2.10).
* New features:
* {func}`jax.scipy.stats.chi2` is now available as a distribution with logpdf and pdf methods.
* {func}`jax.scipy.stats.betabinom` is now available as a distribution with logpmf and pmf methods.
* Added {func}`jax.experimental.jax2tf.call_tf` to call TensorFlow functions
from JAX ({jax-issue}`5627`)
and [README](https://github.com/jax-ml/jax/blob/main/jax/experimental/jax2tf/README.md#calling-tensorflow-functions-from-jax)).
* Extended the batching rule for `lax.pad` to support batching of the padding values.
* Bug fixes:
* {func}`jax.numpy.take` properly handles negative indices ({jax-issue}`5768`)
* Breaking changes:
* JAX's promotion rules were adjusted to make promotion more consistent and
invariant to JIT. In particular, binary operations can now result in weakly-typed
values when appropriate. The main user-visible effect of the change is that
some operations result in outputs of different precision than before; for
example the expression `jnp.bfloat16(1) + 0.1 * jnp.arange(10)`
previously returned a `float64` array, and now returns a `bfloat16` array.
JAX's type promotion behavior is described at {ref}`type-promotion`.
* {func}`jax.numpy.linspace` now computes the floor of integer values, i.e.,
rounding towards -inf rather than 0. This change was made to match NumPy
* {func}`jax.numpy.i0` no longer accepts complex numbers. Previously the
function computed the absolute value of complex arguments. This change was
made to match the semantics of NumPy 1.20.0.
* Several {mod}`jax.numpy` functions no longer accept tuples or lists in place
of array arguments: {func}`jax.numpy.pad`, :func`jax.numpy.ravel`,
{func}`jax.numpy.repeat`, {func}`jax.numpy.reshape`.
In general, {mod}`jax.numpy` functions should be used with scalars or array arguments.
jaxlib 0.1.62 (March 9 2021)
* New features:
* jaxlib wheels are now built to require AVX instructions on x86-64 machines
by default. If you want to use JAX on a machine that doesn't support AVX,
you can build a jaxlib from source using the `--target_cpu_features` flag
to `build.py`. `--target_cpu_features` also replaces
jaxlib 0.1.61 (February 12 2021)
jaxlib 0.1.60 (February 3 2021)
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed a memory leak when converting CPU DeviceArrays to NumPy arrays. The
memory leak was present in jaxlib releases 0.1.58 and 0.1.59.
* `bool`, `int8`, and `uint8` are now considered safe to cast to
`bfloat16` NumPy extension type.