* Single label hostnames are now properly considered valid according to the ``hostname`` format. This is the behavior specified by the relevant RFC (1123). IDN hostname behavior was already correct.
* Importing the ``Validator`` protocol directly from the package root is deprecated. Import it from ``jsonschema.protocols.Validator`` instead. * Automatic retrieval of remote references (which is still deprecated) now properly succeeds even if the retrieved resource does not declare which version of JSON Schema it uses. Such resources are assumed to be 2020-12 schemas. This more closely matches the pre-referencing library behavior.
* Set a ``jsonschema`` specific user agent when automatically retrieving remote references (which is deprecated).
* Declare support for Py3.12
* Improve the hashability of wrapped referencing exceptions when they contain hashable data.
* Properly preserve ``applicable_validators`` in extended validators. Specifically, validators extending early drafts where siblings of ``$ref`` were ignored will properly ignore siblings in the extended validator.